APITokensApi | create_token | POST /tokens | Create a new API token |
APITokensApi | delete_token | DELETE /tokens/{token_id} | Delete an API Token |
APITokensApi | list_tokens | GET /tokens | List user API tokens |
APITokensApi | regenerate_token | PUT /tokens/{token_id} | Regenerate an API token |
AccountsApi | check_account_name | GET /accounts/check/{name} | Check if an account with this name exists |
AccountsApi | get_account | GET /accounts/{name} | Get an account by name |
AccountsApi | list_accounts | GET /accounts | List Accounts on the Pollination platform |
AccountsApi | list_quotas | GET /accounts/{name}/quotas | List Quotas |
ApplicationsApi | create_application | POST /applications/{owner} | Create an Application |
ApplicationsApi | delete_application | DELETE /applications/{owner}/{slug} | Delete a Application |
ApplicationsApi | delete_application_org_permission | DELETE /applications/{owner}/{slug}/permissions | Remove a Application permissions |
ApplicationsApi | delete_application_version | DELETE /applications/{owner}/{slug}/versions/{tag} | Remove a Application version |
ApplicationsApi | get_application | GET /applications/{owner}/{slug} | Get an application |
ApplicationsApi | get_application_access_permissions | GET /applications/{owner}/{slug}/permissions | Get application access permissions |
ApplicationsApi | get_application_deployment | GET /applications/{owner}/{slug}/deployment | Get application deployment |
ApplicationsApi | get_application_versions | GET /applications/{owner}/{slug}/versions | Get application versions |
ApplicationsApi | list_applications | GET /applications | List Applications |
ApplicationsApi | update_application | PUT /applications/{owner}/{slug} | Update a Application |
ApplicationsApi | upsert_application_permission | PATCH /applications/{owner}/{slug}/permissions | Upsert a new permission to a application |
ApplicationsApi | upsert_application_version | PATCH /applications/{owner}/{slug}/versions | Upsert a new version to a application |
ArtifactsApi | create_artifact | POST /projects/{owner}/{name}/artifacts | Get an Artifact upload link. |
ArtifactsApi | delete_artifact | DELETE /projects/{owner}/{name}/artifacts | Delete one or many artifacts by key/prefix |
ArtifactsApi | download_artifact | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/artifacts/download | Download an artifact from the project folder |
ArtifactsApi | list_artifacts | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/artifacts | List artifacts in a project folder |
JobsApi | cancel_job | PUT /projects/{owner}/{name}/jobs/{job_id}/cancel | Cancel a Job |
JobsApi | create_job | POST /projects/{owner}/{name}/jobs | Schedule a job |
JobsApi | delete_job | DELETE /projects/{owner}/{name}/jobs/{job_id} | Delete a Job |
JobsApi | download_job_artifact | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/jobs/{job_id}/artifacts/download | Download an artifact from the job folder |
JobsApi | get_job | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/jobs/{job_id} | Get a Job |
JobsApi | list_jobs | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/jobs | List Jobs |
JobsApi | retry_job | PUT /projects/{owner}/{name}/jobs/{job_id}/retry | Retry failed runs for a Job |
JobsApi | search_job_folder | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/jobs/{job_id}/artifacts | List files/folders in a job folder |
LicensesApi | delete_activation | DELETE /licenses/pools/{pool_id}/activations/{activation_id} | Delete the activation |
LicensesApi | get_available_pools | GET /licenses/pools | Get license pools available to authenticated user |
LicensesApi | get_license_activations | GET /licenses/pools/{pool_id}/activations | Get the activations for the license |
LicensesApi | get_pool_license | GET /licenses/pools/{pool_id}/license | Get the license associated with a pool |
LicensesApi | grant_access_to_pool | PATCH /licenses/pools/{pool_id}/permissions | Grant access to the license pool |
LicensesApi | regenerate_license_pool | POST /licenses/pools/{pool_id}/regenerate | Regenerate the license associated with the pool |
