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:target: https://pypi.org/project/hexrec/
.. end-badges
Library to handle hexadecimal record files
- Free software: BSD 2-Clause License
The purpose of this library is to provide simple but useful methods to load,
edit, and save hexadecimal record files.
In the field of embedded systems, hexadecimal record files are the most common
way to share binary data to be written to the target non-volatile memory, such
as a EEPROM or microcontroller code flash.
Such binary data can contain compiled executable code, configuration data,
volatile memory dumps, etc.
The most common file formats for hexadecimal record files are Intel HEX
(.hex) and Motorola S-record (.srec).
Other common formats for binary data exchange for embedded systems include the
Executable and Linkable Format (.elf), hex dumps (by hexdump or xxd),
and raw binary files (.bin).
A good thing about hexadecimal record files is that they are almost de-facto,
so every time a supplier has to give away its binary data it is either in HEX
or SREC, although ELF is arguably the most common for debuggable executables.
A bad thing is that their support in embedded software toolsets is sometimes
flawed or only one of the formats is supported, while the supplier provides its
binary data in the other format.
Another feature is that binary data is split into text record lines (thus their
name) protected by some kind of checksum. This is good for data exchange and
line-by-line writing to the target memory (in the old days), but this makes
in-place editing by humans rather tedious as data should be split, and the
checksum and other metadata have to be updated.
All of the above led to the development of this library, which allows to,
for example:
- convert between hexadecimal record formats;
- merge/patch multiple hexadecimal record files of different formats;
- access every single record of a hexadecimal record file;
- build records through handy methods;
- edit sparse data in a virtual memory behaving like a
; - extract or update only some parts of the binary data.
For the full documentation, please refer to:
Within the hexrec
package itself are the symbols of the most commonly used
classes and functions.
As the core of this library are record files, the hexrec.base
is the
first module a user should look up.
It provides high-level functions to deal with record files, as well as classes
holding record data.
The hexrec.base
allows to load bytesparse
virtual memories, which
are as easy to use as the native bytearray
, but with sparse data blocks.
The hexrec.utils
module provides some miscellaneous utility stuff.
is an emulation of the xxd
command line utility delivered
by vim
The package can also be run as a command line tool, by running the hexrec
package itself (python -m hexrec
), providing some record file utilities.
The codebase is written in a simple fashion, to be easily readable and
maintainable, following some naive pythonic K.I.S.S. approach by choice.
To have a glimpse of the features provided by this library, some simple but
common examples are shown in the following.
Convert format
It happens that some software tool only supports some hexadecimal record file
formats, or the format given to you is not handled properly, or simply you
prefer a format against another (e.g. SREC has linear addressing, while HEX
is in a segment:offset fashion).
In this example, a HEX file is converted to SREC.
.. code-block:: python3
from hexrec import convert
convert('data.hex', 'data.srec')
This can also be done by running hexrec
as a command line tool:
.. code-block:: sh
$ hexrec convert data.hex data.srec
Alternatively, by executing the package itself:
.. code-block:: sh
$ python -m hexrec convert data.hex data.srec
Merge files
It is very common that the board factory prefers to receive a single file to
program the microcontroller, because a single file is simpler to manage for
them, and might be faster for their workers or machine, where every second
This example shows how to merge a bootloader, an executable, and some
configuration data into a single file, in the order they are listed.
.. code-block:: python3
from hexrec import merge
in_paths = ['bootloader.hex', 'executable.mot', 'configuration.xtek']
out_path = 'merged.srec'
merge(in_paths, out_path)
Alternatively, these files can be merged via manual load:
.. code-block:: python3
from hexrec import load, SrecFile
in_paths = ['bootloader.hex', 'executable.mot', 'configuration.xtek']
in_files = [load(path) for path in in_paths]
out_file = SrecFile().merge(*in_files)
This can also be accomplished by running the hexrec
package itself as a
command line tool:
.. code-block:: sh
$ hexrec merge bootloader.hex executable.mot configuration.xtek merged.srec
Dataset generator
Let us suppose we are early in the development of the embedded system and we
need to test the current executable with some data stored in EEPROM.
