A web connected local internet speed and connectivity monitor
This project implements an internet monitor agent providing a speed monitor webthing API as well as a connectivity monitor webthing API.
The internet_monitor_webthing package exposes an http webthing endpoint which supports reading the internet speed results
as well as an endpoint to read the internet connectivity results via http
# webthing has been started on host
# internet speed
"test_period": 900,
"downloadspeed": 215.2,
"uploadspeed": 11,
"ping": 17.763,
"testdate": "2020-10-11T13:44:51.346706",
"speedtest_server": "Mobile Breitbandnetze GmbH/Freisbach",
"speedtest_report_uri": ""
# connectivity
"test_url": "",
"test_period": 5,
"connected": true,
"ip_address": ""
To run this software you may use Docker or PIP package manager such as shown below
Docker approach
sudo docker run -p 8433:8433 grro/internet-monitor
PIP approach
sudo pip install internet_monitor_webthing
After this installation you may start the webthing http endpoint inside your python code or via command line using
sudo netmonitor --command listen --port 8433 --speedtest_period 900 --connecttest_period 10
Here, the webthing API will be bind to on port 8433. The internet speed monitor as well as the connectivity monitor will be started by performing the listen command above.
The speed test will be executed each 15 min (900 sec), the connectivity test will be executed each 10 sec. THe WebThing server provides mDNS to enable clients discovering the WebThing interfaces.
By running a systemd-based Linux distribution you may use the register command to register and start the webthing service as systemd unit.
By doing this the webthing service will be started automatically on boot. Starting the server manually using the listen command is no longer necessary.
sudo netmonitor --command register --port 8433 --speedtest_period 900 --connecttest_period 10
To start the speedtest monitor only just omit the --connecttest_period parameter
sudo netmonitor --command listen --port 8433 --speedtest_period 900