Scrolld.js JS for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline.
A simple gosu test with a vertical-scrolling shooter
Ruby gem for Luke Haas's scrollify jQuery plugin that assists scrolling and snaps to sections. Touch optimised.
Table with fixed header for Twitter Bootstrap
Add the jquery antiscroll script to your rails app by adding this gem. No lines in the manifest.
Infinity scroll, search and sort via web socket connection.
Library reading Bethesda's plugins files (.esp, .esm and .esl) files. Provides a simple API to access plugins' data organized in chunks
slim scroller used for create a simple attractive scroller
== #ScheduledResource This gem is for displaying how things are used over time -- a schedule for a set of "resources". You can configure the elements of the schedule and there are utilities and protocols to connect them: - Configuration (specification and management), - Query interfaces (a REST-like API and internal protocols to query the models), and - A basic Rails controller implementation. We have a way to configure the schedule, internal methods to generate the data, and a way to retrieve data from the client. However this gem is largely view-framework agnostic. We could use a variety of client-side packages or even more traditional Rails view templates to generate HTML. In any case, to get a good feel in a display like this we need some client-side code. The gem includes client-side modules to: - Manage <b>time and display geometries</b> with "infinite" scroll along the time axis. - <b>Format display cells</b> in ways specific to the resource models. - <b>Update text justification</b> as the display is scrolled horizontally. ## Configuration A **scheduled resource** is something that can be used for one thing at a time. So if "Rocky & Bullwinkle" is on channel 3 from 10am to 11am on Saturday, then 'channel 3' is the <u>resource</u> and that showing of the episode is a <u>resource-use</u> block. Resources and use-blocks are typically Rails models. Each resource and its use-blocks get one row in the display. That row has a label to the left with some timespan visible on the rest of the row. Something else you would expect see in a schedule would be headers and labels -- perhaps one row with the date and another row with the hour. Headers and labels also fit the model of resources and use-blocks. Basic timezone-aware classes (ZTime*) for those are included in this gem. ### Config File The schedule configuration comes from <tt>config/resource_schedule.yml</tt> which has three top-level sections: - ResourceKinds: A hash where the key is a Resource and the value is a UseBlock. (Both are class names), - Resources: A list where each item is a Resource Class followed by one or more resource ids, and - visibleTime: The visible timespan of the schedule in seconds. The example file <tt>config/resource_schedule.yml</tt> (installed when you run <tt>schedulize</tt>) should be enough to display a two-row schedule with just the date above and the hour below. Of course you can monkey-patch or subclass these classes for your own needs. ### The schedule API The 'schedule' endpoint uses parameters <tt>t1</tt> and <tt>t2</tt> to specify a time interval for the request. A third parameter <tt>inc</tt> allows an initial time window to be expanded without repeating blocks that span those boundaries. The time parameters _plus the configured resources_ define the data to be returned. ### More About Configuration Management The <b>ScheduledResource</b> class manages resource and use-block class names, id's and labels for a schedule according to the configuration file. A ScheduledResource instance ties together: 1. A resource class (eg TvStation), 2. An id (a channel number in this example), and 3. Strings and other assets that will go into the DOM. The id is used to - select a resource _instance_ and - select instances of the _resource use block_ class (eg Program instances). The id _could_ be a database id but more often is something a little more suited to human use in the configuration. In any case it is used by model class method <tt>(resource_use_block_class).get_all_blocks()</tt> to select the right use-blocks for the resource. A resource class name and id are are joined with a '_' to form a tag that also serves as an id for the DOM. Once the configuration yaml is loaded that data is maintained in the session structure. Of course having a single configuration file limits the application's usefulness. A more general approach would be to have a user model with login and configuration would be associated with the user. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'scheduled_resource' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install scheduled_resource Then from your application's root execute: $ schedulize . This will install a few image placeholders, client-side modules and a stylesheet under <tt>vendor/assets</tt>, an example configuration in <tt>config/resource_schedule.yml</tt> and an example controller in <tt>app/controllers/schedule_controller.rb</tt>. Also, if you use $ bundle show scheduled_resource to locate the installed source you can browse example classes <tt>lib/z_time_*.rb</tt> and the controller helper methods in <tt>lib/scheduled_resource/helper.rb</tt> ## Testing This gem also provides for a basic test application using angularjs to display a minimal but functional schedule showing just the day and hour headers in two different timezones (US Pacific and Eastern). Proceed as follows, starting with a fresh Rails app: $ rails new test_sr As above, add the gem to the Gemfile, then $ cd test_sr $ bundle $ schedulize . Add lines such as these to <tt>config/routes.rb</tt> get "/schedule/index" => "schedule#index" get "/schedule" => "schedule#schedule" Copy / merge these files from the gem source into the test app: $SR_SRC/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb $SR_SRC/app/views/schedule/index.html.erb $SR_SRC/app/assets/javascripts/{angular.js,script.js,controllers.js} and add <tt>//= require angular</tt> to application.js just below the entries for <tt>jquery</tt>. After you run the server and browse to you should see the four time-header rows specified by the sample config file. ## More Examples A better place to see the use of this gem is at [tv4]( Specifically, models <tt>app/models/event.rb</tt> and <tt>app/models/station.rb</tt> give better examples of implementing the ScheduledResource protocol and adapting to a db schema organized along somewhat different lines. ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request
This provides jQUery scrollTo for your Rails 3.1 - 4.x application
Scrolls a textual guitar tab on the terminal. It supports forward and backwards auto-scrolling and currently reads a nice range of guitar tabs.
