Hoe is a rake/rubygems helper for project Rakefiles. It helps you manage, maintain, and release your project and includes a dynamic plug-in system allowing for easy extensibility. Hoe ships with plug-ins for all your usual project tasks including rdoc generation, testing, packaging, deployment, and announcement. See class rdoc for help. Hint: `ri Hoe` or any of the plugins listed below. For extra goodness, see: http://docs.seattlerb.org/hoe/Hoe.pdf
Glimmer DSL for SWT (JRuby Desktop Development Cross-Platform Native GUI Framework) is a native-GUI cross-platform desktop development library written in JRuby, an OS-threaded faster JVM version of Ruby. It includes SWT 4.30 (released on December 1, 2023). Glimmer's main innovation is a declarative Ruby DSL that enables productive and efficient authoring of professional-grade desktop applications by relying on the robust Eclipse SWT library, with the familiar native look, feel, and behavior of GUI on Mac, Windows, and Linux. Glimmer additionally innovates by having built-in data-binding support, which greatly facilitates synchronizing the GUI with domain models, thus achieving true decoupling of object oriented components and enabling developers to solve business problems (test-first) without worrying about GUI concerns, or alternatively drive development GUI-first, and then write clean business models (test-first) afterwards. Not only does Glimmer provide a large set of GUI widgets, but it also supports drawing Canvas Graphics like Shapes and Animations. To get started quickly, Glimmer offers scaffolding options for Apps, Gems, and Custom Widgets. Glimmer also includes native-executable packaging support, sorely lacking in other libraries, thus enabling the delivery of desktop apps written in Ruby as truly native DMG/PKG/APP files on the Mac, MSI/EXE files on Windows, and DEB/RPM files on Linux. Glimmer was the first Ruby gem to bring SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit) to Ruby, thanks to creator Andy Maleh, EclipseCon/EclipseWorld/RubyConf speaker. If you liked Shoes, You'll love Glimmer!
Bosh package compiler
A nice Ruby interface to your system's MIDI services. MIDIator was inspired by Topher Cyll's fantastic Practical Ruby Projects book. In it, Topher describes how to interact with the MIDI providers in OSX, Linux, and Windows. As I was reading the book, I noticed some things I would do differently, which got me thinking that maybe it would be valuable to package up my modifications to the book's code and release it as a gem.
Guilded is a framework for building web based components centered around current web standards and best practices. The current framework is written in ruby, but could be ported to other languages. Guilded intends to provide a toolset for creating and consuming reusable web components. Currently, this problem domain is filled with JavaScript frameworks. These frameworks are wonderful and work very well. However, they do not degrade gracefully and are not accessible. Guilded seeks to provide the same level of "componentization" and ease of use without sacrificing degradability and accessibility. Guilded will achieve these goals by applying each technology at our disposal to do what it was intended. XHTML will be employed for content. CSS used for layout and styling. Behavior will be added to a component with JavaScript through progressive enhancement. The user will have the best experience with a Guilded component when CSS and JavaScript are enabled in their browser, but will still be able to use the component when CSS and JavaScript are disabled. Guilded will use jQuery as it's base JavaScript framework. jQuery was chosen because it lends itself to progressive enhancement due to the way it was authored. In addition, the tight integration of jQuery's selectors with CSS selectors is also highly desirable. When authoring a Guilded component, it is encouraged to write the behavior code as a jQuery plugin. This will allow the jQuery plugin to be used outside of the Guilded project, if desired. Guilded also seeks to provide a standardized CSS framework for creating layouts that are reusable and predictable. Guilded will utilize the currently existing RubyGems system to package its components. A new Guilded component will be packaged in a Gem and have a dependency on the Guilded gem. The Guilded gem contains the framework to build Guilded components. Update: Due to the quality components, etc. being generated by the MooTools community and the general quality of the library, we have decided to include support for it in Guilded as of release 0.3.0.
