Mach-O Mach-O Mangler
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This is a little library for mangling Mach-O and PE files in various
ways. These are the formats used for executables and shared libraries
on MacOS and Windows, respectively. (If you want the equivalent for
for Linux, then check out patchelf <>
Macho-O features
Some rather specialized (and complex) Mach-O mangling tools designed
to support the pynativelib proposal <>
to allow native libraries to be distributed as standalone wheel files <>
__. Specifically this includes:
For pynativelib libraries: a tool that takes a dylib, and a mangling
rule, and applies the mangling rule to all the exported
symbols. E.g., it can convert a library that exports SSL_new
into one that exports pynativelib_openssl__SSL_new
. It also
changes the library id while it's at it, e.g. from ssl.dylib
(like install_name_tool -id
Additionally: a tool that creates a "placeholder" library, which
imports the mangled library described above, and then re-exports the
symbols under their original names.
For code that wants to use a pynativelib library: a tool that
takes a dylib/bundle/executable, a list of "original" dylibs, and
for each "original" dylib, a newname for that dylib, and a
mangling rule. It then (a) replaces the import of the original
dylib with an absolute import of the new dylib name from a
non-existent directory, (b) marks this as a "weak" import, (c)
applies the mangling rule to all symbols imported from this dylib,
(d) marks these symbols for lookup in the flat namespace.
It turns out that this exact combination of things is the only way
provided for by the MacOS linker/loader to have dylib/bundle A linked
against dylib B where the relative on-disk location of A and B is not
known until after the executable starts, while preserving the usual
two-level namespace rules for avoiding symbol collisions. I promise it
will all make sense once I have a chance to write it up properly...
Some known limitations of the Mach-O mangling code:
Unsurprisingly, this kind of patching does not play well with code
signing. The code doesn't take any special case with signatures;
they'll probably just get messed up. If you want to sign your
binaries, then do your mangling first before signing.
We currently only rewrite the new-style DYLD_INFO symbol table
(introduced in 10.5), not the (almost?) totally redundant
SYMTAB/DYSYMTAB symbol table. (Interesting fact: all Mach-O binaries
include two completely different representations of their symbols
tables. The new one is more compact, to save space, but then they
keep the old one around for compatibility, so... anyway.) As far as
I can tell, the only thing in in modern MacOS that still uses
, and I don't think anyone is relying
on dladdr
output for, well... anything? I think worst case, you
might end up seeing the original symbol names inside a debugger or
profiler? But this wouldn't be too hard to fix if it becomes a
It doesn't do any special handling of the DYLD_INFO weak_bind table,
or weak exports. (NB these have nothing to do
or __attribute__((weak_import))
or any
of the mentions of the word weak
in the ld
man page – I
think they're for implementing vague linkage <>
__.) This is probably not a
disastrous option, but I'm not 100% sure whether it's actually
correct – it's an incredibly obscure part of the Mach-O format, and
Mach-O is pretty obscure to start with. Fortunately this feature is
only used by C++ libraries, so we can get started without it.
When mangling imports, we convert any lazy imports (that need
mangling) into eager imports. This is required because the lazy
import stubs hard-code the memory layout of the import table into
immediate constants inside the stub assembly itself, and I do not
feel like trying to automatically rewrite x86-64 opcodes. Instead,
we leave the lazy import table alone (so all the unmangled lazy
imports can continue to use it), and eagerly bind all the mangled
imports, so the unmangled stubs never get called.
I noticed some new code dyld in MacOS 10.12 that imposes some
annoying arbitrary restrictions on which order the different bits of
DYLD_INFO appear in the file. This should only affect libraries that
are built with 10.12 as their minimum required version, so for folks
trying to build stuff for general distribution this shouldn't matter
for a while. This also isn't hard to fix, it just means that we'll
probably have to start making some pointless redundant copies of
bits of the file that we didn't change, just so that the second
copy can be placed after the bit of the file that we did change,
which is tiresome and I haven't gotten around to it yet.
When mangling imports, we don't check for re-exports, which are also
a kind of import. Should probably fix this...
PE features
A tool that can read in a PE file (.exe
or .dll
) that is
currently linked to foo.dll
, and rewrite it so that it becomes
linked to bar.dll
instead (similar to patchelf --replace
Linux, or install_name_tool -change
on OS X). This is useful for
avoiding naming collisions between different versions of the same
For example, suppose you have two Python extensions A.dll
, that are distributed separately by different people. They
both contain some fortran code linked to to libgfortran-3.dll
, so
both packages ship a copy of libgfortran-3.dll
. Because of the way
Windows DLL loading works, what will happen is that if I load
first, then both A.dll
and B.dll
will end up using
A's copy of libgfortran-3.dll
, while B's copy will be ignored. (Or
vice-versa if I import B first.) This will happen even if I arrange
things so that A's copy is not on the DLL search path at the time that
B is loaded -- Windows always checks for already-loaded DLL's with a
given basename before it actually checks the DLL search path (modulo
some complications around SxS assemblies, but you don't really want to
go there).