jQuery Simply Scroll for rails
Its code is rarely and easy to use.
TurboScroll is a minimalistic gem that provides infinite scrolling for Rails based applications using Turbo.
This RubyMotion gem provides a means of horizontally scrolling through items as opposed to the standard iOS vertical scroll
For more infos & how to use the jQuery ScrollTo PlugIn visit:
This gem provides a javascript plugin to allow uni or bidirectional infinite scrolling with options
Replace Pageflow video controls with the Scrollytelling version
Tim edition of an ASCII side-scrolling game, with ANSI color!
Render the Piwik analytics JavaScript snippet for Pageflow stories.
Gem to automate use of the Onion's fartscroll.js using asset pipeline.
By default spree uses page based navigation for product listings. This gem replaces it with infinite scrolling.
Rails engine for d-oliveros/ngSticky: "AngularJS directive to make elements stick when scrolling down"
For fetching citation list in paper, it is very exhausted process; open pdf file, scroll page harder, copy and paste google scholar. This gem library is specify to parse flat-citation list to strucutured format such as BiBTex to easy to refer to your paper, survey paper and so on.
Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results. This gem integrates Select2 with Rails asset pipeline for easy of use.
Rolling Logs in Ruby
Integrates JQuery ScrollToFixed to Rails Sprockets
A counter for Pageflow stories.
Infinite scroll page lazy loading plugin for Ruby on Rails
Elder Scrolls: Legends SDK is a wrapper around the Elder Scrolls: Legends API located at
A collection of CSS list scroll effects. Works in browsers with support for CSS 3D transforms including a special touch-enabled mode for iOS & Android 4.x.
This gem lets user display large text on terminal by creating a scroll area in which only a specified portion of the text is displayed at a time. This portion can be moved to reveal other parts of the text, analogous to a GUI scroll area.
Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results. This gem integrates Select2 with Rails asset pipeline for easy of use.
Rails helpers for logging Javascript and UI events with Scrolls
The Eldar Scrolls is a magical tool to generate new Rails and modify existing Rails applications (coming) to include your favourite, powerful magic.
# HebCal Determines the date of Passover for a Gregorian year. Also includes boolean functions to check whether a date is a Jewish holiday, Fast Day or Rosh Chodesh. Supported languages: Javascript Ruby ## Installation as a Ruby gem Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'hebcal' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install hebcal ## General notes 1. 3- and 4-digit years are supported, so the domain of valid years is 100-9999. For years before the Gregorian transition (1582), the transition is ignored and the proleptic Gregorian calendar is used. ## Ruby Version ### To Run Unit Tests $ rake test ### To Use #### Calculating the date of Passover 1. At the top of the file where the class is defined, declare `require `hebcal`` 1. In the class, declare `include HebCal::Passover` 1. `WhenIsPesach(yyyy)` returns a Ruby Time object representing midnight on the first day of passover, where `yyyy` is the Gregorian year Note that the date returned is the first day of Pesach, not the day on which Pesach begins at sunset. #### Finding out if a date is a holiday 1. At the top of the file where the class is defined, declare `require `hebcal`` 1. In the desired class, declare `include HebCal::Holidays` 1. `IsPesach(d)` returns true iff d is a Ruby Time object representing a date during Pesach. Note that the day on which Pesach begins at sunset returns false. 1. The following functions work in a similar way to `IsPesach()`: 1. `IsShavuot()`, `IsRoshHashanah()`, `IsYomKippur()`, `IsSukkot()` 1. `IsRegel()`: `IsPesach() || IsShavuot || IsSukkot()` 1. `IsMoed()`: Hol HaMoed Pesach or Hol HaMoed Sukkot 1. `IsYomTov()`: `IsPesach() || IsShavuot() || IsRoshHashanah() || IsSukkot()) && !IsMoed()` Note that IsYomTov(yk) == false, where yk is the date of Yom Kippur. 