Snakemake executor plugin: pcluster-slurm v_0.0.7_
Snakemake Executor Plugins (generally)
Snakemake plugin catalog docs.
AWS Parallel Cluster, pcluster
AWS Parallel Cluster is a framework to deploy and manage dynamically scalable HPC clusters on AWS, running SLURM as the batch system, and pcluster
manages all of the creating, configuring, and deleting of the cluster compute nodes. Nodes may be spot or dedicated. note, the AWS Parallel Cluster
port of slurm has a few small, but critical differences from the standard slurm distribution. This plugin enables using slurm from pcluster head and compute nodes via snakemake >=v8.*
Daylily is a bioinformatics framework that automates and standardizes all aspects of creating a self-scaling ephemeral cluster which can grow from 1 head node to many thousands of as-needed compute spot instances (modulo your quotas and budget). This is accomplished by using AWS Parallel Cluster to manage the cluster, and snakemake to manage the bfx workflows. In this context, slurm
is the intermediary between snakemake and the cluster resource management. The pcluster
slurm variant does not play nicely with vanilla slurm, and to date, the slurm snakemake executor has not worked with pcluster
slurm. This plugin is a bridge between snakemake and pcluster-slurm
Snakemake >=8.*
conda create -n snakemake -c conda-forge -c bioconda snakemake==8.20.6
conda activate snakemake
Installation (pip)
from an environment with snakemake and pip installed
pip install snakemake-executor-plugin-pcluster-slurm
mkdir -p /fsx/resources/environments/containers/ubuntu/cache/
export SNAKEMAKE_OUTPUT_CACHE=/fsx/resources/environments/containers/ubuntu/cache/
snakemake --use-conda --use-singularity -j 10 --singularity-prefix /fsx/resources/environments/containers/ubuntu/ip-10-0-0-240/ --singularity-args " -B /tmp:/tmp -B /fsx:/fsx -B /home/$USER:/home/$USER -B $PWD/:$PWD" --conda-prefix /fsx/resources/environments/containers/ubuntu/ip-10-0-0-240/ --executor pcluster-slurm --default-resources slurm_partition='i64,i128,i192' --cache --verbose -k
What Partitions Are Available?
Use sinfo
to learn about your cluster (note, sinfo
reports on all potential and active compute nodes. Read the docs to interpret which are active, which are not yet requested s
pot instances, etc). Below is what the daylily AWS parallel cluster looks like.
i8* up infinite 12 idle~ i8-dy-gb64-[1-12]
i64 up infinite 16 idle~ i64-dy-gb256-[1-8],i64-dy-gb512-[1-8]
i96 up infinite 16 idle~ i96-dy-gb384-[1-8],i96-dy-gb768-[1-8]
i128 up infinite 28 idle~ i128-dy-gb256-[1-8],i128-dy-gb512-[1-10],i128-dy-gb1024-[1-10]
i192 up infinite 30 idle~ i192-dy-gb384-[1-10],i192-dy-gb768-[1-10],i192-dy-gb1536-[1-10]
a192 up infinite 30 idle~ a192-dy-gb384-[1-10],a192-dy-gb768-[1-10],a192-dy-gb1536-[1-10]
Other Cool Stuff
Real Time Cost Tracking & Use Throttling via Budgets, Tagging ... and the --comment
sbatch flag.
I etensively make use of Cost allocation tags with AWS ParallelCluster in the daylily omics analysis framework $3 30x WGS analysis to track AWS cluster usage costs in realtime, and impose limits where appropriate (by user and project). This makes use of overriding the --comment
flag to hold project/budget
tags applied to ephemeral AWS resources, and thus enabling cost tracking/controls.