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:target: https://github.com/facebookincubator/later/actions
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:target: https://github.com/psf/black
What is later
later is a play on Async not happening now but at some point in the future.
It was also an awesome name for a toolkit for writing AsyncIO applications. The
batteries if you will for AsyncIO.
later offers the following functions:
- **asyncio** `Event` enhancements
- ``BiDirectionalEvent`` - Back channel of information for the setter to ensure the waiter has called wait() a second time
- **asyncio** `Task` enhancements
- `Watcher` - Watch tasks and ensure they don't die - take action when they do
- **asyncio** Unittesting enhancements
- `TestCase` - Use in place of `IsolatedAsyncioTestCase` for more wins
- `IsolatedAsyncioTestCase` is backported for 3.7 users
currently backports 3.8's async_case
+ mock
libraries for 3.7 users.
is Apache licensed, as found in the LICENSE file <https://github.com/facebookincubator/later/blob/master/LICENSE>