1. `IsPurim()`, `IsHanuka()` 1. `Is10Tevet()`, `IsTaanitEster()`, `Is17Tamuz()`, `Is9Av()`, `IsFastOfGedalia()` 1. `IsTaanit()`: `Is10Tevet() || IsTaanitEster() || Is17Tamuz() || Is9Av() || IsFastOfGedalia()` 1. `IsRoshChodesh()` ## Javascript Version ### To Run Unit Tests 1. Open index.html in a browser. You should see a lot of green text saying that tests passed. If not, javascript may not be enabled in your browser. Scroll down to the bottom and verify that the summary says all tests passed. ### To Use 1. Include the javascript source file in your HTML page 1. If using Ruby On Rails, you can declare `//= require hebcal` at the top of a javascript or coffeescript file 1. To include the script explicitly in an html file, `<script src="app/assets/javascripts/hebcal/passover.js" type="text/javascript"></script>` 1. All date formats are YYYY-mm-dd, where month is index from 1 (i.e. 1 == January, not the usual javascript index of 0 == January!) and YYYY is the Gregorian year. 1. $.whenIsPesach(yyyy) returns a date in the above format, where yyyy is the Gregorian year. Note that the date returned is the first day of Pesach, not the day on which Pesach begins at sunset. 1. $.isPesach(d) returns true iff d is a date during Pesach, in the above format. Note that the day on which Pesach begins at sunset returns false. 1. The following functions work in a similar way to $.isPesach(): 1. $.isShavuot(), $.isRoshHashanah(), $.isYomKippur(), $.isSukkot(); 1. $.isRegel(): $.isPesach() || $.isShavuot() || $.isSukkot(); 1. $.isMoed(): Hol HaMoed Pesach or Hol HaMoed Sukkot; 1. $.isYomTov(): ($.isPesach() || $.isSukkot() || $.isShavuot() || $.isRoshHashanah()) && !$.isMoed(); Note that isYomTov(yk) == false, where yk is the date of Yom Kippur. 1. `$.isPurim()`, `$.isHanuka()` 1. `$.isRoshChodesh()` 1. `$.is10Tevet()`, `$.isTaanitEster()`, `$.is17Tamuz()`, `$.is9Av()`, `$.isFastOfGedalia()` 1. `$.isTaanit()`: `$.is10Tevet() || $.isTaanitEster() || $.is17Tamuz() || $.is9Av() || $.isFastOfGedalia()`
onepage-scroll for rails
Tiny infinite scroll gem
Provides API Around JavaScript Scrolling Functionality
Adds a google map view for Volt apps. This will let you scroll the page when you mouse over the map
Select2 gives you a customizable select box with support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, infinite scrolling, and many other highly used options.
`puts`-like method where characters appear one at a time
Render a dynamic ComScore analytics Javascript widget for Pageflow stories.
A simple jQuery link scroll-to plugin for your Rails asset pipeline
Create beautiful fullscreen scrolling website
Helper for creating timelines with autoload content while scrolling with ability to transmit the additional parameters
J1 SCROLL Module is a gem-based module for J1 Template to enable smooth page scrolling, touch support, mousewheel support and a Back2Top button on every page.
Are you a puts debuguerer too? Tired of playing 'Where's Waldo' with your `puts`? Sick of losing and forgeting where the heck you've _put_ them in your code? or diying of boredom while scrolling through and endless pit of uneventful logs? If any of those is yes, then, my dear friend, I've got you some PunchyPP!
"Horizon-Flow" is a mobile friendly Jekyll theme characterized by a serene color palette of blue, gray, and orange. It features a clean, sidebar-free layout, keeping all content in a single, flowing main container. The header remains fixed even while scrolling, ensuring easy navigation. Allows Custom content to be displaye in the footer and footer-sidebar.
Select2, a jQuery-based substitute for select boxes, offers features such as search functionality, support for remote data sets, and infinite result scrolling. This gem offers search, remote data loading, and infinite scrolling, all wrapped in a beautiful Bootstrap 5 theme. Integrating them with your Rails app has never been easier.