Inkwell Timelines
Inkwell Timelines provides simple way to create timelines with autoload content while scrolling with ability to transmit the additional parameters.
It allows you to place timeline blocks on the pages - one block per page.
Each block can consist of several timelines (Blog and Favorite timelines on the screenshot).
Each timeline can consist of several types objects (Posts and Comments on the screenshot) with different templates to form them.
Timeline can consist of selectors ( category selector on the screenshot) to customize received data (for example, you can get timeline with only one category's items).
Timelines autoload next items when it is scrolled to the end.
Put in Gemfile
gem 'inkwell_timelines', :git => ''
After it do bundle install
Create inkwell_timelines.rb
file in config/initializers
and put in it your settings:
module InkwellTimelines
class Engine < Rails::Engine
config.load_distance = 150
config.autoload_path = 'timeline/get/'
config.partials_dir = 'your path to partials'
config.timeline_blocks = [
:id => 'timelines_block',
:timelines => [
:id => 'blogline',
:name => 'Blog',
:active => true,
:data_get => ->(options = {}) {
user = User.find options[:user_id]
user.blogline options
:transferred_params => [:user_id],
:multi_selectors => [
:id => 'category',
:name => 'Category',
:data_get => ->(options = {}) {
Category.where(:owner_id => options[:user_id], :owner_type => 'u')
:id => 'favoriteline',
:name => 'Favorite',
:data_get => ->(options = {}) {
user = User.find options[:user_id]
user.favoriteline options
:transferred_params => [:user_id]
Next, add //= require inkwell_timelines
to your js assets (for example - to application.js) and *= require inkwell_timelines
to your stylesheets assets (for example - to application.css).
Notice: if you want to modify CSS or JS you can add your modified files and not add default styles/js
Default partials are located inside the gem - here.
You can change this directory to your adding config.partials_dir = 'your path to partials'
parameter in your inkwell_timelines.rb
By default, there are 5 partials in this gem (you can change all of them):
If there are other objects except posts and comments - add partials for them.
To form the timeline block for the first showing add into your view:
<%= inkwell_timelines_tag(block_id, options = {} %>
For example:
<%= inkwell_timelines_tag('timelines_block',
:user_id => User.where(:nick => 'Pushkin'),
:for_user => current_user) %>
Notice: config for this block should be
To on autoload feature create controller for it, add it in the routes
, add its route to timeline config. For example:
- add
class TimelineController < ApplicationController
def show
match "/timeline/get" => "timeline#show"
- add its route to timelines config:
config.autoload_path = 'timeline/get/'
Next, add to created controller:
@options = inkwell_timelines_get_params(request.body, :additional options => {})
forms options for autoload timeline part generation.
Additional options needs to merge stored on the server with transferred from client options.
You may want to save some options on the server for security reasons (for example - current_user
should not be sent to the client because there it can be changed).
Here you can check the options that came with the client.
At the end of autoload controller method add
render :layout => false
class TimelineController < ApplicationController
def show
@options = inkwell_timelines_get_params(request.body, :for_user => current_user)
user = User.find @options[:user_id]
raise "current user has no permissions to see #{user.nick} timeline" unless current_user.can_see_timeline user
render :layout => false
After it create view file for autoload method in controller (in our cases - views/timeline/show.html.erb
) and add to it
<%= inkwell_timelines_autoload_tag(@options) %>
Sample located here.
To run it:
$ cd inkwell_timelines/test/dummy
$ bundle install
$ rake db:create
$ rake db:migrate
$ rake db:seed
$ rails s
And go to
in your browser after it.
Inkwell is Copyright © 2013 Sergey Sokolov. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the MIT-LICENSE file.