Tryton Scripting Client
A library to access Tryton's models like a client.
Example of usage
>>> from proteus import config, Model, Wizard, Report
Configuration to connect to a sqlite memory database using trytond as module.
>>> config = config.set_trytond('sqlite:///:memory:')
There is also the ``config.set_xmlrpc`` method which can be used to connect
using a URL, and the ``config.set_xmlrpc_session`` method (when used as a
context manager) which connects for a session.
Activating a module
Find the module, call the activate button and run the upgrade wizard.
>>> Module = Model.get('ir.module')
>>> party_module, = Module.find([('name', '=', 'party')])
>>> party_module.click('activate')
>>> Wizard('ir.module.activate_upgrade').execute('upgrade')
Creating a party
First instantiate a new Party:
>>> Party = Model.get('party.party')
>>> party = Party()
>>> party.id < 0
Fill the fields:
>>> party.name = 'ham'
Save the instance into the server:
>>> party.save()
>>> party.name
>>> party.id > 0
Setting the language of the party
The language on party is a Many2One
relation field. So it requires to get a
instance as value.
>>> Lang = Model.get('ir.lang')
>>> en, = Lang.find([('code', '=', 'en')])
>>> party.lang = en
>>> party.save()
>>> party.lang.code
Creating an address for the party
Addresses are store on party with a ``One2Many`` field.
So the new address just needs to be appended to the list ``addresses``.
>>> address = party.addresses.new(postal_code='42')
>>> party.save()
>>> party.addresses #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Adding category to the party
Categories are linked to party with a ``Many2Many`` field.
So first create a category
>>> Category = Model.get('party.category')
>>> category = Category()
>>> category.name = 'spam'
>>> category.save()
Append it to categories of the party
>>> party.categories.append(category)
>>> party.save()
>>> party.categories #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Print party label
There is a label report on ``Party``.
>>> label = Report('party.label')
The report is executed with a list of records and some extra data.
>>> type_, data, print_, name = label.execute([party], {})
Sorting addresses and register order
Addresses are ordered by sequence which means they can be stored following a
specific order.
The set_sequence
method stores the current order.
>>> address = party.addresses.new(postal_code='69')
>>> party.save()
>>> address = party.addresses.new(postal_code='23')
>>> party.save()
Now changing the order.
>>> reversed_addresses = list(reversed(party.addresses))
>>> while party.addresses:
... _ = party.addresses.pop()
>>> party.addresses.extend(reversed_addresses)
>>> party.addresses.set_sequence()
>>> party.save()
>>> party.addresses == reversed_addresses
Setting context
Make French translatable:
>>> Language = Model.get('ir.lang')
>>> french, = Language.find([('code', '=', 'fr')])
>>> french.translatable = True
>>> french.save()
Create a category in English:
>>> Category = Model.get('party.category')
>>> with config.set_context(language='en'):
... category = Category(name="Category")
... category.save()
Translate in French:
>>> with config.set_context(language='fr'):
... category_fr = Category(category.id)
... category_fr.name = "Categorie"
... category_fr.save()
Read in English:
>>> category.reload()
>>> category.name
Read in French:
>>> category_fr.reload()
>>> category_fr.name