A corundum is a synthetic gemstone - including synthetic rubies. Ergo: a tool for synthesizing gems. Corundum starts with the outlook that gemspecs are relatively easy to work with, and that the opinion of the RubyGems team is that they should be treated as a configuration file, not a code file. Furthermore, Rake is a powerful, easy to use tool, and does admit the use of Ruby code to get the job done. The hard part about publishing gems is getting them into a state you'll be proud of. There's dozens of fiddly steps to putting together a gem fit for public consumption, and it's very easy to get some of them wrong. Corundum is a collection of Rake tasklibs, therefore, that will perform the entire process of releasing gems, including QA steps up front through packaging and releasing the gem
Build and deploy tools for Cocoa apps using Sparkle for distributions and upgrades; it’s like Hoe but for Cocoa apps. Package up your OS X/Cocoa applications into Custom DMGs, generate Sparkle XML, and upload. Instead of hours, its only 30 seconds to release each new version of an application. Build and deploy tools for Cocoa apps using Sparkle for distributions and upgrades; it's like Hoe but for Cocoa apps. The main feature is a powerful rake task "rake appcast" which builds a release of your application, creates a DMG package, generates a Sparkle XML file, and posts the package and XML file to your remote host via rsync. All rake tasks: rake build # Build Xcode Release rake dmg[automount] # Create the dmg file for appcasting (`rake dmg`, or `rake dmg[automount]` to automatically mount the dmg) rake feed # Create/update the appcast file rake upload # Upload the appcast file to the host rake version:bump:major # Bump the gemspec by a major version. rake version:bump:minor # Bump the gemspec by a minor version. rake version:bump:patch # Bump the gemspec by a patch version. rake version:current # Display the current version
Reap is a Ruby-oriented project assitant applicaiton. It provides tools developers commonly require to manage projects, from scaffolding thru packaging and releasing.
Build and deploy tools for Cocoa apps using Sparkle for distributions and upgrades; it’s like Hoe but for Cocoa apps. Package up your OS X/Cocoa applications into Custom DMGs, generate Sparkle XML, and upload. Instead of hours, its only 30 seconds to release each new version of an application. Build and deploy tools for Cocoa apps using Sparkle for distributions and upgrades; it's like Hoe but for Cocoa apps. The main feature is a powerful rake task "rake appcast" which builds a release of your application, creates a DMG package, generates a Sparkle XML file, and posts the package and XML file to your remote host via rsync. All rake tasks: rake appcast # Create dmg, update appcast file, and upload to host rake build # Build Xcode Release rake dmg # Create the dmg file for appcasting rake feed # Create/update the appcast file rake upload # Upload the appcast file to the host
The git package for Mr Bones provides tasks to incorporate git actions into gem release. It also provides some extensions to the Mr Bones "create" command that allow you to initialize a git repository and to create a new GitHub project.
SlimGems is a drop-in replacement for RubyGems, a package management framework for Ruby. This project was forked at 1.3.7, which was a great stable release. SlimGems focuses on maintaining a sane and stable API. We believe that the project has been put through enough stress testing by the community to lock into the current API functionality for the forseeable future. We will also continue to improve the runtime performance over time; we can do this without changing the API.
Cartage provides a repeatable means to create a package for a server-side application that can be used in deployment with a configuration tool like Ansible, Chef, Puppet, or Salt. The package is created with vendored dependencies so that it can be deployed in environments with strict access control rules and without requiring development tool presence on the target server(s). This is the last release of cartage. It's been a fun ride, but Docker-based images are our future at Kinetic Commerce. There is one feature that remains useful, the release-metadata output. We have created a new, more extensible format for which we will be creating a gem to manage this. One example of the implementation can be found at: https://github.com/KineticCafe/release-metadata-ts We will also be replacing `cartage-rack` with a new gem supporting this new format.
This gem includes the core JRuby code and the JRuby 1.8 stdlib as jar files, packaged specifically to work on Google App Engine. Version 1.4.1 is included in this release.
RTask handles tasks for releasing gem packages.
dr works with distribution-level packaging tools and helps you make and distribute your own Debian packages through your own repository. This is a super early release, certainly NOT ready for production.
Buildar helps automate the release process with versioning, building, packaging, and publishing. Optional git integration.
