Software support for the ATLAS ITK pixels multi-module cycling box
Particle Physics, University of Liverpool, UK
This repository provides command line tools to monitor and control equipment in the ATLAS ITK pixels multi-module cycling box test setup, and includes a Python-importable package to read from environmental sensors. It is used in the test setups for a number of other projects for environmental sensing.
This project expects to be run on a Raspberry Pi, and has a few dependencies - outlined below - that cannot be automatically installed by pip
Installation (Raspberry Pi OS only)
Create a Python virtual environment
mkdir ~/dev && cd ~/dev
python3 -m venv pve
. ~/dev/pve/bin/activate
Add . ~/dev/pve/bin/activate
to the end of ~/.bashrc
to activate the Python virtual environment at login.
Install package and (most) dependencies
python3 -m pip install --upgrade mmcb-avt
For the Raspberry Pi 5 you may also need python3 -m pip install --upgrade gpiod; sudo apt install libgpiod-dev
The above installs all the dependencies required except for the MCP9601 and NAU7802.
MCP9601 (manual installation)
The Adafruit MCP9601 API was broken when last tested, so use the Pimoroni MCP9600 API instead. Since the Pimoroni API is for the MCP9600 rather than the MCP9601, we need to make a small change before installation:
git clone
cd mcp9600-python
In file library/mcp9600/
make these changes:
Change from:
CHIP_ID = 0x40
I2C_ADDRESSES = list(range(0x60, 0x68))
CHIP_ID = 0x41
I2C_ADDRESSES = list(range(0x65, 0x68))
Also edit the PYTHON="..."
line in
to point to the correct Python version, which in this case is python3 from the Python virtual environment. Use the full path provided by which python3
, it'll look something like this:
Then finally:
sudo ./ --unstable
Reboot after the above step.
NAU7802 (manual installation)
cd ~/dev
git clone
# copy file into the python virtual environment
# For 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS (Python virtual environment)
cp ~/dev/CircuitPython_NAU7802/ ~/dev/pve/lib/python3.9/site-packages/
# For 32-bit Raspberry Pi OS (distribution's Python)
sudo cp ~/dev/CircuitPython_NAU7802/ /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/
# For 32-bit Raspberry Pi OS (Python virtual environment)
sudo cp ~/dev/CircuitPython_NAU7802/ ~/dev/pve/lib/python3.7/site-packages/
Make sure I2C is enabled with sudo raspi-config
The installation process will make the following new commands available in the shell:
Main commands
Command | Function |
dmm | Reads voltage/current values from the Keithley DMM6500 6.5 digit multimeter. |
iv | Configurable script to measure IV/IT curves using the Keithley 2410/2614b (RS232). It can operate multiple PSUs concurrently, embed environmental data into log files, and can be easily used in shell scripts to automate tasks such as HV-cycling. |
peltier | Queries and/or sets parameters for the two relay boards that control the polarity of the four Peltier devices, via Raspberry Pi GPIO pins. |
psuset | Sets current/voltage parameters for power supplies (RS232: Keithley 2410/2614b, Hameg HMP4040). Works in both constant voltage and constant current modes. |
sense | Reads environmental sensors connected to the Raspberry Pi by I2C. Hardware setup is specified in a user defined configuration file. Progressively writes data to a human-readable log file, and streams compressed binary data to an HDF5 file. Directly supports the BME680, HYT221, NAU7802, SHTC3 sensors, and various thermocouples via MCP9601. Indirectly supports the SMC ZSE30A-01-F, SMC PFM725S-F01-F and the ATLAS common hybrid module NTC via ADS1015 and PCF8591 ADCs. |
ult80 | Queries and/or sets parameters for the ULT80 chiller (RS232). |
Support commands
Command | Function |
dat2plot | From the binary data files generated by sense , create two plots featuring all environmental sensors/parameters: the first will contain the raw data acquired vs time, the second contains summary statistics. |
dat2root | Creates a CERN ROOT file containing the raw data from binary data files generated by sense , as well as a plot for each parameter. |
detect | Detects equipment attached by RS232, writes a cache file containing identified equipment to ~/.cache.json . Run once after the RS232 configuration has changed. |
liveplot | Companion to iv . Displays IV plot in real-time in a graphical window. |
log2dat | Creates a .dat file from the log file sense creates. Principally used with archived legacy data where binary data files are not available. |
psustat | Provides a single-shot view of the status of all power supply channels (RS232: Keithley 2410/2614b, Hameg HMP4040). |
In addition, once in the Python venv
, you will be able to do this:
(pve) ds20k@raspberrypi:~ $ python3
Python 3.9.2 (default, Feb 28 2021, 17:03:44)
[GCC 10.2.1 20210110] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import mmcb.configure_environment as ce
>>> testenv = ce.TestEnvironment('config.txt')
>>> measurements = testenv.read_all_sensors()
>>> measurements
{'timestamp': 1653844116.1013656, 'hyt_M1 °C': 21.12342061893426, 'hyt_M1 RH%': 0.0, 'hyt_env °C': 21.324848928767622, 'hyt_env RH%': 0.0, 'hyt_M4 °C': 21.113349203442596, 'hyt_M4 RH%': 0.0, 'ntc_M1 °C': 18.874264620930205, 'smc kPa': -95.29101904000001, 'ntc_M4 °C': -60.849429204693735, 'TC_VC4 °C': 20.3125, 'TC_VC1 °C': 19.375, 'TC_N2 °C': 20.75, 'TC_VC3 °C': 21.0, 'TC_VC2 °C': 21.25, 'sht_ambient °C': 23.43, 'sht_ambient RH%': 31.48, 'bme_ambient °C': 23.924921875, 'bme_ambient RH%': 26.04732304850249, 'bme_ambient hPa': 1014.36410289236}
>>> measurements.get('hyt_M4 °C', None)
Python interface for the Keithley DMM6500
(pve) avt@raspberrypi:~ $ python3
Python 3.9.2 (default, Feb 28 2021, 17:03:44)
[GCC 10.2.1 20210110] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from mmcb import dmm_interface
cache: keithley instruments dmm6500 serial number 04592428 on /dev/ttyUSB0
>>> dmm = dmm_interface.Dmm6500()
>>> dmm.
dmm.configure_read_ac_current( dmm.configure_read_dc_voltage( dmm.remove(
dmm.configure_read_ac_voltage( dmm.configure_read_resistance( dmm.removed
dmm.configure_read_capacitance( dmm.configure_read_temperature(
dmm.configure_read_dc_current( dmm.read_value(
>>> dmm.configure_read_capacitance()
>>> c = dmm.read_value()
>>> c
>>> from mmcb import common
>>> common.si_prefix(v)
Check the installed version:
(pve) avt@raspberrypi:~ $ python3 -m pip show mmcb-avt
Name: mmcb-avt
Version: 0.0.78
Summary: ATLAS ITK Pixels Multi-Module Cycling Box environmental monitoring/control.
Author: Alan Taylor, Manex Ormazabal
License: None
Location: /home/avt/dev/pve/lib/python3.9/site-packages
Requires: adafruit-circuitpython-shtc3, smbus, adafruit-circuitpython-pcf8591, pandas, zmq, yoctopuce, sparkfun-qwiic-tca9548a, Adafruit-Blinka, adafruit-circuitpython-bme680, tables, matplotlib, numpy, adafruit-circuitpython-ads1x15, pyserial