We lack the software tool to generate such data, and even worse we need to test
100 configurations.
For the sake of simplicity, the data structure consists of 4096 random values
(0 to 1) of float
type, stored in little-endian at the address
.. code-block:: python3
import struct, random
from hexrec import SrecFile
for index in range(100):
values = [random.random() for _ in range(4096)]
data = struct.pack('<4096f', *values)
file = SrecFile.from_bytes(data, offset=0xDA7A0000)
Write a CRC
Usually, the executable or the configuration data of an embedded system are
protected by a CRC, so that their integrity can be self-checked.
Let us suppose that for some reason the compiler does not calculate such CRC
the expected way, and we prefer to do it with a script.
This example shows how to load a HEX file, compute a CRC32 from the address
to 0x3FFB
exclusive), and write the calculated CRC
to 0x3FFC
in big-endian as a SREC file.
The rest of the data is left untouched.
.. code-block:: python3
import binascii, struct
from hexrec import load
file = load('checkme.srec')
with file.view(0x1000, 0x3FFC) as view:
crc = binascii.crc32(view) & 0xFFFFFFFF # remove sign
file.write(0x3FFC, struct.pack('>L', crc))
Trim for bootloader
When using a bootloader, it is very important that the application being
written does not overlap with the bootloader. Sometimes the compiler still
generates stuff like a default interrupt table which should reside in the
bootloader, and we need to get rid of it, as well as everything outside the
address range allocated for the application itself.
This example shows how to trim the application executable record file to the
allocated address range 0x8000
. Being written to a flash
memory, unused memory byte cells default to 0xFF
.. code-block:: python3
from hexrec import load, SrecFile
in_file = load('application.mot')
data = in_file.read(0x8000, 0x1FFFF+1, fill=0xFF)
out_file = SrecFile.from_bytes(data, offset=0x8000)
This can also be done by running the hexrec
package as a command line tool:
.. code-block:: sh
$ hexrec crop -s 0x8000 -e 0x20000 -v 0xFF app_original.hex app_trimmed.srec
By contrast, we need to fill the application range within the bootloader image
with 0xFF
, so that no existing application will be available again.
Also, we need to preserve the address range 0x3F800
because it
already contains some important data.
.. code-block:: python3
from hexrec import load
file = load('bootloader.hex')
file.fill(0x8000, 0x1FFFF+1, 0xFF)
file.clear(0x3F800, 0x3FFFF+1)
With the command line interface, it can be done via a two-pass processing,
first to fill the application range, then to clear the reserved range.
Please note that the first command is chained to the second one via standard
output/input buffering (the virtual -
file path, in ihex
format as
per boot_original.hex
.. code-block:: sh
$ hexrec fill -s 0x8000 -e 0x20000 -v 0xFF boot_original.hex - | \
hexrec clear -s 0x3F800 -e 0x40000 -i ihex - boot_fixed.srec
(newline continuation is backslash \
for a Unix-like shell, caret ^
for a DOS prompt).
Export ELF sections
The following example shows how to export sections stored within an
Executable and Linkable File (ELF), compiled for a microcontroller.
As per the previous example, only data within the range 0x8000
are kept, with the rest of the memory filled with the 0xFF
.. code-block:: python3
from hexrec import SrecFile
from bytesparse import Memory
from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile # "pyelftools" package
with open('appelf.elf', 'rb') as elf_stream:
elf_file = ELFFile(elf_stream)
memory = Memory(start=0x8000, endex=0x1FFFF+1) # bounds set
memory.fill(pattern=0xFF) # between bounds
for section in elf_file.iter_sections():
if (section.header.sh_flags & 3) == 3: # SHF_WRITE | SHF_ALLOC
address = section.header.sh_addr
data = section.data()
memory.write(address, data)
out_file = SrecFile.from_memory(memory, header=b'Source: appelf.elf\0')
From PyPI (might not be the latest version found on github):
.. code-block:: sh
$ pip install hexrec
From the source code root directory:
.. code-block:: sh
$ pip install .
To run the all the tests:
.. code-block:: sh
$ pip install tox
$ tox