CapsuleCD is a library for automating package releases (npm, cookbooks, gems, pip, jars, etc)
$Id: README.txt 204 2010-11-30 02:20:04Z pwilkins $ sm-transcript reads results of SLS processing and produces transcripts for the SpokenMedia browser. For each file in the source folder whose extension matches the source type, a file of destination type is created in the destination folder. All of these parameters have default values. Note: Examples of the commands you enter in the terminal are for *nix. The command prompt in the examples is: felix$ <command line> If you are a Windows user, make the usual adjustments. Requirements: sm-transcript is written in Ruby and packaged as a RubyGem. Since Ruby is not a compiled language, you will need to have Ruby installed on your machine to run sm-transcript. You can determine if Ruby is installed by typing "ruby -v" at a terminal prompt. It should return the version of Ruby that is installed. If Ruby is not installed on your machine, navigate to http://www.ruby-lang.org/ and follow the installation instructions. sm-transcript was developed using Ruby 1.8. Other Ruby versions have not been tested as of this release. Installation: You can get sm-transcript as either a RubyGem or as source from svn. The preferred way to install this package is as a Rubygem. You can download and install the gem with this command: felix$ sudo gem install [--verbose] sm-transcript This command downloads the most recent version of the gem from rubygems.org and makes it active. Previous versions of the gem remain installed, but are deactivated. You must use "sudo" to properly install the gem. If you execute "gem install" (omitting the "sudo") the gem is installed in your home gem repository and it isn't in your path without additional configuration. Note: You need sudo privileges to run the command as written. If you can't sudo, then you can install it locally and will need some additional configuration. Contact me (or your local Ruby wizard) for assistance. The executable is now in your path. You can cleanly uninstall the gem with this command: felix$ sudo gem uninstall sm-transcript If you have access to our svn repository, you are welcome to check out the code. Be warned that the trunk tip is not necessarily stable. It changes frequently as enhancements (and bug fixes) are added. (note that the 'smb_transcript' in the command line below is not a typo.) svn co svn+ssh://svn.mit.edu/oeit-tsa/SMB/smb_transcript/trunk sm_transcript build the gem by running this command from the directory you installed the source. This is what it looks like on my machine: felix$ rake gem The gem will be built and put in ./pkg You can now use the gem installation instructions above. Using the App: Run with no command line parameters, the app reads *.wrd files out of ./results and writes *.t1.html files to ./transcripts. These directories are relative to where sm_transcript is called. Note: destination files are overwritten without a warning prompt. If you want to preserve an existing output file, rename it before running the app again. For example, run the app by navigating to the bin folder and enter projects/sm_transcript/bin felix$ sm_transcript This command run from this folder will read *.wrd files from bin/results and write *-t1.html to bin/transcripts. Usage: sm_transcript [options] --srcdir PATH Read files from this folder (Default: ./results) --destdir PATH Write files to this folder (Default: ./transcripts) --srctype wrd | seg | txt | ttml | srt Kind of file to process (Default: wrd) --desttype html | ttml | datajs | json Kind of file to output (Default: html) -h, --help Show this message There is a serious gotch'a in specifying the srctype parameter: it must match the case of the file extension that you're processing. This means that if the srt files that you are processing have the extension .SRT, then you must specify the srctype as "SRT". Pretty lame, I know. I will update the gem with a fix shortly. My apologies until then. Troubleshooting: sm-transcript requires additional gems to operate. The RubyGem installation should install dependencies automatically, but when it doesn't, you get an error that includes ... no such file to load -- builder (LoadError) in the first few lines when you run sm-transcript, the problem is a missing dependent gem. (the error above indicates that the Builder gem is missing.) Try installing the missing gem. For the error above, the command looks like this on my computer: felix$ sudo gem install builder See "Required Gems" below for more information. A warning message such as: "WARNING: Nokogiri was built against LibXML version 2.7.6, but has dynamically loaded 2.7.7"" may be safely ignored. If you continue to have trouble, feel free to contact me. Upgrading: You can easily upgrade by simply executing the same command you used to install the gem. Running install again will add the newer version and make it active. By default the most recent version is used, but older versions are still available, simply inactive. If are using svn, you should already know what to do. Required Gems: builder - create structured data, such as XML extensions - added for the 'require_relative' command. (To get this command in Ruby 1.8 you need to install this gem, for Ruby 1.9 the command is already part of the core.) htmlentities - html parsing json - create JSON structured data nokogiri - xml parsing library optparse - option parsing of command line ostruct - open data structures ppcommand - pp is a pretty printer. It is used only for debugging rake - make for Ruby rubygems - support for gems (shouldn't be needed for Ruby 1.9) shoulda - enhancement for Test::Unit This command installs gems on OSX and Linux: felix$ sudo gem install <gem name> I recommend running the following command to update to latest version of rubygems before loading new gems. felix$ sudo gem update --system Unit Tests: You may run all unit tests by navigating to the test folder and running rake with no parameters (the default rake task runs all tests). On my computer, it looks like this: projects/sm_transcript/test felix$ rake Release Notes: Initial Version - runs under Ruby 1.8.x. version 0.0.4 - fixes bug when processing .WRD files with CRLF line endings. version 0.0.5 - removed due to posting error version 0.0.6 - added srctype of ttml and desttype of json, fixed bug where beginning time of word was actually for previous word. version 0.0.7 - added srt as srctype version 0.0.8 - fixed bug that dropped last phrase from transcripts version 1.0.0 - declared this version 1.0.0 to conform more closely with gem numbering conventions. All tests run successfully. To Do: - specify individual files for processing rather than folders - fix bug in srt processing: can't read Creole srt content. - allow user to modify the "t1" file extension for addition languages of the same transcript. - update code to run under Ruby 1.9
Support for non-gem package releases for JRuby (pre-alpha!).
