Pylonic 👋
Pylonic is the Python backend version of Electron and Tauri, designed to simplify desktop application development. This open-source project, built on QtWebEngine and PySide6, provides seamless integration with various Python features, making it easy to build powerful applications effortlessly.

🚀 Why Pylonic?
With Pylonic, you can leverage the full power of Python in your desktop applications. Its simplicity and flexibility make it the perfect choice for both beginners and experienced developers looking for a Python-focused alternative to Electron or Tauri. It is especially optimized for building AI-powered desktop applications.
Key Features 🚀
- Web-based GUI Generation: Easily build the UI for desktop applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- System Tray Icon Support 🖥️: Implement system tray icons with ease to add various utilities to your app.
- Multi-Window Management: Create and manage multiple windows effortlessly.
- Bridge API between Python and JavaScript 🌉: Facilitates smooth communication between Python and JavaScript to integrate various functionalities.
- Single Instance Application Support: Prevents duplicate app instances and manages applications with a single instance.
- Comprehensive Desktop App Features: Provides a wide range of functions for desktop apps, including monitor management, desktop capture, notifications, shortcuts, and clipboard access.
- Clean and Intuitive Code Structure: Offers a simple and readable code structure that enhances developer productivity.
- Live UI Development Experience: Experience real-time UI updates as you modify your code, providing an efficient development workflow.
- Cross-Platform Support: Runs on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
- Integration with Various Frontend Libraries: Supports integration with frontend frameworks like HTML/CSS/JS and React.
Documentation 📚
Pylonic Documentation
Create Project 📦
Creating a HTML/CSS/JS + Pylon Project 🌐
Creating a React + Vite + Pylon Project ⚛️
Custom Your Boilerplate 🔨
pip install pylonic
Package URL:
Usage 🛠️
Creating a Basic Application
from pylon import PylonApp
app = PylonApp(single_instance=True)
if (is_production()):
app.set_icon(os.path.join(get_production_path(), "icons/icon.png"))
window = app.create_window(
title="Pylon Browser1",
window.set_size(800, 600)
if (is_production()):
window.load_file(os.path.join(get_production_path(), "src/index.html"))
Setting Up System Tray
from pylon import TrayEvent
def on_double_click():
print("Tray icon was double-clicked.")
TrayEvent.DoubleClick: on_double_click,
{"label": "Show Window", "callback": app.show_main_window},
{"label": "Quit", "callback": app.quit},
document.addEventListener('pylonReady', function () {
pylon.CustomAPI.echo('Hello', 42).then((result) => {
pylon.CustomAPI.getAppVersion().then((version) => {
console.log('App version:', version);
async function useCustomAPI() {
const echoResult = await pylon.CustomAPI.echo('Test', 100);
const appVersion = await pylon.CustomAPI.getAppVersion();
console.log('Current app version:', appVersion);
document.getElementById('myButton').addEventListener('click', function () {
pylon.CustomAPI.create_window().then((windowId) => {
console.log('New window ID:', windowId);
Using React
import { StrictMode } from 'react';
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
import App from './App.jsx';
import './index.css';
document.addEventListener('pylonReady', function () {
<App />
function App() {
console.log('Pylon is ready');
window.pylon.CustomAPI.getAppVersion().then((version) => {
console.log('App version:', version);
return <h1>Hello World</h1>;
License 📄
This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.
This project uses PySide6, which is licensed under the LGPL (Lesser General Public License).
Contributing 🤝
(Add information about how to contribute here)