To install
pip install khbr
Setup an environment variable called "USE_KH2_GITPATH" which points to one level above your extracted KH2 directory (which should be called KH2)
Run to extract the MSN/ARD/OBJ BAR files, which are required to properly generate the mod
Run to pre generate the randomizations for when boss mode == "one_to_one" (currently these are dummy randomizations that won't be stable)
Note the folder generated by this script should either be in the khbr library directory, or at the same directory as your KH2 folder
Instructions to build boss rush alpha exe
- There is some hacky code here, make sure to uncomment for the build (Asset Generator -> TODO FIXME THIS HACKY but for now ju..)
- cd to khbr
- pyinstaller --collect-data KH2
- in the dist folder create a khbr folder, then copy the KH2/data folder there
- copy extracted_data from dist folder into the dist/bossrush folder
- zip up the folder, and upload to gdrive