Snowfakery Documentation
Snowfakery is a tool for generating fake data that has relations between tables. Every row is faked data, but also unique and random, like a snowflake.
To tell Snowfakery what data you want to generate, you need to write a Recipe file in YAML.
Snowfakery can write its output to stdout, or any database accessible to SQLAlchemy. When it is embedded in CumulusCI it can output to a Salesforce org. Adding new output formats is fairly straightforward and open source contributions of that form are gratefully accepted.
To contribute to snowfakery you will first need to setup a virtual environment.
Once you have youre virtual environment, you can install dependencies via pip:
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
Or you can install dependencies via pip tools:
make dev-install
Now you're all set for contributing to Snowfakery!
Updating Dependencies
Performing dependency updates is easy. Just run make update-deps
and commit any changes to requirements/prod.txt
and requirements/dev.txt