
pyarrowfs-adlgen2 is an implementation of a pyarrow filesystem for Azure Data Lake Gen2.
It allows you to use pyarrow and pandas to read parquet datasets directly from Azure without
the need to copy files to local storage first.
Compared with adlfs, you may see better performance when reading datasets
with many files, as pyarrowfs-adlgen2 uses the datalake gen2 sdk, which has fast directory listing, unlike
the blob sdk used by adlfs.
pyarrowfs-adlgen2 is stable software with a small API, and no major features are planned.
pip install pyarrowfs-adlgen2
Reading datasets
Example usage with pandas dataframe:
import azure.identity
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow.fs
import pyarrowfs_adlgen2
handler = pyarrowfs_adlgen2.AccountHandler.from_account_name(
'YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME', azure.identity.DefaultAzureCredential())
fs = pyarrow.fs.PyFileSystem(handler)
df = pd.read_parquet('container/dataset.parq', filesystem=fs)
Example usage with arrow tables:
import azure.identity
import pyarrow.dataset
import pyarrow.fs
import pyarrowfs_adlgen2
handler = pyarrowfs_adlgen2.AccountHandler.from_account_name(
'YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME', azure.identity.DefaultAzureCredential())
fs = pyarrow.fs.PyFileSystem(handler)
ds = pyarrow.dataset.dataset('container/dataset.parq', filesystem=fs)
table = ds.to_table()
Configuring timeouts
Timeouts are passed to azure-storage-file-datalake SDK methods. The timeout unit is in seconds.
import azure.identity
import pyarrowfs_adlgen2
handler = pyarrowfs_adlgen2.AccountHandler.from_account_name(
handler.timeouts.file_client_timeout = 20
Writing datasets
With pyarrow version 3 or greater, you can write datasets from arrow tables:
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.dataset
schema=pyarrow.schema([('year', pa.int32())]), flavor='hive'
With earlier versions, files must be opened/written one at a time:
As of pyarrow version 1.0.1, pyarrow.parquet.ParquetWriter
does not support pyarrow.fs.PyFileSystem
, but data can be written to open files:
with fs.open_output_stream('container/out.parq') as out:
Or with arrow tables:
import pyarrow.parquet
with fs.open_output_stream('container/out.parq') as out:
pyarrow.parquet.write_table(table, out)
Accessing only a single container/file-system
If you do not want, or can't access the whole storage account as a single filesystem, you can use pyarrowfs_adlgen2.FilesystemHandler
to view a single file system within an account:
import azure.identity
import pyarrowfs_adlgen2
handler = pyarrowfs_adlgen2.FilesystemHandler.from_account_name(
"STORAGE_ACCOUNT", "FS_NAME", azure.identity.DefaultAzureCredential())
All access is done through the file system within the storage account.
You can set headers for any output files by using the metadata
argument to handler.open_output_stream
import pyarrowfs_adlgen2
fs = pyarrowfs_adlgen2.AccountHandler.from_account_name("theaccount").to_fs()
metadata = {"content_type": "application/json"}
with fs.open_output_stream("container/data.json", metadata) as out:
Note that the spelling is different than you might expect! For a list of valid keys, see
You can do this for pyarrow >= 5 when using pyarrow.fs.PyFileSystem
, and for any pyarrow if using the handlers
from pyarrowfs_adlgen2 directly.
Running tests
To run the integration tests, you need:
- Azure Storage Account V2 with hierarchial namespace enabled (Data Lake gen2 account)
- To configure azure login (f. ex. use
$ az login
or set up environment variables, see azure.identity.DefaultAzureCredential
) - Install pytest, f. ex.
pip install pytest
NB! All data in the storage account is deleted during testing, USE AN EMPTY ACCOUNT
AZUREARROWFS_TEST_ACT=thestorageaccount pytest
Here is an informal comparison test against adlfs, done against a copy of the
NYC taxi dataset.
The test setup was as follows:
- Create an Azure Data Lake Gen2 storage account with a container. I clicked through the portal to do this step. Grant
yourself the Azure Storage Data Owner role on the account.
- Upload the NYC taxi dataset to the container. You want to do this with
or az cli
, or it's going to take a
long time. Here's the command I used, it only took a few seconds:
az storage copy -s --recursive -d
- Set up a venv for the test, and install the dependencies:
python -m venv && source venv/bin/activate && pip install pyarrowfs-adlgen2 pandas pyarrow adlfs azure-identity
- Make sure to log in with
az login
and set the correct subscription using az account set -s playground-sub
That's the entire test setup. Now we can run some commands against the dataset and time them. Let's see
how long it takes to read the passengerCount
and tripDistance
columns for one month of data, 2014/10 using
and the pyarrow
dataset api:
$ time python
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 14227692 entries, 0 to 14227691
Data columns (total 2 columns):
# Column Dtype
--- ------ -----
0 passengerCount int32
1 tripDistance float64
dtypes: float64(1), int32(1)
memory usage: 162.8 MB
real 0m11,000s
user 0m2,018s
sys 0m1,605s
Now let's do the same with adlfs
$ time python
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 14227692 entries, 0 to 14227691
Data columns (total 2 columns):
# Column Dtype
--- ------ -----
0 passengerCount int32
1 tripDistance float64
dtypes: float64(1), int32(1)
memory usage: 162.8 MB
real 0m31,985s
user 0m3,204s
sys 0m2,110s
The pyarrowfs-adlgen2
implementation is about 3 times faster than adlfs
for this dataset and that's not due to
bandwidth or compute limitations. This reflects my own experience using both professionally as well. I believe that
the difference here is primarily due to the fact that adlfs
uses the blob storage SDK, which is slow at listing
directories, and that the nyc taxi data set has a lot of files and structure. adlfs is being forced to parse that
to recover the structure, whereas adlgen2 gets it for free from the datalake gen2 SDK.