is a Python package for radioactive decay calculations.
It supports decay chains of radionuclides, metastable states and branching
decays. By default it uses the decay data from ICRP Publication 107, which
contains 1252 radionuclides of 97 elements, and atomic mass data from the
Atomic Mass Data Center.
The code solves the radioactive decay differential equations analytically using
NumPy and SciPy linear algebra routines. There is also a high numerical
precision calculation mode employing SymPy routines. This gives more accurate
results for decay chains containing radionuclides with orders of magnitude
differences between the half-lives.
This is free-to-use open source software. It was created for engineers,
technicians and researchers who work with radioactivity, and for
educational use.
requires Python 3.9+. Install radioactivedecay
the Python Package Index using
$ pip install radioactivedecay
or from conda-forge:
$ conda install -c conda-forge radioactivedecay
Either command will attempt to install the dependencies (Matplotlib, NetworkX,
NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, Setuptools & SymPy) if they are not already present in
the environment.
Decay calculations
Create an Inventory
of radionuclides and decay it as follows:
>>> import radioactivedecay as rd
>>> Mo99_t0 = rd.Inventory({'Mo-99': 2.0}, 'Bq')
>>> Mo99_t1 = Mo99_t0.decay(20.0, 'h')
>>> Mo99_t1.activities('Bq')
{'Mo-99': 1.6207863893776937, 'Ru-99': 0.0,
'Tc-99': 9.05304236308454e-09, 'Tc-99m': 1.3719829376710406}
An Inventory
of 2.0 Bq of Mo-99 was decayed for 20 hours, producing the
radioactive progeny Tc-99m and Tc-99, and the stable nuclide Ru-99.
We supplied 'h'
as an argument to decay()
to specify the decay time
period had units of hours. Supported time units include 'μs'
, 'ms'
, 'm'
, 'h'
, 'd'
, 'y'
etc. Note seconds ('s'
) is the
default if no unit is supplied to decay()
Use cumulative_decays()
to calculate the total number of atoms of each
radionuclide that decay over the decay time period:
>>> Mo99_t0.cumulative_decays(20.0, 'h')
{'Mo-99': 129870.3165339939, 'Tc-99m': 71074.31925850797,
'Tc-99': 0.0002724635511147602}
Radionuclides can be specified in four equivalent ways in radioactivedecay
three variations of nuclide strings or by
canonical ids. For example, the
following are equivalent ways of specifying 222Rn and
, 'Rn222'
, '222Rn'
, 862220000
, 'Ir192n'
, '192nIr'
, 771920002
Inventories can be created by supplying activity ('Bq'
, 'Ci'
...), mass ('g'
, 'kg'
...), mole ('mol'
, 'kmol'
units, or numbers of nuclei ('num'
) to the Inventory()
constructor. Use
the methods activities()
, masses()
, moles()
, numbers()
, mass_fractions()
and mole_fractions()
obtain the contents of the inventory in different formats:
>>> H3_t0 = rd.Inventory({'H-3': 3.0}, 'g')
>>> H3_t1 = H3_t0.decay(12.32, 'y')
>>> H3_t1.masses('g')
{'H-3': 1.5, 'He-3': 1.4999900734297729}
>>> H3_t1.mass_fractions()
{'H-3': 0.5000016544338455, 'He-3': 0.4999983455661545}
>>> C14_t0 = rd.Inventory({'C-14': 3.2E24}, 'num')
>>> C14_t1 = C14_t0.decay(3000, 'y')
>>> C14_t1.moles('mol')
{'C-14': 3.6894551567795797, 'N-14': 1.6242698581767292}
>>> C14_t1.mole_fractions()
{'C-14': 0.6943255713073281, 'N-14': 0.3056744286926719}
Plotting decay graphs
Use the plot()
method to graph of the decay of an inventory over time:
>>> Mo99_t0.plot(20, 'd', yunits='Bq')
The graph shows the decay of Mo-99 over 20 days, leading to the ingrowth of
Tc-99m and a trace quantity of Tc-99. The activity of Ru-99 is strictly zero as
it is the stable nuclide at the end of the decay chain. Graphs are drawn using
Fetching decay data
The Nuclide
