Unified handling of configuration files in Python

Installing PyConfs
PyConfs is available at PyPI. You can install it using Pip:
$ python -m pip install pyconfs
Using PyConfs
A PyConfs Configuration is a dictionary-like object that unifies several different configuration file formats, including INI, JSON, TOML, and YAML.
Read a configuration from file:
from pyconfs import Configuration
cfg = Configuration.from_file("sample.json")
Access entries in a configuration:
package_name =
first_name =
Installing From Source
You can always download the latest version of PyConfs from GitHub. PyConfs uses Flit as a setup tool.
To install PyConfs from the downloaded source, run Flit:
$ python -m flit install --deps production
If you want to change and play with the PyConfs source code, you should install it in editable mode:
$ python -m flit install --symlink