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🌀 Faster ModernGL Buffers inter-process data transfers for subprocesses

  • 1.2.2
  • PyPI
  • Socket score


[!IMPORTANT] Also check out ShaderFlow, where TurboPipe shines! 😉


Faster ModernGL Buffers inter-process data transfers for subprocesses

🔥 Description

TurboPipe speeds up sending raw bytes from moderngl.Buffer objects primarily to FFmpeg subprocess

The optimizations involved are:

  • Zero-copy: Avoid unnecessary memory copies or allocation (intermediate
  • C++: The core of TurboPipe is written in C++ for speed, efficiency and low-level control
  • Chunks: Write in chunks of 4096 bytes (RAM page size), so the hardware is happy (Unix)
  • Threaded:
    • Doesn't block Python code execution, allows to render next frame
    • Decouples the main thread from the I/O thread for performance

✅ Don't worry, there's proper safety in place. TurboPipe will block Python if a memory address is already queued for writing, and guarantees order of writes per file-descriptor. Just call .sync() when done 😉

📦 Installation

It couldn't be easier! Just install the turbopipe package from PyPI:

# With pip (
pip install turbopipe

# With Poetry (
poetry add turbopipe

# With PDM (
pdm add turbopipe

# With Rye (
rye add turbopipe

🚀 Usage

See also the Examples folder for comparisons, and ShaderFlow usage of it!

import subprocess

import moderngl
import turbopipe

# Create ModernGL objects
ctx = moderngl.create_standalone_context()
buffers = [ctx.buffer(reserve=1920*1080*3) for _ in range(2)]

# Make sure resolution, pixel format matches!
ffmpeg = subprocess.Popen(
    'ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -r 60 -s 1920x1080 -i - -f null -'.split(),

# Rendering loop of yours (eg. 1m footage)
for frame in range(60 * 60):
    buffer = buffers[frame % len(buffer)]
    turbopipe.pipe(buffer, ffmpeg.stdin.fileno())

# Finalize writing, encoding

⭐️ Benchmarks

[!NOTE] The tests conditions are as follows:

  • The tests are the average of 3 runs to ensure consistency, with 5 GB of the same data being piped
  • These aren't tests of render speed; but rather the throughput speed of GPU -> CPU -> RAM -> IPC
  • All resolutions are wide-screen (16:9) and have 3 components (RGB) with 3 bytes per pixel (SDR)
  • The data is a random noise per-buffer between 128-135. So, multi-buffers runs are a noise video
  • Multi-buffer cycles through a list of buffer (eg. 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3... for 3-buffers)
  • All FFmpeg outputs are scrapped with -f null - to avoid any disk I/O bottlenecks
  • The gain column is the percentage increase over the standard method
  • When x264 is Null, no encoding took place (passthrough)
  • The test cases emoji signifies:
    • 🐢: Standard ffmpeg.stdin.write( on just the main thread, pure Python
    • 🚀: Threaded ffmpeg.stdin.write( with a queue (similar to turbopipe)
    • 🌀: The magic of turbopipe.pipe(buffer, ffmpeg.stdin.fileno())

Also see for the implementation

✅ Check out benchmarks in a couple of systems below:

📦 TurboPipe v1.0.4:

Desktop • (AMD Ryzen 9 5900x) • (NVIDIA RTX 3060 12 GB) • (DDR4 2x32 GB 3200 MT/s) • (Arch Linux)

Note: I have noted inconsistency across tests, specially at lower resolutions. Some 720p runs might peak at 2900 fps and stay there, while others are limited by 1750 fps. I'm not sure if it's the Linux EEVDF scheduler, or CPU Topology that causes this. Nevertheless, results are stable on Windows 11 on the same machine.