LicensesApi | revoke_access_to_pool | DELETE /licenses/pools/{pool_id}/permissions | Revoke access to the license pool |
LicensesApi | update_license_pool | PUT /licenses/pools/{pool_id} | Update the license pool |
OrgsApi | create_org | POST /orgs | Create an Org |
OrgsApi | delete_org | DELETE /orgs/{name} | Delete an Org |
OrgsApi | delete_org_member | DELETE /orgs/{name}/members/{username} | Remove an Org member |
OrgsApi | get_org | GET /orgs/{name} | Get an Org |
OrgsApi | get_org_members | GET /orgs/{name}/members | List organization members |
OrgsApi | list_orgs | GET /orgs | List Orgs |
OrgsApi | update_org | PUT /orgs/{name} | Update an Org |
OrgsApi | upsert_org_member | PATCH /orgs/{name}/members/{username}/{role} | Add or update the role of an Org Member |
PluginsApi | create_plugin | POST /plugins/{owner} | Create a Plugin |
PluginsApi | create_plugin_package | POST /plugins/{owner}/{name}/tags | Create a new Plugin package |
PluginsApi | delete_plugin | DELETE /plugins/{owner}/{name} | Delete a Plugin |
PluginsApi | delete_plugin_org_permission | DELETE /plugins/{owner}/{name}/permissions | Remove a Repository permissions |
PluginsApi | get_plugin | GET /plugins/{owner}/{name} | Get a plugin |
PluginsApi | get_plugin_access_permissions | GET /plugins/{owner}/{name}/permissions | Get plugin access permissions |
PluginsApi | get_plugin_by_tag | GET /plugins/{owner}/{name}/tags/{tag} | Get a plugin tag |
PluginsApi | list_plugin_tags | GET /plugins/{owner}/{name}/tags | Get a plugin tags |
PluginsApi | list_plugins | GET /plugins | List plugins |
PluginsApi | update_plugin | PUT /plugins/{owner}/{name} | Update a Plugin |
PluginsApi | upsert_plugin_permission | PATCH /plugins/{owner}/{name}/permissions | Upsert a new permission to a plugin |
ProjectsApi | create_project | POST /projects/{owner} | Create a Project |
ProjectsApi | create_project_recipe_filter | POST /projects/{owner}/{name}/recipes/filters | Upsert a recipe filter to a project |
ProjectsApi | delete_project | DELETE /projects/{owner}/{name} | Delete a Project |
ProjectsApi | delete_project_org_permission | DELETE /projects/{owner}/{name}/permissions | Remove a Project permissions |
ProjectsApi | delete_project_recipe_filter | DELETE /projects/{owner}/{name}/recipes/filters | Remove a Project recipe filter |
ProjectsApi | get_project | GET /projects/{owner}/{name} | Get a project |
ProjectsApi | get_project_access_permissions | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/permissions | Get project access permissions |
ProjectsApi | get_project_recipe_filters | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/recipes/filters | Get project recipe filters |
ProjectsApi | get_project_recipes | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/recipes | Get project recipes |
ProjectsApi | list_projects | GET /projects | List Projects |
ProjectsApi | update | PUT /projects/{owner}/{name} | Update a Project |
ProjectsApi | upsert_project_permission | PATCH /projects/{owner}/{name}/permissions | Upsert a new permission to a project |
RecipesApi | create_recipe | POST /recipes/{owner} | Create a Recipe |
RecipesApi | create_recipe_package | POST /recipes/{owner}/{name}/tags | Create a new Recipe package |
RecipesApi | delete_recipe | DELETE /recipes/{owner}/{name} | Delete a Recipe |
RecipesApi | delete_recipe_org_permission | DELETE /recipes/{owner}/{name}/permissions | Remove a Repository permissions |
RecipesApi | get_recipe | GET /recipes/{owner}/{name} | Get a recipe |
RecipesApi | get_recipe_access_permissions | GET /recipes/{owner}/{name}/permissions | Get recipe access permissions |
RecipesApi | get_recipe_by_tag | GET /recipes/{owner}/{name}/tags/{tag} | Get a recipe tag |
RecipesApi | list_recipe_tags | GET /recipes/{owner}/{name}/tags | Get a recipe tags |
RecipesApi | list_recipes | GET /recipes | List recipes |
RecipesApi | update_recipe | PUT /recipes/{owner}/{name} | Update a Recipe |
RecipesApi | upsert_recipe_permission | PATCH /recipes/{owner}/{name}/permissions | Upsert a new permission to a recipe |
RegistriesApi | get_package | GET /registries/{owner}/{type}/{name}/{digest} | Get Package |
