A simple small library to handle x-y patterns, such as are collected with x-ray diffraction or Raman spectroscopy.
pip install xypattern
- Load and save patterns from/to various file formats (.xy, .chi, .fxye)
- Apply scaling, offset, and smoothing to patterns
- Background subtraction (manual or automatic)
- Pattern manipulation (limiting, extending, deleting ranges)
- Mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication)
- Pattern transformation (x-axis transformation)
- Pattern rebinning
- Pattern serialization to/from dictionaries
Usage Examples
Reading a file
from xypattern import Pattern
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
p1 = Pattern.from_file('path/to/file')
p1.scaling = 0.5
p1.offset = 0.1
plt.plot(p1.x, p1.y)
Use a background pattern
p2 = Pattern.from_file('path/to/file')
p2.scaling = 0.9
p1.background_pattern = p2
Automatic background subtraction
from xypattern.auto_background import SmoothBrucknerBackground
p1 = Pattern.from_file('path/to/file')
p1.auto_bkg = SmoothBrucknerBackground(smooth_width=0.2, iterations=30, cheb_order=20)
p1.auto_bkg_roi = [10.0, 60.0]
Pattern manipulation
limited_pattern = p1.limit(10.0, 60.0)
extended_pattern = p1.extend_to(5.0, 0.0)
cleaned_pattern = p1.delete_ranges([[10.0, 15.0], [40.0, 45.0]])
from math import pi, sin
wavelength = 0.3344
transformed_pattern = p1.transform_x(lambda x: 4 * pi * sin(x * pi / 360) / wavelength)
Scale and stitch multiple patterns
p1 = Pattern.from_file('path/to/file1')
p2 = Pattern.from_file('path/to/file2')
p3 = Pattern.from_file('path/to/file3')
from xypattern.combine import scale_patterns, stitch_patterns
patterns = [p1, p2, p3]
stitched_pattern = stitch_patterns(patterns)
Pattern serialization
pattern_dict = p1.to_dict()
p2 = Pattern.from_dict(pattern_dict)
p2 = p1.copy()
API Documentation
For detailed API documentation, please visit https://xypattern.readthedocs.io/ or https://cprescher.github.io/xypattern/.
Building Documentation
The project documentation is built using Sphinx. To build the documentation locally:
poetry install --with dev
cd docs
make html
The built documentation will be available in the docs/_build/html
directory. Open index.html
in your web browser to view it.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.