This is bad, because there's no guarantee that B.dll
will work
with A's version of libgfortran-3.dll
(e.g., A's copy might be too
old for B). Welcome to DLL hell <>
We could avoid all this by renaming the colliding libraries to have
different names, e.g. libgfortran-3-for-A.dll
. But if we just rename the files, then
everything will break, because A.dll
is looking for
, not libgfortran-3-for-A.dll
This is where machomachomangler
comes in: it lets you patch
so that it's linked to libgfortran-3-for-A.dll
. And then
everything works. Hooray.
This basically solves the same problem as private SxS assemblies,
except better in all ways: it's simpler (no XML manifests), more
flexible (no finicky requirements for the filesystem layout), and
doesn't require reading the awful SxS assembly documentation.
Example usage::
$ python3 -m machomachomangler.cmd.redll A.dll A-patched.dll libgfortran-3.dll libgfortan-3-for-A.dll
There's an example in example/
then you can play with. E.g. on
Debian with a mingw-w64 cross-compiler and wine installed::
$ cd pe-example/
$ ./
- i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -shared test_dll.c -o test_dll.dll
- i686-w64-mingw32-gcc test.c -o test.exe -L. -ltest_dll
- i686-w64-mingw32-strip test.exe
$ wine test.exe
dll_function says: test_dll
$ mv test_dll.dll test_dll_renamed.dll
Apparently wine's way of signalling a missing DLL is to fail silently.
$ wine test.exe || echo "failed -- test_dll.dll is missing"
failed -- test_dll.dll is missing
$ PYTHONPATH=.. python3 -m machomachomangler.cmd.redll test.exe test-patched.exe test_dll.dll test_dll_renamed.dll
Now it works again:
$ wine test-patched.exe
dll_function says: test_dll
Some known limitations of the PE dll-import-switcheroo code:
The command line tool could be less minimalist.
GNU objdump
has a bug where it can't read the import tables of
our patched PE files -- it just shows all of the import table until
it hits the patched entry, and then it stops displaying
anything. (The issue is that binutils
wants all the data
involved in the import tables to come from a single PE section.)
However, I've tried giving the patched files to Dependency Walker,
, and Windows itself, and they all handle them fine -- so
the files are okay, it's just a bug in objdump
. Just be warned
that if you're trying to use objdump
to check if the patching
worked, then it's almost certainly going to tell you a confusing
Unsurprisingly, this kind of patching does not play well with code
signing. We try to at least clear any existing signatures (so that
the binary becomes unsigned, rather than signed with an invalid
signature), but this hasn't been tested.
We don't try to handle files with trailing data after the end of the
PE file proper. This commonly occurs with e.g. self-extracting
archives and installers. Shouldn't be a big deal in theory, but I
did find that when compiling a simple .exe
with mingw-w64 the
tool refused to work until I had run strip
on the binary, even
though in theory this should work fine -- so probably there's some
improvements possible.
[Note to self: it looks like this is a GNU extension for putting
long section names into PE files, which I guess are they use for
their debug format -- this is documented here <>
__, search for
"Coff long section names". It's probably not hard to handle this
better, e.g. by stripping it ourself or even fixing it up.]
We don't try to update the PE header checksum, since the algorithm
for doing this is (nominally) a secret, and I'm informed that for
regular user-space code there's nothing that actually cares about
whether it's correct. But my information could be wrong. (Note: it
looks like binutils might know how to compute this checksum? I'm not
[Update: Stefan Kanthak informs me that this algorithm is well
known, and in fact it looks pefile has an MIT-licensed Python implementation <>
so I guess it might be good to fix this at some point.]
General limitations
Only tested on Python 3.4 and 3.5. Probably any Python 3 will
work, and Python 2 definitely won't without some fixes. (There's lots
of fiddly byte-string handling.)
I'm lazy, so I just load the whole binary files into memory -- maybe
several copies of it. This actually wouldn't be too hard to fix (using
memory mapping etc.) but I guess it doesn't matter that much because
who has multi-gigabyte Mach-O/PE images? <>
It's Saturday afternoon, I've got the flu or something, and I'm
spending my free time writing software to make some proprietary
operating systems -- ones that are backed by one of the world's larger
corporations -- better able to compete for developers with other,
better-designed operating systems. I mean, I'm not saying that poring
over the PE/COFF specification isn't fun! But it's not that
fun. (And honestly the Mach-O docs are absolutely terrible, to the
extent they exist at all.)
To assuage my annoyance, this software is licensed under the GNU
Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License or (at your option)
any later version. See LICENSE.txt
for details.
This shouldn't have any effect on most uses, since it only affects
people who are redistributing this software or running it on behalf of
other people; you can use this software to manipulate your
BSD-licensed DLLs, your proprietary-licensed DLLs, or whatever you
like, and that's fine. The license affects the code for
machomachomangler itself; not the code you run it on.
However, if for some reason you or your company have some kind of
allergy to this license, send me an email <>
_ and we'll work out an appropriate tithe.
Also, to preserve our options in case I get over this fit of pique,
please license all contributions under the MIT license. (I
definitely will not switch to any proprietary license, but might
switch to a permissive OSS license.) Thanks!
Code of conduct
Contributors are requested to follow our code of conduct <>
in all project spaces.