class can be used to fetch decay information for
individual radionuclides, e.g. for Rn-222:
>>> nuc = rd.Nuclide('Rn-222')
>>> nuc.half_life('s')
>>> nuc.half_life('readable')
'3.8235 d'
>>> nuc.progeny()
>>> nuc.branching_fractions()
>>> nuc.decay_modes()
>>> nuc.Z
>>> nuc.A
>>> nuc.atomic_mass
There are similar inventory methods for fetching decay data:
>>> Mo99_t1.half_lives('readable')
{'Mo-99': '65.94 h', 'Ru-99': 'stable', 'Tc-99': '0.2111 My', 'Tc-99m': '6.015 h'}
>>> Mo99_t1.progeny()
{'Mo-99': ['Tc-99m', 'Tc-99'], 'Ru-99': [], 'Tc-99': ['Ru-99'], 'Tc-99m': ['Tc-99', 'Ru-99']}
>>> Mo99_t1.branching_fractions()
{'Mo-99': [0.8773, 0.1227], 'Ru-99': [], 'Tc-99': [1.0], 'Tc-99m': [0.99996, 3.7e-05]}
>>> Mo99_t1.decay_modes()
{'Mo-99': ['β-', 'β-'], 'Ru-99': [], 'Tc-99': ['β-'], 'Tc-99m': ['IT', 'β-']}
Decay chain diagrams
The Nuclide
class includes a plot()
method for drawing decay chain
>>> nuc = rd.Nuclide('Mo-99')
>>> nuc.plot()
These diagrams are drawn using NetworkX and Matplotlib.
High numerical precision decay calculations
includes an InventoryHP
class for high numerical
precision calculations. This class can give more reliable decay calculation
results for chains containing long- and short-lived radionuclides:
>>> U238_t0 = rd.InventoryHP({'U-238': 1.0})
>>> U238_t1 = U238_t0.decay(10.0, 'd')
>>> U238_t1.activities()
{'At-218': 1.4511675857141352e-25,
'Bi-210': 1.8093327888942224e-26,
'Bi-214': 7.09819414496093e-22,
'Hg-206': 1.9873081129046843e-33,
'Pa-234': 0.00038581180879502017,
'Pa-234m': 0.24992285949158477,
'Pb-206': 0.0,
'Pb-210': 1.0508864357335218e-25,
'Pb-214': 7.163682655782086e-22,
'Po-210': 1.171277829871092e-28,
'Po-214': 7.096704966148592e-22,
'Po-218': 7.255923469955255e-22,
'Ra-226': 2.6127168262000313e-21,
'Rn-218': 1.4511671865210924e-28,
'Rn-222': 7.266530698712501e-22,
'Th-230': 8.690585458641225e-16,
'Th-234': 0.2499481473619856,
'Tl-206': 2.579902288672889e-32,
'Tl-210': 1.4897029111914831e-25,
'U-234': 1.0119788393651999e-08,
'U-238': 0.9999999999957525}
How radioactivedecay works
calculates an analytical solution to the radioactive decay
differential equations using linear algebra operations. It implements the
method described in this paper:
M Amaku, PR Pascholati & VR Vanin, Comp. Phys. Comm. 181, 21-23
(2010). See the
theory docpage for more
It uses NumPy and SciPy routines for standard decay calculations
(double-precision floating-point operations), and SymPy for arbitrary numerical
precision calculations.
By default radioactivedecay
uses decay data from
ICRP Publication 107
(2008) and atomic mass
data from the Atomic Mass Data Center
(AMDC - AME2020 and Nubase2020 evaluations).
The datasets repo contains
Jupyter Notebooks for creating decay datasets that can be used by
, e.g. ICRP
The comparisons repo
contains some checks of radioactivedecay
and Radiological
From the base directory run:
$ python -m unittest discover
is open source software released under the MIT License.
file for details.
The default decay data used by radioactivedecay
(ICRP-107) is copyright
2008 A. Endo and K.F. Eckerman and distributed under a separate
The default atomic mass data is from AMDC
If you find this package useful for your research, please consider citing the
paper on radioactivedecay
published in the
Journal of Open Source Software:
Alex Malins & Thom Lemoine, radioactivedecay: A Python package for radioactive decay
calculations. Journal of Open Source Software, 7 (71), 3318 (2022). DOI:
Contributors are welcome to fix bugs, add new features or make feature
requests. Please open an Issue, Pull Request or new Discussions thread at
GitHub repository.
Please read the
contribution guidelines.