🤖 Using SpellBot
SpellBot helps you find Magic: The Gathering games on SpellTable or Table Stream. Just looking to
play a game of Commander? Run the command /lfg
and SpellBot will help you out!
SpellBot uses Discord slash commands. Each command provides its own help documentation that
you can view directly within Discord itself before running the command. Take a look and see what's
available by typing /
and browsing the commands for SpellBot!
🔭 Where to Play?
These communities are using SpellBot to play Magic! Maybe one of them is right for you?
Want your community to be featured here as well? Please contact me at
📊 Mythic Track
SpellBot integrates seamlessly with Mythic Track which allows you to track games within your Discord server. Visualize and explore your data to reveal interesting trends. To get started run the /setup_mythic_track
command on your server. Please also consider supporting Mythic Track!
❓ Help
Two of the most common issues people using SpellBot run into are related to receiving Direct Messages from the bot. SpellBot uses Discord embeds in the DMs that it sends and there are some settings you need to enable for this to work correctly.
In your Settings ► Chat
make sure that you have enabled Embeds and link previews.
And in your Settings ► Privacy & Safety
, enable both Allow direct message message for server members and Enable message requests from server members you may not know.
If you have more questions, please don't hesitate to join us on the SpellBot Discord server to get answers from our generous community.
🎤 Feedback
Thoughts and suggestions? Come join us on the SpellBot Discord server! Please
also feel free to directly report any bugs that you encounter. Or reach out to me on
BlueSky at @spellbot.io.
🙌 Supported By
The continued operation of SpellBot is supported by PlayEDH as well as generous donations from my patrons on Patreon and Ko-fi. If you would like to help support SpellBot, please consider signing up for as little a one dollar a month or giving me a one-off tip for whatever you feel is appropriate.
❤️ Contributing
If you'd like to become a part of the SpellBot development community please first know that we have
a documented code of conduct and then see our
documentation on how to contribute for details on how to get started.
🐳 Docker Support
SpellBot can be run via docker. Our image is published to
lexicalunit/spellbot. See our documentation on Docker Support for help
with installing and using it.
🔍 Fine-print
Any usage of SpellBot implies that you accept the following policies.
MIT © amy@lexicalunit et al