This package has reached End-Of-Life. 1.3.0 is the last release, since then, everything has gone directly into the Radius gem.
This release is the *last* version of cartage-rack. It will be replaced with a different tool in the future, but this release will allow installation in modern Ruby versions. cartage-rack is a plug-in for {cartage}[https://github.com/KineticCafe/cartage] to provide a Rack application that reports on release metadata. Cartage provides a repeatable means to create a package for a Rails application that can be used in deployment with a configuration tool like Ansible, Chef, Puppet, or Salt. The package is created with its dependencies bundled in +vendor/bundle+, so it can be deployed in environments with strict access control rules and without requiring development tool access.
Is there a gem author around you? Did you meet any author of the gems used? Did you contact with any author of the gems used on the Internet? Do you think that "the author is cool!", "the author is awesome!" or "I respect the author!"? Do you want to be a gem author? This talk doesn't describe about how to create a gem because it is easy. "gem" is a package of Ruby library (, tool and so on) for easy to install. This talk describes about developing a library that is gem content. This talk is based on my experience as a library developer. This talk describes about how to write codes, how to write documents, release, support and mental set for a better "library developer". I hope that this talk is a trigger for increasing the number of better "library developers".
Update, install, fetch, list, search, create, release, prerelease, validate and push wooga's paket/unity packages.
JRuby-vijava is the VMware Infrastructure (vSphere) Java API packaged for use with JRuby. This version is 2.1, synchronized to the release version of the VI Java API currently available on SourceForge.
The rubyforge package for Mr Bones provides tasks to release gem files to RubyForege.
ROS Ruby Client: rosruby ======= [ROS](http://ros.org) is Robot Operating System developed by [Willow Garage](http://www.willowgarage.com/) and open source communities. This project supports ruby ROS client. You can program robots by ruby, very easily. **Homepage**: http://otl.github.com/rosruby **Git**: http://github.com/OTL/rosruby **Author**: Takashi Ogura **Copyright**: 2012 **License**: new BSD License **Latest Version**: 0.2.0 Requirements ---------- - ruby (1.8.x/1.9.x) - ROS (electric/fuerte) - ROS requires python2.7 or more libraries Let's start --------------- Install ROS and ruby first. ROS document is [http://ros.org/wiki/ROS/Installation](http://ros.org/wiki/ROS/Installation) . You can install ruby by apt. ```bash $ sudo apt-get install ruby ``` Download rosruby into your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. ````bash $ git clone git://github.com/OTL/rosruby.git ``` please add RUBYLIB environment variable, like below (if you are using bash). ```bash $ echo "export RUBYLIB=`rospack find rosruby`/lib" >> ~/.bashrc $ source ~/.bashrc ``` To use with precompiled electric release ----------------------- If you are using precompiled ROS distro, use the msg/srv generation script (rosruby_genmsg.py) If you are using ROS from source, it requires just recompile the msg/srv packages by rosmake rosruby. ```bash $ rosrun rosruby rosruby_genmsg.py ``` This converts msg/srv to .rb which is needed by sample programs. If you want to make other packages, add package names for args. For example, ```bash $ rosrun rosruby rosruby_genmsg.py geometry_msgs nav_msgs ``` Sample Source -------------- ## Subscriber ```ruby #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'ros' require 'std_msgs/String' node = ROS::Node.new('/rosruby/sample_subscriber') node.subscribe('/chatter', Std_msgs::String) do |msg| puts "message come! = \'#{msg.data}\'" end while node.ok? node.spin_once sleep(1) end ``` ## Publisher ```ruby #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'ros' require 'std_msgs/String' node = ROS::Node.new('/rosruby/sample_publisher') publisher = node.advertise('/chatter', Std_msgs::String) msg = Std_msgs::String.new i = 0 while node.ok? msg.data = "Hello, rosruby!: #{i}" publisher.publish(msg) sleep(1.0) i += 1 end ``` Note ---------------- Ruby requires 'Start with Capital letter' for class or module names. So please use **S**td_msgs::String class instead