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Geospatial and Hydraulic Functions For Analysis of River Systems

  • 0.3.7
  • PyPI
  • Socket score





To install or update:

pip install w2rpy
pip install --upgrade w2rpy

PyTorch and Meta's SegmentAnything model must be installed separately to run the pebble_count function. Download a pytorch wheel specific to your GPU here. Download SegmentAnything model checkpoints here. And install the SegmentAnything python package:

pip install

To create a REM and estimate channel extent:

import w2rpy as w2r
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import rasterio as rio
from rasterio.plot import show

dem = '/dem.tif'
valley_centerline = '/VCL.shp'

xs = w2r.xs(valley_centerline,1500,100)

haws = r'C:/users/lrussell/downloads/haws.tif'

channel = w2r.inundate(haws,[3],remove_holes=True,largest_only=True)

fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1)

with as src:


To estimate a ratinge curve:

import w2rpy as w2r
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import geopandas as gpd

# Get inundation polygons over a range of relative elevations
inundation_polygons = w2r.inundate(haws,range(3,11),largest_only=True)

# clip polygons to area of hydraulic calcs
aoi = gpd.read_file(r'C:/Users/lrussell/Downloads/aoi_clip.shp')
inundation_polygons.geometry = inundation_polygons.intersection(aoi.union_all())
channel.geometry = channel.intersection(aoi.union_all())

# run htab calcs
htab = w2r.htab_2D(haws,

fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2)



ax[1].set_xlabel('Discharge (cfs)')
ax[1].set_ylabel('Relative WSE (ft)')



To run a photo-based pebble count:



To run a habitat suitability (HSI) analysis:

dep = r'/depth_raster.tif'
vel = r'/velocity_raster.tif'
w2r.HSI(dep,vel,'Adult Coho Spawning',r'/HSI_output.tif')


To run a tree delineation analysis for trees between 50 and 100 feet tall:

ch = '/canopy_height.tif'
output = r'/trees.shp'
w2r.delineate_trees(ch, output)




  • Returns Terrain object. Terrain object contains the following objects:
    • DEM, flow accumulation, flow direction, pysheds Grid, and coordinate system
  • Input options:
    • dem_file: file path to a DEM raster (.tif, .vrt, etc…)

streamlines(terrain, pour_point, threshold=None, snap_threshold=None, save=None)

  • Returns a geodataframe of delineated stream lines.
  • Input options:
    • terrain: Terrain object
    • pour_point: file path to or geodataframe of points at the bottom of the desired watershed. Will only use the first point.
    • threshold: threshold for stream delineation in number of flow accumulated pixels. Defaults to number of pixels/100.
    • snap_threshold: threshold for snapping pour point to the flow accumulation raster. Defaults to number of pixels/10.
    • save: optional file path to save streamlines as shapefile rather than returning a geodataframe object.

catchment(terrain, pour_point, snap_threshold=None, save=None)

  • Returns a geodataframe of delineated catchment.
  • Input options:
    • terrain: Terrain object
    • pour_point: file path to or geodataframe of points at the bottom of the desired watershed. Will only use the first point.
    • snap_threshold: threshold for snapping pour point to the flow accumulation raster. Defaults to number of pixels/10.
    • save: optional file path to save catchment as shapefile rather than returning a geodataframe object.

get_xs(cl, xs_length, spacing, save=None)

  • Returns a geodataframe of cross-sections.
  • Input options:
    • cl: centerline, or any lines, to generate cross-sections along.
    • xs_length: length of cross-section from cl. Full XS length is xs_length*2
    • spacing: distance between cross-sections on cl.
    • save: optional file path to save cross-sections as shapefile rather than returning a geodataframe object.

get_points(lines, spacing, ep=True, save=None)

  • Returns a geodataframe of cross-sections.
  • Input options:
    • lines: centerline, or any lines, to generate cross-sections along.
    • spacing: distance between points on lines.
    • ep: option to include end point on line. Either True or False.
    • save: optional file path to save points as shapefile rather than returning a geodataframe object.

