PFIO is an IO abstraction library developed by PFN, optimized for deep
learning training with batteries included. It supports
- Filesystem API abstraction with unified error semantics,
- Explicit user-land caching system,
- IO performance tracing and metrics stats, and
- Fileset container utilities to save metadata.
- HDFS client and libhdfs for HDFS access
- CPython >= 3.9
Installation and Document build
$ git clone
$ cd pfio
$ pip install .
$ cd pfio/docs
$ make html
$ open build/html/index.html
How to use
Please refer to the official document for more information about the usage.
Check the official document for latest release procedure.
Run tests locally:
$ pip install tox
$ tox
Bump version numbers in pfio/
Push and open a pull request to invoke CI. Once CI passed and the pull request merged,
tag a release:
$ git tag -s X.Y.Z
$ git push --tags
$ rm -rf dist
$ pip3 install --user build
$ python3 -m build
Release to PyPI:
$ python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade twine
$ python3 -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*