
is a library and CLI for authoring python data models (for clients
or servers), and/or client libraries, for web APIs, based on an
OpenAPI specification (both OpenAPI/Swagger version 2
and version 3 are supported).
-generated packages/modules differ from those generated by other tools
(including but not limited to
swagger-codegen) in that
generates a data model which enforces the schemas defined
in the OpenAPI specification. This means that request and response objects
cannot comprise data types which differ from those specified in the spec,
and objects cannot have properties which are not defined. If an API
will add properties to an object which are not explicitly defined
in the schema properties, that object should have an
"additionalProperties" attribute, in which
case oapi
will treat these objects as dictionaries/mappings. oapi
fully supports polymorphism when a schema has an "anyOf", "allOf", or
"oneOf" attribute (although oapi
does not require a
discriminator to be defined). This design decision
could prove to be an annoyance to lazy developers of client applications, since
inaccurate OpenAPI schemas are endemic to many organizations. The author
of this library, however, asserts that end-to-end data validation is
absolutely essential for applications which are part of a critical data
pipeline. The author of this library is also of the opinion that when
encountering inaccurate OpenAPI specifications, you should fix the spec, and
if you are not the owner of the spec (and can't convince the owner to fix it),
you should script your fix in order to apply that same fix to future versions
of the specification.
Notable features of an oapi
generated client/model library include:
generated data models and clients are fully type-hinted (they
will pass inspection by mypy
generated data models and clients adhere to PEP-8 formatting
standards, and will pass inspection by flake8
(with the default options).oapi
generated data models and clients include docstrings for all models,
model properties, client methods, and client method parameters, inferred
from "description" and "summary" attributes of elements within the
generated clients will handle the most common server-to-server
authentication methods out-of-box, including the OAuth2 authorization
code flow (client_id/client_secret), API keys, bearer tokens, HTTP basic
auth, and most cookie-based authentication patterns. Custom authentication
methods are also easily accomplished by specifying custom base classes
and/or passing initialization decorators to the oapi client
command or to the oapi.client.create()
generated clients and models are easily updated. For instance: oapi
generated data model classes can be renamed using your favorite IDE's
refactoring tools, and subsequent updates to that data model (such as
to reflect minor-version updates to the spec which add endpoints, schemas,
parameters, etc.) will retain your new class names, so long as the
schema from which the class was generated remains in the same location
within the spec. Class naming can also be customized by passing a custom
hook to the get_class_name_from_pointer parameter for
or oapi.model.create
TODO: Finish README.md