inundate(raster, rel_wse_list, largest_only=False, invert=False, remove_holes=False, save=None)

  • Returns a geodataframe of polygons showing inundation extent for given relative WSEs.
  • Input options:
    • raster: file path to DEM or REM to perform inundation on.
    • rel_wse_list: list for WSEs to create inundation polygons for. (Example: [1,3.5,7,10])
    • largest_only: True/False to return only the largest inundated polygon. Helpful for channel delineation.
    • invert: True/False to select the are below or above a given WSE.
    • remove_holes: True/False option to remove all holes within inundation extent polygons.
    • save: optional file path to save the inundation extents as shapefile rather than returning a geodataframe object.

sample_raster(raster, points, buff=None, metric="min", multiband=False, crs=None)

  • Returns list of values sampled from raster at location of points.
  • Input options:
    • raster: file path to DEM or imagery to sample data.
    • points: geodatabase or file path of points to sample.
    • buff: optional buffer distance to around each point to sample.
    • metric: suite of options to sample for including "min", "mean", "max", and "mode"
    • multiband: True/False option to include samples from all bands, otherwise it only returns the first band.
    • crs: option to convert points to specific coordinate system, only use if raster has no set coordinate system.


  • Returns list of values sampled from raster within extent of given polygons.
  • Input options:
    • raster: file path to DEM or imagery to sample data.
    • df: geodatabase or file path of polygons to sample.
    • metric: suite of options including "min", "mean", "max", "sum", and "nonzero"
    • band: integer value of which raster band to sample data from.

edit_raster(raster, output, crs=None, resample=None, resample_method="bilinear", clip=None, nodata=None)

  • All in one function to edit or warp rasters in various ways. Saves output to a new tif file.
  • Input options:
    • raster: file path to DEM or imagery to warp/edit.
    • output: file path to save new raster.
    • crs: coordinate system to reproject raster to.
    • resample: pixel size to resample raster to.
    • resample_method: options for resampling ("bilinear","nearest","mean")
    • clip: geodataframe or path to polygons to clip raster to.
    • nodata: will set the nodata value for the output raster.

merge_rasters(rasters, output, method="first", compression=None, nodata=None)

  • Merges rasters into a single tif file. This does not build a mosaic, be wary of resulting file sizes.
  • Input options:
    • rasters: list of file paths to DEM or imagery to merge.
    • output: file path to save new raster.
    • method: options for merging rasters including "first", "last", "max" and "min". See rasterio documentation for more info.
    • compression: option to compress merged raster. Best to use are "JPEG" or "LZW".
    • nodata: will set the nodata value for the output raster.

difference_rasters(r1, r2, output, match_affine="first", method="nearest")

  • Will match the extent and resolution of both rasters then difference. Output = r2 – r1.
  • Input options:
    • r1: file path to DEM or imagery.
    • r2: file path to DEM or imagery.
    • output: file path to save new raster.
    • match_affine: If "first" then will warp r2 to match r1 extent and resolution. If "last" then will warp r1 to match r2 extent and resolution.
    • method: method for raster transformation includes "nearest" and "bilinear"

create_REM(dem, xs, output, sample_dist=3, smooth_window=5, buffer=1000, limits=[-50,50], method="min", vb=None, ret_xs=False, wse_path=None)

  • Will create a REM from a given DEM and set of cross-sections.
  • Input options:
    • dem: file path to DEM.
    • xs: file path or geodataframe of cross-sections to use.
    • output: file path to save new REM raster.
    • sample_dist: Length along cross-sections to sample elevation data.
    • smooth_window: number of cross-sections to average using rolling window.
    • buffer: clips new raster to include buffer around total bounding box of cross-sections.
    • limits: sets all data above or below limits to nodata.
    • method: Option to use "min" or "mean" sampled elevation per cross-section
    • vb: geodataframe or path to valley bottom polygon to clip cross-sections.
    • ret_xs: will return XS if set to true, no need to use this.
    • wse_path: file path to save WSE/GGL surface raster.

