Testery CLI
To install you must have Python 3 and pip installed, then run:
pip install testery
Upgrade via
pip install testery --upgrade
Create Test Run
Starts a test run.
testery create-test-run --token <yourTesteryApiToken> --project <projectKeyFromTestery> --build-id <uniqueBuildIdOfYourChoice> --environment <environmentToBeTested> --wait-for-results
When set, --fail-on-failure
, will return an exit code of 1 if there are test failures.
Output Formats
- teamcity
- pretty
- json
- appveyor
- octopus
Create Test Environment
Creates an environment where tests may be run.
testery create-environment --token "<your_Testery_Api_Token>" --key "<key>" --name "<name>" --variable "KEY1=FOO1" --variable "KEY2=FOO2" --variable "secure:KEY3=SECRET" --pipeline-stage "<pipeline_stage_name>"
Update Test Environment
Updates an environment where tests are run with some new variables or pipeline stage.
testery update-environment --token "<your_Testery_Api_Token>" --key "<key>" --name "<name>" --variable "KEY1=FOO1" --variable "KEY2=FOO2" --pipeline-stage "<pipeline_stage_name>"
Add environment variables from .env file
Takes in a .env file and adds or overwrites variables in target environment.
testery add-env-vars-from-file --token "<your_Testery_Api_Token>" --environment-key "<key>" --env-file "<path/to/file/.env>" --overwrite
Update Test Stage
Updates or creates a pipeline stage where tests are run with some new variables.
testery update-pipeline-stage --token "<your_Testery_Api_Token>" --name "<name>" --variable "KEY1=FOO1" --variable "KEY2=FOO2" --create-if-not-exists
Add Pipeline Stage variables from .env file
Takes in a .env file and adds or overwrites variables in target Pipeline.
testery add-stage-vars-from-file --token "<your_Testery_Api_Token>" --name "<name>" --env-file "<path/to/file/.env>" --overwrite