Python module for interacting with WiFi LNK module of the Rain Bird Irrigation system. This project has no affiliation with Rain Bird.
This module communicates directly towards the IP Address of the WiFi module. You can start/stop the irrigation, get the currently active zone, and other controller settings. This library currently only has very limited cloud support. Also there are a number of Rain Bird devices with very different command APIs.
See documentation for full quickstart and API reference.
See the github project.
This is an example usage to get the current irrigation state for all available
irrigation zones:
import aiohttp
from pyrainbird import async_client
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as client:
controller: AsyncRainbirdController = async_client.CreateController(
zones = await controller.get_available_stations()
states = await controller.get_zone_states()
for zone in zones:
if zone in states.active_set:
print("Sprinkler zone {zone} is active")
See examples for additional details on how to use the APIs and an example command
line tool for querying the device.
This library has been tested with the following devices:
You are welcome to file an issue for improved compatibility with your device especially if you
include debug logs that capture the API responses form the device.
See CONTRIBUTING for details on developing in the library itself, such as
running the tests and other tooling used in development.