htab_1D(station, elevation, slope, D50, max_depth=10, breaks=None, save=None)

  • Returns dataframe of hydraulic table (htab) calcs for a given cross-section. Htab table returns either the sum (for discharge, area, and perimeter) or discharge-weighted average (for roughness, hydraulic radius, and velocity) across all flowing channels.
  • Input options:
    • station: list , array, or series of station data.
    • elevation: list , array, or series of elevation data.
    • slope: dimensionless slope for hydraulic calcs. Constant across all flows/depths.
    • D50: representative grain size used for bathhurst calcs to vary roughness with depth.
    • max_depth: depth from thalweg to perform calcs from. Splits this range in 25 WSEs to build rating curve.
    • breaks: station values to split hydraulic calcs by. Helpful for separating channel from floodplain.
    • save: optional file path to save htab as excel rather than returning a dataframe object.


  • Returns dataframe of reach-averaged hydraulic table (htab) calcs for a given 2D area. Htab table returns either the sum (for discharge, area, and perimeter) or discharge-weighted average (for roughness, hydraulic radius, and velocity) across all flowing channels.
  • Input options:
    • rem: Relative elevation model raster file. Stages in the rating curve will be referencing this REM.
    • extents: Shapefile of area to run hydraulic calcs.
    • vcl: Shapefile of the valley center line, used to calculate reach length.
    • slope: dimensionless slope for hydraulic calcs. Constant across all flows/depths.
    • roughness: Averge or assumed floodplain roughness. Will apply to channel as well without channel_area provided.
    • channel_area: Optional shapefile of active channel area for separate hydraulic calcs from floodplain.
    • channel_roughness: Manning's roughness for channel, only used if channel_area is provided
    • save: optional file path to save htab as excel rather than returning a dataframe object.

pebble_count(photos, obj_size_mm, method='rapid')

  • Creates classified image with grain size distribution and CSV file of raw data in the same folder as your image.
  • Input options:
    • photos: list of file paths to PNG/JPG of gravel bar with clear identifying object in the photo.
    • obj_size_mm: length of object along major axis in mm.
    • method: "rapid" for a faster Wolman pebble count or "detailed" for an area-weighted count of most visible grains

delineate_trees(ch_file, output, canopy_floor=10, min_ht=60, max_ht=120, min_area=20, combine_dist=5)

  • Saves a set of polygons representing delineated trees from a canopy height model.
  • Input options:
    • ch_file: Path to the canopy height model raster file.
      • output: Path to save the resulting tree locations shapefile.
      • canopy_floor: Height threshold to consider the ground level of the canopy (default 15).
      • min_ht: Minimum height to consider a detection as a tree (default 50).
      • max_ht: Maximum height to still consider the detection as a tree (default 100).
      • min_area: Minimum area for a tree detection to be considered valid (default 20).
      • combine_dist: Number of pixels within which to combine tree points (default 5).

def HSI(dep_raster,vel_raster,curve,output)

  • Determines habitat suitability index given depth and velocity rasters. Values range from 0-1. Curves based on WDFW Instream Flow Guidelines.
  • Input options:
    • dep_raster: Path to the depth raster file.
    • vel_raster: Path to the velocity raster file.
    • curve: Species and lifestage curve, options are: -"Adult Chinook Spawning Large River" -"Adult Chinook Spawning Small River" -"Juvenile Chinook Rearing" -"Adult Coho Spawning" -"Juvenile Coho Rearing" -"Adult Sockeye Spawning" -"Juvenile/Adult Rainbow Trout Rearing" -"Spring Chinook Holding" -"O. mykiss Juvenile"
      • output: Path to save the resulting HSI raster.


  • Determines critical grain size (Dcrit) using Shields' equation. .
  • Input options:
    • shear_raster: Path to the shear stress (lbs/ft^2) raster file.
    • tc: dimensionless critical shear, use values between 0.045 and 0.06.
    • psed: density of water (lbs/ft^3)
    • pwater: density of water (lbs/ft^3)
      • output: Path to save the resulting Dcrit raster.


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