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Rt - Python interface to Request Tracker API
Python implementation of REST API described here:
.. csv-table:: Python version compatibility:
:header: "Python", "rt"
:widths: 15, 15
"2.7", "< 2.0.0"
">= 3.5, <3.7", ">= 2.0.0, < 3.0.0"
">= 3.7", ">= 3.0.0, < 3.1.0"
">= 3.8", ">= 3.0.0, < 3.3.0"
">= 3.9", ">= 3.3.0"
ℹ️ Note:
Please note that starting with the release of v3.3.0, this library requires Python version >= 3.9.
See the Python version compatibility table above for more detailed information.
⚡ Note:
As of version 3.1.0, this library is async compatible.
import rt.rest2
import httpx
tracker = rt.rest2.AsyncRt('http://localhost/rt/REST/2.0/', http_auth=httpx.BasicAuth('root', 'password'))
⚠️ Warning:
Though version 3.x still supports RT REST API version 1, it contains minor breaking changes. Please see the changelog
in the documentation for details.
Install the python-rt package using::
pip install rt
This module is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public Licence v3
and was developed by CZ.NIC Labs - research and development department of
CZ.NIC association - top level domain registry for .CZ. Copy of the GNU
General Public License is distributed along with this module.
An example is worth a thousand words::
>>> import rt.rest2
>>> import httpx
>>> tracker = rt.rest2.Rt('http://localhost/rt/REST/2.0/', http_auth=httpx.BasicAuth('root', 'password'))
>>> map(lambda x: x['id'], tracker.search(Queue='helpdesk', Status='open'))
['1', '2', '10', '15']
>>> tracker.create_ticket(queue='helpdesk', \
... subject='Coffee (important)', content='Help I Ran Out of Coffee!')
>>> tracker.edit_ticket(19, Requestor='addicted@example.com')
>>> tracker.reply(19, content='Do you know Starbucks?')
Get the last important updates from a specific queue that have been updated recently::
>>> import datetime
>>> import base64
>>> import rt.rest2
>>> import httpx
>>> tracker = rt.rest2.Rt('http://localhost/rt/REST/2.0/', http_auth=httpx.BasicAuth('root', 'password'))
>>> fifteen_minutes_ago = str(datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=15))
>>> tickets = tracker.last_updated(since=fifteen_minutes_ago)
>>> for ticket in tickets:
>>> id = ticket['id']
>>> history = tracker.get_ticket_history(id)
>>> last_update = list(reversed([h for h in history if h['Type'] in ('Correspond', 'Comment')]))
>>> hid = tracker.get_transaction(last_update[0]['id'] if last_update else history[0]['id'])
>>> attachment_id = None
>>> for k in hid['_hyperlinks']:
>>> if k['ref'] == 'attachment':
>>> attachment_id = k['_url'].rsplit('/', 1)[1]
>>> break
>>> if attachment_id is not None:
>>> attachment = c.get_attachment(attachment_id)
>>> if attachment['Content'] is not None:
>>> content = base64.b64decode(attachment['Content']).decode()
>>> print(content)
Please use docstrings to see how to use different functions. They are written
in ReStructuredText. You can also generate HTML documentation by running
make html
in doc directory (Sphinx required).
Official Site
Project site, issue tracking and git repository: