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The Pywikibot framework is a Python library that interfaces with the
MediaWiki API <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Main_page>
version 1.31 or higher.
Also included are various general function scripts that can be adapted for
different tasks.
For further information about the library excluding scripts see
the full code documentation <https://doc.wikimedia.org/pywikibot/stable/>
Quick start
.. code:: text
git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/pywikibot/core.git
cd core
git submodule update --init
pip install -r requirements.txt
python pwb.py <script_name>
Or to install using PyPI (excluding scripts)
.. code:: text
pip install pywikibot
pwb <scriptname>
Our installation guide <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Pywikibot/Installation>
has more details for advanced usage.
Basic Usage
If you wish to write your own script it's very easy to get started:
.. code:: python
import pywikibot
site = pywikibot.Site('en', 'wikipedia') # The site we want to run our bot on
page = pywikibot.Page(site, 'Wikipedia:Sandbox')
page.text = page.text.replace('foo', 'bar')
page.save('Replacing "foo" with "bar"') # Saves the page
Wikibase Usage
Wikibase is a flexible knowledge base software that drives Wikidata.
A sample pywikibot script for getting data from Wikibase:
.. code:: python
import pywikibot
site = pywikibot.Site('wikipedia:en')
repo = site.data_repository() # the Wikibase repository for given site
page = repo.page_from_repository('Q91') # create a local page for the given item
item = pywikibot.ItemPage(repo, 'Q91') # a repository item
data = item.get() # get all item data from repository for this item
Script example
Pywikibot provides bot classes to develop your own script easily:
.. code:: python
import pywikibot
from pywikibot import pagegenerators
from pywikibot.bot import ExistingPageBot
class MyBot(ExistingPageBot):
update_options = {
'text': 'This is a test text',
'summary': 'Bot: a bot test edit with Pywikibot.'
def treat_page(self):
"""Load the given page, do some changes, and save it."""
text = self.current_page.text
text += '\n' + self.opt.text
self.put_current(text, summary=self.opt.summary)
def main():
"""Parse command line arguments and invoke bot."""
options = {}
gen_factory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory()
# Option parsing
local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args) # global options
local_args = gen_factory.handle_args(local_args) # generators options
for arg in local_args:
opt, sep, value = arg.partition(':')
if opt in ('-summary', '-text'):
options[opt[1:]] = value
MyBot(generator=gen_factory.getCombinedGenerator(), **options).run()
if __name == '__main__':
For more documentation on Pywikibot see our docs <https://doc.wikimedia.org/pywikibot/>
Current Release Changes
- Add sort parameter to pagegenerators.SearchPageGeneratorand APISite.search()
- Add support for sylwiki (T386466).
- Update Family.cross_allowedlists in family files.
- Ignore empty message warning in EventStreams
- A timeout parameter was added to data.memento.get_closest_memento_url
and the default timeout was increased to 30 s (T382943).
- bot.calledModuleNamereturns either 'unittest' or 'pytest' during test run (T382797).
- tools.threading.BoundedPoolExecutorwas added (T333741).
- args parameter for loggingfunctions can be used as formatting arguments
- .login.OauthLoginManager.access_tokenwas added.
- Representation string for login.LoginManagerwas added.
- i18n updates.
- Allow url without api path, requests path or script path in pywikibot.Siteconstuctor (T386665).
- Appended <> color tag before the last linefeed in
- Remove unintentional args parameter in tools.threading.ThreadList(T382787).
Code cleanups
- Remove Structured Discussions/Flow support (T381551, T371180)
- Remove old and deprecated variables in config.
- Remove unintentional
. - Unused get_redirect parameter of BasePage.getOldVersion()was removed.
- baserevid parameter of DataSitemethods
remove_qualifiers()were be removed.
methods of family.Familyand BaseSite
were removed; use APISite.linktrail()instead.- Positional arguments decoder, layer and newline for loggingfunctions are invalid;
keyword arguments must be used instead.
- tb parameter of exception()function was dropped;
use exc_info instead.
- The positional arguments of page.BasePage.linkedPageswere removed.
was renamed to using_pages().APISite.article_path
was removed. APISite.articlepath
can be used instead.fix_digits
method of textlib.TimeStripperwas removed;
textlib.to_latin_digitscan be used instead.- textlib.tzoneFixedOffset class was removed in favour of
- A boolean watch parameter in page.BasePage.saveis desupported.
was removed in favour of a content
parameter of
pagegenerators.XMLDumpPageGenerator(T306134).- pywikibot.User.is_blockedmethod was renamed from
for consistency. - Values of APISite.allpages()
parameter filterredir must be True, False or None.
- tools.threadingclasses no longer can be imported from tools.
