is a text converter from JIRA markup to YouTrack Markdown using parsing expression grammars. The Markdown implementation in YouTrack follows the CommonMark specification with extensions. Thus, jira2markdown
can be used to convert text to any Markdown syntax with minimal modifications.
Table of Contents
pip install jira2markdown
from jira2markdown import convert
convert("Some *Jira text* formatting [example|https://example.com].")
convert("[Winston Smith|~accountid:internal-id] woke up with the word 'Shakespeare' on his lips", {
"internal-id": "winston",
Conversion tables
Jira | Markdown |
h1. Biggest heading | # Biggest heading |
h2. Bigger heading | ## Bigger heading |
h3. Big heading | ### Big heading |
h4. Normal heading | #### Normal heading |
h5. Small heading | ##### Small heading |
h6. Smallest heading | ###### Smallest heading |
Text Effects
Jira | Markdown |
*strong* | **strong** |
_emphasis_ | Not converted (the same syntax) |
??citation?? | <q>citation</q> |
-deleted- | ~~deleted~~ |
+inserted+ | inserted |
^superscript^ | <sup>superscript</sup> |
~subscript~ | <sub>subscript</sub> |
{{monospaced}} | `monospaced` |
bq. Some block quoted text | > Some block quoted text |
{quote}Content to be quoted{quote} | > Content to be quoted |
{color:red}red text!{color} | <font color="red">red text!</font> |
Text Breaks
Jira | Markdown |
\\ | Line break |
--- | — |
-- | – |
Jira | Markdown |
[#anchor] | Not converted |
[^attachment.ext] | [attachment.ext](attachment.ext) |
[http://www.example.com] | <http://www.example.com> |
[Example|http://example.com] | [Example](http://example.com) |
[mailto:box@example.com] | <box@example.com> |
[file:///c:/temp/foo.txt] | Not converted |
{anchor:anchorname} | Not converted |
[~username] | @username |
Jira | Markdown |
* some
* bullet
** indented
** bullets
* points
- some
- bullet
- indented
- bullets
- points
# a
# numbered
# list
1. a
1. numbered
1. list
# a
# numbered
#* with
#* nested
#* bullet
# list
1. a
1. numbered
- with
- nested
- bullet
1. list
* a
* bulleted
*# with
*# nested
*# numbered
* list
- a
- bulleted
1. with
1. nested
1. numbered
- list
Jira | Markdown |
!image.gif|align=right, vspace=4!

!image.jpg|width=300, height=200!
{width=300 height=200}
Jira | Markdown |
||heading 1||heading 2||heading 3||
|col A1|col A2|col A3|
|col B1|col B2|col B3|
|heading 1|heading 2|heading 3|
|col A1|col A2|col A3|
|col B1|col B2|col B3|
Advanced Formatting
Jira | Markdown |
preformatted piece of text
so *no* further _formatting_ is done here
preformatted piece of text
so *no* further _formatting_ is done here
{panel:title=My Title}
Some text with a title
> **My Title**
> Some text with a title
<another tag="attribute"/>
<another tag="attribute"/>
To customize the list of markup elements send it as an optional argument to convert
from jira2markdown import convert
from jira2markdown.elements import MarkupElements
from jira2markdown.markup.links import Link
from jira2markdown.markup.text_effects import Bold
elements = MarkupElements([Link, Bold])
convert("Some Jira text here", elements=elements)
Keep in mind that the order of markup elements is important! Elements are matching first from top to bottom in the list.
To override some elements in the default element list use insert_after
from jira2markdown import convert
from jira2markdown.elements import MarkupElements
from jira2markdown.markup.base import AbstractMarkup
from jira2markdown.markup.links import Link
from jira2markdown.markup.text_effects import Color
class CustomColor(Color):
class MyElement(AbstractMarkup):
elements = MarkupElements()
elements.replace(Color, CustomColor)
elements.insert_after(Link, MyElement)
convert("Some Jira text here", elements=elements)