Veritas Toolkit

The purpose of this toolkit is to facilitate the adoption of Veritas Methodology on Fairness & Transparency Assessment and spur industry development. It will also
benefit customers by improving the fairness and transparency of financial services delivered by AIDA systems.
The easiest way to install veritastool is to download it from PyPI
. It's going to install the library itself and its prerequisites as well. It is suggested to create virtual environment with requirements.txt file first.
pip install veritastool
Then, you will be able to import the library and use its functionalities. Before we do that, we can run a test function on our sample datasets to see if our codes are performing as expected.
from veritastool.util.utility import test_function_cs

You can now import the custom library that you would to use for diagnosis. In this example we will use the Credit Scoring custom library.
from veritastool.model.modelwrapper import ModelWrapper
from veritastool.model.model_container import ModelContainer
from veritastool.usecases.credit_scoring import CreditScoring
Once the relevant use case object (CreditScoring) and model container (ModelContainer) has been imported, you can upload your contents into the container and initialize the object for diagnosis.
import pickle
import numpy as np
file = "./veritastool/examples/data/credit_score_dict.pickle"
input_file = open(file, "rb")
cs = pickle.load(input_file)
y_true = np.array(cs["y_test"])
y_pred = np.array(cs["y_pred"])
y_train = np.array(cs["y_train"])
p_grp = {'SEX': [1], 'MARRIAGE':[1]}
up_grp = {'SEX': [2], 'MARRIAGE':[2]}
x_train = cs["X_train"]
x_test = cs["X_test"]
model_name = "credit_scoring"
model_type = "classification"
y_prob = cs["y_prob"]
model_obj = LogisticRegression(C=0.1), y_train)
container = ModelContainer(y_true, p_grp, model_type, model_name, y_pred, y_prob, y_train, x_train=x_train, \
x_test=x_test, model_object=model_obj, up_grp=up_grp)
cre_sco_obj= CreditScoring(model_params = [container], fair_threshold = 80, fair_concern = "eligible", \
fair_priority = "benefit", fair_impact = "normal", perf_metric_name="accuracy", \
tran_row_num = [20,40], tran_max_sample = 1000, tran_pdp_feature = ['LIMIT_BAL'], tran_max_display = 10)
API functions
Below are the API functions that the user can execute to obtain the fairness and transparency diagnosis of their use cases.
The evaluate API function computes all performance and fairness metrics and renders it in a table format (default). It
also highlights the primary performance and fairness metrics (automatic if not specified by user).

You can also toggle the widget to view your results in a interactive visualization format.
cre_sco_obj.evaluate(visualize = True)

Computes trade-off between performance and fairness.

** Note: Replace {Balanced Accuracy} with the respective given metrics.
Feature Importance
Computes feature importance of protected features using leave one out analysis.

Root Cause
Computes the importance of variables contributing to the bias.

User can choose methods to mitigate the bias.
mitigated = cre_sco_obj.mitigate(p_var=[], method=['reweigh', 'correlation', 'threshold'])

Runs the transparency analysis - global & local interpretability, partial dependence analysis and permutation importance

cre_sco_obj.explain(local_row_num = 20)

Generates model artifact file in JSON format. This function also runs all the API functions if it hasn't already been run.

Model Artifact
A JSON file that stores all the results from all the APIs.

You may refer to our example notebooks below to see how the toolkit can be applied:
Filename | Description |
CS_Demo.ipynb | Tutorial notebook to diagnose a credit scoring model for predicting customers' loan repayment. |
CM_Demo.ipynb | Tutorial notebook to diagnose a customer marketing uplift model for selecting existing customers for a marketing call to increase the sales of loan product. |
BaseClassification_demo.ipynb | Tutorial notebook for a multi-class propensity model |
BaseRegression_demo.ipynb | Tutorial notebook for a prediciton of a continuous target variable |
PUW_demo.ipynb | Tutorial notebook for a binary classification model to predict whether to award insurance policy by assessing risk |
NewUseCaseCreation_demo.ipynb | Tutorial notebook to create a new use case note-book and add custom metrics |
nonPythonModel_customMetric_demo.ipynb | Tutorial notebook to diagnose a credit scoring model by LibSVM (non-Python) with custom metric. |
Veritas Toolkit is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE
for more details.