- tools.itertoolsdatatypes no longer can be imported from tools.
- tools.collectionsdatatypes no longer can be imported from tools.
and getversion_svn
of versionmodule were be removed.
SVN repository is no longer supported. (T362484).- Old color escape sequences like
were dropped in favour of new color format like <<color>>
. tools.formatter.color_format()
was removed; the new color literals can be used instead.- RedirectPageBot and NoRedirectPageBot bot classes were removed in favour of
Other breaking changes
- Package requirements were updated (wikitextparser, pydot, python-stdnum, Pillow, PyMySQL,
- Use requests_sse instead of unsupported sseclient for comms.eventstreams(T309380).
- backportsmodule is no longer a public API.
- Drop support for MediaWiki < 1.31 (T378984).
- Require
requests >= 2.31.0
(T347031). - Python 3.7 support was dropped (T378893), including importlib_metadata of
- See also Current Deprecations below.
Current Deprecations
10.0.0: 'millenia' argument for precision parameter of pywikibot.WbTimeis deprecated;
'millennium' must be used instead.
10.0.0: includeredirects parameter of pagegenerators.AllpagesPageGeneratorand
pagegenerators.PrefixingPageGeneratoris deprecated and should be replaced by filterredir
9.6.0: BaseSite.languages()will be removed in favour of
9.5.0: DataSite.getPropertyType()will be removed
in favour of DataSite.get_property_type()
9.3.0: page.BasePage.userNameand page.BasePage.isIpEditare deprecated in favour of
or anon
attributes of page.BasePage.latest_revisionproperty
9.2.0: Imports of loggingfunctions from botmodule is deprecated and will be desupported
9.2.0: total argument in -logevents
pagegenerators option is deprecated;
use -limit
instead (T128981)
9.0.0: The content parameter of proofreadpage.IndexPage.page_genis deprecated and will be ignored
9.0.0: userinterfaces.transliteration.transliterator
was renamed to Transliterator
9.0.0: next
parameter of userinterfaces.transliteration.transliterator.transliteratewas renamed to
9.0.0: type
parameter of site.APISite.protectedpages()
was renamed to protect_type
9.0.0: all
parameter of site.APISite.namespace()was renamed to
9.0.0: filter
parameter of date.dhwas renamed to filter_func
9.0.0: dict
parameter of data.api.OptionSetwas renamed to data
9.0.0: pywikibot.version.get_toolforge_hostname()
is deprecated without replacement
9.0.0: allrevisions
parameter of xmlreader.XmpDumpis deprecated, use revisions
9.0.0: iteritems
method of data.api.Requestwill be removed in favour of items
9.0.0: SequenceOutputter.output()
is deprecated in favour of tools.formatter.SequenceOutputter.out
9.0.0: nullcontext context manager and SimpleQueue queue of backportsare deprecated
Pending removal in Pywikibot 11
- 8.4.0: modules_only_mode parameter of data.api.ParamInfo, its paraminfo_keys class attribute
and its preloaded_modules property will be removed
- 8.4.0: dropdelay and releasepid attributes of throttle.Throttlewill be removed
in favour of expiry class attribute
- 8.2.0: tools.itertools.itergroupwill be removed in favour of backports.batched
- 8.2.0: normalize parameter of WbTime.toTimestrand WbTime.toWikibasewill be removed
- 8.1.0: Dependency of exceptions.NoSiteLinkErrorfrom exceptions.NoPageErrorwill be removed
- 8.1.0:
is deprecated in favour of exceptions.Client414Error - 8.0.0: Timestamp.clone()method is deprecated
in favour of
method. - 8.0.0: family.Family.maximum_GET_lengthmethod is deprecated in favour of
- 8.0.0:
parameter of textlib.replaceLanguageLinksand
textlib.replaceCategoryLinksare deprecated in favour of add_only
- 8.0.0: textlib.TimeStripperregex attributes
, ptimeznR
, pyearR
, pmonthR
are deprecated in favour of patterns
attribute which is a
textlib.TimeStripperPatterns. - 8.0.0: textlib.TimeStripper
attribute is deprecated in favour of textlib.TIMEGROUPS
- 8.0.0: LoginManager.get_login_tokenwas
replaced by
- 8.0.0:
is deprecated in favour of login.ClientLoginManager - 8.0.0: APISite.messages()method is deprecated in favour of
- 8.0.0: Page.editTime()method is deprecated and should be replaced by
Release history
See https://github.com/wikimedia/pywikibot/blob/stable/HISTORY.rst
Our code is maintained on Wikimedia's Gerrit installation <https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/>
learn <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Developer_account>
how to get
Code of Conduct
The development of this software is covered by a
Code of Conduct <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Code_of_Conduct>