inlinestyler - Making Styled HTML Email Easy
:Version: 0.2.4
:Download: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/inlinestyler/
:Source: http://github.com/dlanger/inlinestyler/
:Keywords: inline, HTML, CSS, email, preflight
is an easy way to locally inline CSS into an HTML email message.
Styling HTML email is a black art
_. CSS works, but only when it's been placed
inline on the individual elements (and event then, not always) - which makes
development frustrating, and iteration slow.
The general solution is to use an inlining service, which takes a message with
the CSS placed externally, and rewrites it so that all CSS is applied to the
individual elements. The most widely used of these services - and as far as I
can tell, the one that powers CampaignMonitor - is Premailer
_. It's a great
service, and the guys behind it put a lot of work into keeping it up to date
with the most recent discoveries in what works and what doesn't.
takes (most) of the functionality of Premailer, and makes it
available locally, accessible without having call a remote service.
To see what inline-styler
can do, check out this demo
.. _black art
: http://www.campaignmonitor.com/css/
.. _Premailer
: http://premailer.dialect.ca/
.. _demo
: http://inlinestyler.torchboxapps.com/
Caveat Emptor
This project is relatively unmaintained. I will continue to do simple bugfixes
(and patches with tests are welcome), but I won't be adding features or making
new CSS attributes work.
If this doesn't do what you need, check out the premailer project
.. _premailer project
: https://github.com/peterbe/premailer/
Dave Cranwell
_ wrote the original inline-styler
_ single-app Django project.
is a refactor of that project into a free-standing package usable
outside of Django.
.. _inline-styler
: https://github.com/davecranwell/inline-styler
.. _Dave Cranwell
: http://www.twitter.com/davecranwell
requires the following packages in order to run:
It also requires a css_complaiance.csv
file, which indicates the
compatibility of various email clients with certain CSS features. This
is included with the package, but can be updated manually from
Campaign Monitor
_'s spreadsheet.
.. _Campaign Monitor
: http://www.campaignmonitor.com/css/
from inlinestyler.utils import inline_css
message_inline_css = inline_css(message_external_css)
must be a string containing the message to be inlined,
with the CSS presented in the HTML as one of:
- an absolute link
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://mysite.com/styles.css" />
- a
block in the <head>
, without the use of @import
The code will also calculate an estimate for how compatible your message is with
various clients (using the css_compliance.csv
file), but this number isn't
yet exposed.
All development happens at github: http://github.com/dlanger/inlinestyler.
To get yourself started:
#. Clone this repo somewhere
#. make init
to install the right dependencies
#. make test
to run the test suite
Contributions are always more than welcome. If you see something missing, add it
in and send me a pull request.
NOTE: Ubuntu 12.04 (and some other distros) include libxslt
, which changes the now-empty <head>
tag to <head/>
- which
isn't valid HTML 5. To see which version of libxslt
was used to build
your libxml
, examine the output of make init
and look for the
line that looks like Using build configuration of libxslt 1.1.XX
; if
that says 26
, some test failures are expected (at which point, you
can rely on TravisCI
_ to run your tests for you).
You could also install your own version of libxslt
from source, but
you're probably going to have a bad time.
.. _TravisCI
: https://travis-ci.org/dlanger/inlinestyler
This distribution is licensed under the New BSD License
. Please see the
file for a full copy of the license text.
As far as I can tell, Dave Cranwell released
_ the underlying inline-styler
project into the public domain:
I'm [...] releasing it to the public after many requests for the source.
.. _released
: https://github.com/davecranwell/inline-styler/blob/c22a5fb67771d082ce0e999ea814dbdf2f05cdfe/README