RegistriesApi | get_package_json | GET /registries/{owner}/{type}/{name}/{digest}/json | Get Package in JSON format |
RegistriesApi | get_registry_index | GET /registries/{owner}/index.json | Get Registry Index |
RegistriesApi | post_plugin | POST /registries/{owner}/plugins | Push a plugin to the registry |
RegistriesApi | post_recipe | POST /registries/{owner}/recipes | Push an Recipe to the registry |
RunsApi | cancel_run | PUT /projects/{owner}/{name}/runs/{run_id}/cancel | Cancel a run |
RunsApi | download_run_artifact | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/runs/{run_id}/artifacts/download | Download an artifact from the run folder |
RunsApi | get_all_run_steps | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/runs/{run_id}/all-steps | Query the steps of a run |
RunsApi | get_run | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/runs/{run_id} | Get a Run |
RunsApi | get_run_output | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/runs/{run_id}/outputs/{output_name} | Get run output by name |
RunsApi | get_run_step_logs | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/runs/{run_id}/steps/{step_id}/logs | Get the logs of a specific step of the run |
RunsApi | get_run_steps | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/runs/{run_id}/steps | Query the steps of a run |
RunsApi | list_run_artifacts | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/runs/{run_id}/artifacts | List artifacts in a run folder |
RunsApi | list_runs | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/runs | List runs |
RunsApi | query_results | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/results | Query run results |
RunsApi | retry_run | PUT /projects/{owner}/{name}/runs/{run_id}/retry | Retry a run |
SubscriptionPlansApi | list_subscription_plans | GET /subscription-plans/ | List Subscription Plans |
SubscriptionsApi | cancel_subscription | DELETE /subscriptions/{subscription_id} | Cancel a subscription |
SubscriptionsApi | create_subscription | POST /subscriptions/ | Subscribe account to subscritpion plan |
SubscriptionsApi | get_subscription | GET /subscriptions/{subscription_id} | Retrieve a subscription by ID |
SubscriptionsApi | list_pollination_subscriptions | GET /subscriptions/ | List Subscriptions |
SubscriptionsApi | list_subscription_payments | GET /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/payments | List Payment for a Subscription |
SubscriptionsApi | list_subscription_quotas | GET /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/quotas | List the quotas for a given subscription |
SubscriptionsApi | update_subscription | PUT /subscriptions/{subscription_id} | Update a subscription |
SubscriptionsApi | update_subscription_preivew | PUT /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/preview | Preview the effect of a subscription update |
TeamsApi | create_team | POST /orgs/{org_name}/teams | Create a Team |
TeamsApi | delete_org_team_member | DELETE /orgs/{org_name}/teams/{team_slug}/members/{username} | Remove a team member |
TeamsApi | delete_team | DELETE /orgs/{org_name}/teams/{team_slug} | Delete a Team |
TeamsApi | get_org_team_members | GET /orgs/{org_name}/teams/{team_slug}/members | List team members |
TeamsApi | get_team | GET /orgs/{org_name}/teams/{team_slug} | Get a Team |
TeamsApi | list_org_teams | GET /orgs/{org_name}/teams | List Teams |
TeamsApi | update_team | PUT /orgs/{org_name}/teams/{team_slug} | Update a Team |
TeamsApi | upsert_org_team_member | PATCH /orgs/{org_name}/teams/{team_slug}/members/{username}/{role} | Add or update the role of an Team Member |
UserApi | create_user | POST /user | Register a new user |
UserApi | get_me | GET /user | Get authenticated user profile. |
UserApi | get_roles | GET /user/roles | Get the authenticated user roles |
UserApi | update_user_profile | PUT /user | Update the authenticated user |
UsersApi | check_username | GET /users/check_username/{username} | Check if a username is already taken |
UsersApi | get_one_user | GET /users/{name} | Get a specific user profile |
UsersApi | list_users | GET /users | List Users |