🐢Null1882 fps2.44 GB/s
🚀Null1793 fps2.19 GB/s-10.04%
🌀Null11911 fps5.28 GB/s116.70%
🐢Null4857 fps2.37 GB/s
🚀Null4891 fps2.47 GB/s4.05%
🌀Null42309 fps6.38 GB/s169.45%
🐢ultrafast4714 fps1.98 GB/s
🚀ultrafast4670 fps1.85 GB/s-6.10%
🌀ultrafast41093 fps3.02 GB/s53.13%
🐢slow4206 fps0.57 GB/s
🚀slow4208 fps0.58 GB/s1.37%
🌀slow4214 fps0.59 GB/s3.93%
🐢Null1410 fps2.55 GB/s
🚀Null1399 fps2.48 GB/s-2.60%
🌀Null1794 fps4.94 GB/s93.80%
🐢Null4390 fps2.43 GB/s
🚀Null4391 fps2.43 GB/s0.26%
🌀Null4756 fps4.71 GB/s94.01%
🐢ultrafast4269 fps1.68 GB/s
🚀ultrafast4272 fps1.70 GB/s1.48%
🌀ultrafast4409 fps2.55 GB/s52.29%
🐢slow4115 fps0.72 GB/s
🚀slow4118 fps0.74 GB/s3.40%
🌀slow4119 fps0.75 GB/s4.34%
🐢Null1210 fps2.33 GB/s
🚀Null1239 fps2.64 GB/s13.84%
🌀Null1534 fps5.91 GB/s154.32%
🐢Null4219 fps2.43 GB/s
🚀Null4231 fps2.56 GB/s5.64%
🌀Null4503 fps5.56 GB/s129.75%
🐢ultrafast4141 fps1.56 GB/s
🚀ultrafast4150 fps1.67 GB/s6.92%
🌀ultrafast4226 fps2.50 GB/s60.37%
🐢slow472 fps0.80 GB/s
🚀slow471 fps0.79 GB/s-0.70%
🌀slow475 fps0.83 GB/s4.60%
🐢Null181 fps2.03 GB/s
🚀Null1107 fps2.67 GB/s32.26%
🌀Null1213 fps5.31 GB/s163.47%
🐢Null487 fps2.18 GB/s
🚀Null4109 fps2.72 GB/s25.43%
🌀Null4212 fps5.28 GB/s143.72%
🐢ultrafast459 fps1.48 GB/s
🚀ultrafast467 fps1.68 GB/s14.46%
🌀ultrafast495 fps2.39 GB/s62.66%
🐢slow437 fps0.94 GB/s
🚀slow443 fps1.07 GB/s16.22%
🌀slow444 fps1.11 GB/s20.65%
Desktop • (AMD Ryzen 9 5900x) • (NVIDIA RTX 3060 12 GB) • (DDR4 2x32 GB 3200 MT/s) • (Windows 11)
🐢Null1981 fps2.71 GB/s
🚀Null11145 fps3.17 GB/s16.74%
🌀Null11504 fps4.16 GB/s53.38%
🐢Null4997 fps2.76 GB/s
🚀Null41117 fps3.09 GB/s12.08%
🌀Null41467 fps4.06 GB/s47.14%
🐢ultrafast4601 fps1.66 GB/s
🚀ultrafast4616 fps1.70 GB/s2.57%
🌀ultrafast4721 fps1.99 GB/s20.04%
🐢slow4206 fps0.57 GB/s
🚀slow4206 fps0.57 GB/s0.39%
🌀slow4206 fps0.57 GB/s0.13%
🐢Null1451 fps2.81 GB/s
🚀Null1542 fps3.38 GB/s20.31%
🌀Null1711 fps4.43 GB/s57.86%
🐢Null4449 fps2.79 GB/s
🚀Null4518 fps3.23 GB/s15.48%
🌀Null4614 fps3.82 GB/s36.83%
🐢ultrafast4262 fps1.64 GB/s
🚀ultrafast4266 fps1.66 GB/s1.57%
🌀ultrafast4319 fps1.99 GB/s21.88%
🐢slow4119 fps0.74 GB/s
🚀slow4121 fps0.76 GB/s2.46%
🌀slow4121 fps0.75 GB/s1.90%
🐢Null1266 fps2.95 GB/s
🚀Null1308 fps3.41 GB/s15.87%
🌀Null1402 fps4.45 GB/s51.22%
🐢Null4276 fps3.06 GB/s
🚀Null4307 fps3.40 GB/s11.32%
🌀Null4427 fps4.73 GB/s54.86%
🐢ultrafast4152 fps1.68 GB/s
🚀ultrafast4156 fps1.73 GB/s3.02%
🌀ultrafast4181 fps2.01 GB/s19.36%
🐢slow477 fps0.86 GB/s
🚀slow479 fps0.88 GB/s3.27%
🌀slow480 fps0.89 GB/s4.86%
🐢Null1134 fps3.35 GB/s
🚀Null1152 fps3.81 GB/s14.15%
🌀Null1221 fps5.52 GB/s65.44%
🐢Null4135 fps3.36 GB/s
🚀Null4151 fps3.76 GB/s11.89%
🌀Null4220 fps5.49 GB/s63.34%
🐢ultrafast466 fps1.65 GB/s
🚀ultrafast470 fps1.75 GB/s6.44%
🌀ultrafast482 fps2.04 GB/s24.31%
🐢slow440 fps1.01 GB/s
🚀slow443 fps1.09 GB/s9.54%
🌀slow444 fps1.10 GB/s10.15%
Laptop • (Intel Core i7 11800H) • (NVIDIA RTX 3070) • (DDR4 2x16 GB 3200 MT/s) • (Windows 11)

