.. note::
The upstream upstream version of mandrill-api-python appears maintained with
reasonable PRs unmerged for over a year. This fork exists to merge such PRs
until Mailchimp manage to get around to maintaining their own software.
Help with code review really welcomed.
Mandrill is a Python API client and suite of CLI-based tools for the Mandrill
email as a platform service.
The API client is comprehensive, but the CLI functionality is minimal at this time.
import mandrill
client = mandrill.Mandrill('YOUR_API_KEY')
print client.users.ping()
CLI Examples::
mandrill setup
mandrill ping -c10
mandrill send -f from@example.com -t to@example.com -s "My Subject Line" < content.html
Install extra dependencies;
Create source distribution;
Upload to pypi repository::
$ pip install .[releasing]
$ bumpversion patch ./VERSION --commit --tag --message 'Releasing {new_version}'
$ git push --tags
$ python setup.py sdist
$ twine upload dist/*