of **s**td_msgs::String. Try Publish and Subscribe ---------------------- You needs three terminal as it is often for ROS users. Then you run roscore if is not running. ```bash $ roscore ``` run publisher sample ```bash $ rosrun rosruby sample_publisher.rb ``` run subscription sample ```bash $ rosrun rosruby sample_subscriber.rb ``` you can check publication by using rostopic. ```bash $ rostopic list $ rostopic echo /chatter ``` Try Service? ---------------------- ```bash $ rosrun rosruby add_two_ints_server.rb ``` run client with args ('a' and 'b' for roscpp_tutorials/TwoInts) ```bash $ rosrun rosruby add_two_ints_client.rb 10 20 ``` and more... ---------------------- You need more tools for testing, generating documentations. ```bash $ sudo apt-get install rake gem $ sudo gem install yard redcarpet simplecov ``` do all tests ------------------------- run roscore if is not running. ```bash $ roscore ``` and run the unit tests. ```bash $ roscd rosruby $ rake test ``` documents -------------------------- you can generate API documents using yard. Document generation needs yard and redcarpet. You can install these by gem command like this. ```bash $ gem install yard redcarpet ``` Then try to generate documentds. ```bash $ rake yard ``` You can access to the generated documents from [here](http://otl.github.com/rosruby/doc/).
The Gem plugin for the Detroit build system will build a gem during the package phase and releases it to rubygems.org (or other gem source) during the release phase.
ALPHA Alert -- just uploaded initial release. Linux inotify is a means to receive events describing file system activity (create, modify, delete, close, etc). Sinotify was derived from aredridel's package (http://raa.ruby-lang.org/project/ruby-inotify/), with the addition of Paul Boon's tweak for making the event_check thread more polite (see http://www.mindbucket.com/2009/02/24/ruby-daemons-verifying-good-behavior/) In sinotify, the classes Sinotify::PrimNotifier and Sinotify::PrimEvent provide a low level wrapper to inotify, with the ability to establish 'watches' and then listen for inotify events using one of inotify's synchronous event loops, and providing access to the events' masks (see 'man inotify' for details). Sinotify::PrimEvent class adds a little semantic sugar to the event in to the form of 'etypes', which are just ruby symbols that describe the event mask. If the event has a raw mask of (DELETE_SELF & IS_DIR), then the etypes array would be [:delete_self, :is_dir]. In addition to the 'straight' wrapper in inotify, sinotify provides an asynchronous implementation of the 'observer pattern' for notification. In other words, Sinotify::Notifier listens in the background for inotify events, adapting them into instances of Sinotify::Event as they come in and immediately placing them in a concurrent queue, from which they are 'announced' to 'subscribers' of the event. [Sinotify uses the 'cosell' implementation of the Announcements event notification framework, hence the terminology 'subscribe' and 'announce' rather then 'listen' and 'trigger' used in the standard event observer pattern. See the 'cosell' package on github for details.] A variety of 'knobs' are provided for controlling the behavior of the notifier: whether a watch should apply to a single directory or should recurse into subdirectores, how fast it should broadcast queued events, etc (see Sinotify::Notifier, and the example in the synopsis section below). An event 'spy' can also be setup to log all Sinotify::PrimEvents and Sinotify::Events. Sinotify::Event simplifies inotify's muddled event model, sending events only for those files/directories that have changed. That's not to say you can't setup a notifier that recurses into subdirectories, just that any individual event will apply to a single file, and not to its children. Also, event types are identified using words (in the form of ruby :symbols) instead of inotify's event masks. See Sinotify::Event for more explanation. The README for inotify: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/rml/inotify/README Selected quotes from the README for inotify: * "Rumor is that the 'd' in 'dnotify' does not stand for 'directory' but for 'suck.'" * "The 'i' in inotify does not stand for 'suck' but for 'inode' -- the logical choice since inotify is inode-based." (The 's' in 'sinotify' does in fact stand for 'suck.')
