ETL tooling for preparing tableau seed data
This library was built with the intentions of enhancing the experience of data wrangling for tableau.
Tableau can be very particular about the data it reads from.
In addition preparing data to fit the shape for different graphs can be time consuming.
TableauTransformer can be used to hurdle over these two barriers.
Github Repo
- pip, python 3.6, pandas, numpy
Getting Started
pip install tableautransformer
import tableautransformer.datawrangling as tbt
tbt is a collection of functions, not a collection of methods, so all calls are "tbt.function_name()"
Function Docs
Here you can find a list of all functions within the library, a description of what they do, and their inputs.
basic_table(read_path, read_type='csv', sheet_name=None, columns_to_keep=None, columns_rename=None,
filters=None, group_by=None, aggregate_columns=None, pre_agg_math_columns=None,
post_agg_math_columns=None, remove_NAN=True, remove_NAN_col='all')
basic_table is the basis for the tbt library as it refactors ~20 lines of commonly repeated code down to one input heavy function. The function reads in a dataframe, cleans up the data, and performs commonly used table operations.
read_path: string
The path to the file you wish to read. The only mandatory input.
read_type: 'csv' or 'excel'
Default is 'csv', if type is excel then sheet_name must have a value.
sheet_name: string
The name of the tab you wish to read in.
columns_to_keep: list of strings
['colA', 'colB', 'colC'] Default retains all columns, this function runs immediately after reading in the data, any column mentioned in the list will remain in the dataframe, all others are dropped.
columns_rename: list of strings
['colA', 'colB', 'colC'] Default does not alter the names. The renaming process occurs after the file is read in and columns_to_keep have been selected. All other column related inputs should use the new name dictated by the rename process if used.
filters: list of 3-element tuples
[('col_name', 'operand', 'value')] The input can be multiple filters, each filter is a 3-element tuple where the first element is the column name, the second is the operand, and the third is the value. The column name and operand must be strings while the value can be numeric (or a string if the operand is '==').
group_by: list of strings
['colA', 'colB', 'colC'] groups dataframe by specified columns, aggregate_columns must not be None in order to work.
aggregate_columns: dicitonary
{'colA': 'agg_func'} when group_by is in effect it selects which columns to perform an agg function on, example 'sum' will do np.sum.
pre_agg_math_columns: dictionary
{'new_col': 'colA + colB'} Create a new column labeled as the key (from dictionary) and the scalar value as the value (from dictionary). Creates before group_by function is read. Caveat: columns in the value (from dictionary) must contain no spaces.
post_agg_math_columns: dictionary
{'new_col': 'colA + colB'} Create a new column labeled as the key (from dictionary) and the scalar value as the value (from dictionary). Creates after group_by function is read. Caveat: columns in the value (from dictionary) must contain no spaces.
remove_NAN: True or False boolean
Default is True, removes any rows where a scalar value in the target column is NaN.
remove_NAN_col: 'all' or list of stirngs
['colA', 'colB', 'colC'] (default is 'all'), selects the targets for remove_NAN function.
bucket(df, column, bucket_col_name, intervals)
Creates a new column with values assigned depending on discrete intervals of another columns value.
df: DataFrame
The dataframe you want to bucket
column: string
The column which the values are used to determine what the descrete interval is assigned
bucket_col_name: string
The name of the new column which contains the discrete intervals
intervals: dictionary where value is a 2-element numeric tuple
[{'low': (10,200)}] this would assign the bucketed discrete value of 'low' to any index's target column inbetween or equal to 20 and 200. Caveat: the operand is fixed to lower_value <= col_value <= upper_value.
export(file_name, tables)
Exports selected dataframes into an Excel file where each tab is its own dataframe.
file_name: string
The path you want to write the file too
tables: dictionary
The key is the tab name, the value is the df
For each column in the DataFrame print the dtypes present inside the series.
df: dataframe
The DataFrame you want to loop through
find_dups(df, name)
Find duplicate records and print them out inside a given df, duplicates must be duplicates accross all columns.
df: dataframe
The DataFrame you want to loop through
name: string
The name that will be printed for reference in the log
Force all scalar data to be strings in a given dataframe, mitigates float percision error for database upload.
df: dataframe
The DataFrame you want to loop through
Force all series to be of type object, mitigates merge fail.
df: dataframe
The DataFrame you want to loop through
is_in(df, target_col, isin_list)
Filters for only things that are inside the list.
df: DataFrame
The dataframe you want to filter
target_col: string
The column you want to apply the logic too for the filter.
isin_list: list
The list that the target_col value must equal at least one element.
cast(df, target_col, value)
Assign value to entire column, creates new column if column does not exist. Caveat do not use to cast a value which requires math
df: DataFrame
The dataframe you want to cast
target_col: string
The column you want to apply the logic too for the cast.
value: any primary type
The scalar value for the entire column.
date_format(df, target_col, date_format)
Turns a columns value into a specific pandas date_time type
df: DataFrame
The dataframe you want to work with
target_col: string
The column you want to alter
date_format: strftime Format Code
the strftime format code which you want to represent your date. see more:
Contributors names and contact info
Version History
- 0.0.31
- columns_to_keep default is all, fixed columns_rename bug
- 0.0.27
- 0.0.26
- date_format function fixed
- 0.0.24
- README basic documentation complete
- 0.0.17
- README documentation enhanced
- 0.0.16
- 0.0.1
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details