Note: Must select NVIDIA GPU on their Control Panel instead of Intel iGPU

🐢Null1786 fps2.17 GB/s
🚀Null1903 fps2.50 GB/s14.91%
🌀Null11366 fps3.78 GB/s73.90%
🐢Null4739 fps2.04 GB/s
🚀Null4855 fps2.37 GB/s15.78%
🌀Null41240 fps3.43 GB/s67.91%
🐢ultrafast4484 fps1.34 GB/s
🚀ultrafast4503 fps1.39 GB/s4.10%
🌀ultrafast4577 fps1.60 GB/s19.37%
🐢slow4143 fps0.40 GB/s
🚀slow4145 fps0.40 GB/s1.78%
🌀slow4151 fps0.42 GB/s5.76%
🐢Null1358 fps2.23 GB/s
🚀Null1427 fps2.66 GB/s19.45%
🌀Null1566 fps3.53 GB/s58.31%
🐢Null4343 fps2.14 GB/s
🚀Null4404 fps2.51 GB/s17.86%
🌀Null4465 fps2.89 GB/s35.62%
🐢ultrafast4191 fps1.19 GB/s
🚀ultrafast4207 fps1.29 GB/s8.89%
🌀ultrafast4234 fps1.46 GB/s22.77%
🐢slow462 fps0.39 GB/s
🚀slow467 fps0.42 GB/s8.40%
🌀slow474 fps0.47 GB/s20.89%
🐢Null1180 fps1.99 GB/s
🚀Null1216 fps2.40 GB/s20.34%
🌀Null1264 fps2.92 GB/s46.74%
🐢Null4178 fps1.97 GB/s
🚀Null4211 fps2.34 GB/s19.07%
🌀Null4250 fps2.77 GB/s40.48%
🐢ultrafast498 fps1.09 GB/s
🚀ultrafast4110 fps1.23 GB/s13.18%
🌀ultrafast4121 fps1.35 GB/s24.15%
🐢slow440 fps0.45 GB/s
🚀slow441 fps0.46 GB/s4.90%
🌀slow443 fps0.48 GB/s7.89%
🐢Null179 fps1.98 GB/s
🚀Null195 fps2.37 GB/s20.52%
🌀Null1104 fps2.60 GB/s32.15%
🐢Null480 fps2.00 GB/s
🚀Null494 fps2.35 GB/s17.82%
🌀Null4108 fps2.70 GB/s35.40%
🐢ultrafast441 fps1.04 GB/s
🚀ultrafast448 fps1.20 GB/s17.67%
🌀ultrafast452 fps1.30 GB/s27.49%
🐢slow417 fps0.43 GB/s
🚀slow419 fps0.48 GB/s13.16%
🌀slow419 fps0.48 GB/s13.78%

🌀 Conclusion

TurboPipe significantly increases the feeding speed of FFmpeg with data, especially at higher resolutions. However, if there's few CPU compute available, or the video is too hard to encode (/slow preset), the gains are insignificant over the other methods (bottleneck). Multi-buffering didn't prove to have an advantage, debugging shows that TurboPipe C++ is often starved of data to write (as the file stream is buffered on the OS most likely), and the context switching, or cache misses, might be the cause of the slowdown.

The theory supports the threaded method being faster, as writing to a file descriptor is a blocking operation for python, but a syscall under the hood, that doesn't necessarily lock the GIL, just the thread. TurboPipe speeds that even further by avoiding an unecessary copy of the buffer data, and writing directly to the file descriptor on a C++ thread. Linux shows a better performance than Windows in the same system after the optimizations, but Windows wins on the standard method.

Interestingly, due either Linux's scheduler on AMD Ryzen CPUs, or their operating philosophy, it was experimentally seen that Ryzen's frenetic thread switching degrades a bit the single thread performance, which can be "fixed" with prepending the command with taskset --cpu 0,2 (not recommended at all), comparatively speaking to Windows performance on the same system (Linux 🚀 = Windows 🐢). This can also be due the topology of tested CPUs having more than one Core Complex Die (CCD). Intel CPUs seem to stick to the same thread for longer, which makes the Python threaded method often slightly faster.

Personal experience

On realistically loads, like ShaderFlow's default lightweight shader export, TurboPipe increases rendering speed from 1080p260 to 1080p360 on my system, with mid 80% CPU usage than low 60%s. For DepthFlow's default depth video export, no gains are seen, as the CPU is almost saturated encoding at 1080p130.

📚 Future work

  • Disable/investigate performance degradation on Windows iGPUs
  • Improve the thread synchronization and/or use a ThreadPool
  • Maybe use mmap instead of chunks writing on Linux


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