Arbitrary order moments for truncated multivariate normal distributions.
X ~ N(m, C), a <= X <= b
with mean vector m
, covariance matrix C
, lower limit vector a
and upper
limit vector b
import truncnorm
truncnorm.moments(m, C, a, b, 4)
returns all the following moments of total order less or equal to 4 as a list:
P(a<=X<=b), (scalar)
E[X_i], (N vector)
E[X_i*X_j], (NxN matrix)
E[X_i*X_j*X_k], (NxNxN array)
E[X_i*X_j*X_k*X_l], (NxNxNxN array)
for all i
, j
, k
and l
. Note that the first element in the list is a bit
of a special case. That's because E[1]
is trivially 1
so giving the
normalisation constant instead is much more useful.
- Double truncation
- Numerical stability could probably be increased by using logarithic scale in
critical places of the algorithm
- Sampling (see Gessner et al below)
- Folded distribution
- Optimize recurrent integrals by using vector and index-mapping representation
instead of arrays. Using arrays makes computations efficient and simple, but
same elements are computed multiple times because of symmetry in the moments.
"On Moments of Folded and Truncated Multivariate Normal Distributions" by
Raymond Kan & Cesare Robotti, 2016
"Integrals over Gaussians under Linear Domain Constraints" by Alexandra Gessner
& Oindrila Kanjilal & Philipp Hennig, 2020