Provides support for quantities and units, which strictly disallow
invalid operations between incompatible quantities. For example, we cannot add
2 metres to 5 seconds, because this doesn't make sense.
From Wikipedia:
The Mars Climate Orbiter was intended to enter orbit at an altitude of
140-150 km (460,000-500,000 ft.) above Mars. However, a navigation error
caused the spacecraft to reach as low as 57 km (190,000 ft.). The spacecraft
was destroyed by atmospheric stresses and friction at this low altitude. The
navigation error arose because a NASA subcontractor (Lockheed Martin) used
Imperial units (pound-seconds) instead of the metric system.
This module is distributed via PyPI. So, you can do::
pip install units
easy_install units
or, you can download a bundle yourself at
If you want the latest::
pip install -e hg+
How to Use
Make Quantities
Units are objects that you use to make quantities::
from units import unit
metre = unit('m')
print(metre(7) + metre(11))
18.00 m
You can mix and match these quantities in some ways::
from units import unit
metre = unit('m')
second = unit('s')
print(metre(10) / second(2))
5.00 m / s
print(metre(10) ** 3)
1000.00 m * m * m
But if you make a mistake, you get a safety net::
from units import unit
... unit('m')(5) + unit('s')(5)
... except units.exception.IncompatibleUnitsError:
... print('Got an error!')
Got an error!
Make Your Own Units
Before you start making your own units, you should check out the units that
you get for free::
import units.predefined
It includes all the official SI units, some units for measuring time such as
days and weeks, units for volumes like cups, gallons and litres, imperial
units and more.
You've already seen how to make your own simple units. You call
the unit function and give it a string::
from units import unit
blog = unit('blog')
3.00 blog
These units are automatically incompatible with other units.
You can combine units with multiplication and division to make new units::
from units import unit
blogs_per_network = unit('blog') / unit('network')
2.34 blog / network
There's a built-in shortcut for making new units that are scalar multiples
of other units::
from units import unit, scaled_unit
sickle = scaled_unit('sickle', 'knut', 29)
galleon = scaled_unit('galleon', 'sickle', 17)
knut = unit('knut')
galleon(3.0) + sickle(1.0) - knut(25.0) == knut(1483)
There's also a shortcut for giving names to slightly more complicated units::
from units import unit, named_unit
from units.predefined import define_units
twp = named_unit('tweetpack', ['tweet', 'meme'], ['day'], 5)
2.00 tweetpack
tweet, meme, day = [unit(x) for x in ['tweet', 'meme', 'day']]
print(twp(5) - (tweet(5) * meme(4) / day(2)))
3.00 tweetpack
If two units are compatible, you can convert between them easily::
from units import unit
from units.predefined import define_units
furlongs_per_fortnight = unit('fur') / unit('fortnight')
kph = unit('km') / unit('h')
167024.58 fur / fortnight
You can also use lower-level constructors to make your own units and
quantities. The ways shown above are easier, though.
This module doesn't solve problems with numerical accuracy or
floating point conversions, and Python 2 vs. 3 issues abound::
from units import unit
unit('m')(5) / unit('m')(7)
0 in Python 2.x, 0.7142857142857143 in Python 3.
More dangerously, certain internal operations have implicit arithmetic
that can surprise you::
from units import unit, scaled_unit
sickle = scaled_unit('sickle', 'knut', 29)
galleon = scaled_unit('galleon', 'sickle', 17)
knut = unit('knut')
galleon(3) + sickle(1) - knut(25) == galleon(3)
True in Python 2.x, False in Python 3
Using Modified Python
In units-enhanced Python, you can do::
print(2cm / 0.5 s)
-> 4.0 cm / s
Units-enhanced Python is a version of PyPy with built-in support
for units. You can find it in the unitPython directory. Essentially,
apply the supplied patches to r66797 of PyPy. If you're on a suitable
UNIX, the included unitPython/ does this for you.
@requires: U{Python} >= 2.5
@since: 2009-Aug-10
@status: under development