CreepCheck is a Ruby library that provides an API for checking romantic age compatibility based on the popular half-plus-seven formula for determining when it is socially (in)appropriate for people to date based on their relative ages. It comes with a sample command line interface utility. Opinions vary on appropriate age differences in romantic relationships, but the half-plus-seven formula seems to approximate United States cultural biases about appropriate age differences pretty well. This library and utility package was originally created as a joke related to assessing the ap propriateness of relationships between characters in fictional contexts, such as in fantasy/sci-fi prose and roleplaying games. It is not intended to be treated as a substitute for moral fiber or individual judgement, and no guarantees are made about the likelihood one's family or local courts of law will approve of a given relationship on the basis of the age of one's partner even if "approved" by the half-plus-seven formula. This tool's major release version is published on April Fool's Day under the terms of the DPL, or Detachable Public License. It is intended for entertainment purposes only. It is not even particularly well-written.
# DnsChecker Welcome to your new gem! In this directory, you'll find the files you need to be able to package up your Ruby library into a gem. Put your Ruby code in the file `lib/dns_checker`. To experiment with that code, run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'dns_checker' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install dns_checker ## Usage Just use it! ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/[USERNAME]/dns_checker. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
A Ruby package that displays several information about a RubyGem like author, total downloads, latest version, user ID, sha key, total gems owned by authors, release date etc.
Shrinkwraps code for quick and safe deployment. Initial release will tar code, encrypt and sign it, then upload it to a CDN. This also contains deployment tools for unwrapping and deploying these packages
Redirect to the latest available epel-release package for your OS release
ALPHA Alert -- just uploaded initial release. Linux inotify is a means to receive events describing file system activity (create, modify, delete, close, etc). Sinotify was derived from aredridel's package (http://raa.ruby-lang.org/project/ruby-inotify/), with the addition of Paul Boon's tweak for making the event_check thread more polite (see http://www.mindbucket.com/2009/02/24/ruby-daemons-verifying-good-behavior/) In sinotify, the classes Sinotify::PrimNotifier and Sinotify::PrimEvent provide a low level wrapper to inotify, with the ability to establish 'watches' and then listen for inotify events using one of inotify's synchronous event loops, and providing access to the events' masks (see 'man inotify' for details). Sinotify::PrimEvent class adds a little semantic sugar to the event in to the form of 'etypes', which are just ruby symbols that describe the event mask. If the event has a raw mask of (DELETE_SELF & IS_DIR), then the etypes array would be [:delete_self, :is_dir]. In addition to the 'straight' wrapper in inotify, sinotify provides an asynchronous implementation of the 'observer pattern' for notification. In other words, Sinotify::Notifier listens in the background for inotify events, adapting them into instances of Sinotify::Event as they come in and immediately placing them in a concurrent queue, from which they are 'announced' to 'subscribers' of the event. [Sinotify uses the 'cosell' implementation of the Announcements event notification framework, hence the terminology 'subscribe' and 'announce' rather then 'listen' and 'trigger' used in the standard event observer pattern. See the 'cosell' package on github for details.] A variety of 'knobs' are provided for controlling the behavior of the notifier: whether a watch should apply to a single directory or should recurse into subdirectores, how fast it should broadcast queued events, etc (see Sinotify::Notifier, and the example in the synopsis section below). An event 'spy' can also be setup to log all Sinotify::PrimEvents and Sinotify::Events. Sinotify::Event simplifies inotify's muddled event model, sending events only for those files/directories that have changed. That's not to say you can't setup a notifier that recurses into subdirectories, just that any individual event will apply to a single file, and not to its children. Also, event types are identified using words (in the form of ruby :symbols) instead of inotify's event masks. See Sinotify::Event for more explanation. The README for inotify: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/rml/inotify/README Selected quotes from the README for inotify: * "Rumor is that the 'd' in 'dnotify' does not stand for 'directory' but for 'suck.'" * "The 'i' in inotify does not stand for 'suck' but for 'inode' -- the logical choice since inotify is inode-based." (The 's' in 'sinotify' does in fact stand for 'suck.')
# Optio Welcome to your new gem! In this directory, you'll find the files you need to be able to package up your Ruby library into a gem. Put your Ruby code in the file `lib/optio`. To experiment with that code, run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'optio' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install optio ## Usage Write usage instructions here ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake test` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/[USERNAME]/optio. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). ## Code of Conduct Everyone interacting in the Optio project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the [code of conduct](https://github.com/[USERNAME]/optio/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
Generate a Swift package using the XCFramework uploaded to the Release assets of a private repository.
Creates a Remote Config release package
Whenever you want to create a homebrew package for a private repository, you have to create a custom download strategy as Homebrew does not support downloading releases from private repositories. Thanks to this Gem and a bit of configuration in your homebrew formula, you will be able to make your private repository available to your team via `brew install`.
fluent-package v5 LTSのリリースについて紹介するスライドです。