Implements Heap's server-side API
Got a heap dump? Great. Use this tool to see what's in it!
Heap, Priority Queue, Deque, Stack, Queue, Red-Black Trees, Splay Trees, sorting algorithms, and more
Log parser to identify actions which significantly increase VM heap size
This is a fibonacci-heap priority-queue implementation. That means insert: O(1) decrease_priority: Amortized O(1) delete_min: Amortized O(log n) This project is different from K. Kodamas PQueue in that it allows a decrease key operation. That makes PriorityQueue usable for algorithms like dijkstras shortest path algorithm, while PQueue is more suitable for Heapsort and the like.
Make several heap dumps and summarize allocated, retained memory
Ruby 1.9 heap contents dumper
Light-weight priority queue implementation using a heap
Introspect the Ruby Heap by indexing, counting, locating references to and detaching (in order to release) objects - optionally narrowing by namespace
Performant priority queue in pure ruby with support for changing priority using pairing heap data structure
Create an interactive memory info interface while pwn / exploiting. Useful for rubiers writing exploit scripts. HeapInfo can be used even when target is being ptraced, this tool helps a lot when one needs to debug an ptraced process.
drop-in replacement for I18n::Backend::Simple for faster lookups and quicker gc runs. translations are stored outside of the ruby heap
A priority queue which implements a lazy binomial heap. It supports the change priority operation, being suitable for algorithms like Dijkstra's shortest path and Prim's minimum spanning tree. It can be instantiated as a min-priority queue as well as a max-priority queue.
Ruby wrapper for the Namecheap API
ActiveModel::Serializers allows you to generate your JSON in an object-oriented and convention-driven manner.
Got a heap dump? Great. Use this tool to see what's in it!
A Solr-like interface for situations where running a Java application server is not an option (such as shared web hosting).
Data structures (lists, stacks, trees, heaps, graphs..) in pure Ruby.
Add just a couple of lines to your app, and have it receive exceptions from your other apps via the hoptoad_notifier.
Binary or multiple heap
drop-in replacement for I18n::Backend::Simple for faster lookups and quicker gc runs. translations are stored outside of the ruby heap
Ruby wrapper for the Namecheap API
Simple Ruby bindings for the RefHeap API.
A Ruby implementation of the Fibonacci heap data structure ideal for use as a priority queue with Dijkstra's algorithm.
Heap, Priority Queue, Deque, Stack, Queue, Red-Black Trees, Splay Trees, sorting algorithms, and more
Imports delimited text files to Active Record or Datamapper, with validations.
Transparent caching for your HTTP requests (heap, file, memcache). Built-in support for RestClient. Built upon Rack::Cache.
Log parser to identify actions which significantly increase VM heap size
I needed a way to test fonts on the web. I based this library on Cheapredwine uses to Harfbuzz' hb-view utility to generate images from fonts with a slew of different parameters. It also uses fontTools' ttx utility for font introspection.
A C extension implementation of a d-ary heap data structure, suitable for use in e.g. priority queues or Djikstra's algorithm.
Trees, Heaps, Timers, Error fitting, etc
A heap inspector for live memcached instances.
A Lita handler that returns the best deal for a game from
Fast hash-like fixed size cache class with FIFO functionality which removes oldest or less accessed records based on implicit heap.
Log parser to identify actions which significantly increase VM heap size
a Gem for interacting with the Namecheap API
Ruby implementations of a Stack, Queue, Linked List, Binary Tree, LRU Cache, Heap, Priority Queue, Graph and Weighted Graph. More to come!
Omniauth strategy for Namecheap
C Ext Priority Queue (binary heap)
Transparent caching for your HTTP requests (heap, file, memcache). Built-in support for RestClient. Built upon Rack::Cache.
HTTPS login from a separate domain
Heap, Priority Queue, Deque, Stack, Queue, Red-Black Trees, Splay Trees, sorting algorithms, and more
This is a skew heap algorithm for educational use.
**CheapRandom** is a set of tools for pseudo random number generation from arbitrary data. The properties of the **CheapRandom seed** make convenient random number generation possible -- useful for easily repeatable software testing. The **CheapRandom algorithm** is information conserving and generally appears to produce lower chi-squared statistics than **Kernel::rand** i.e. it appears to be more random. The **CheapRandom algorithm**, an original work by Bardi Einarsson, has been in use for 6 years.
Add just a couple of lines to your app, and have it receive exceptions from your other apps via the hoptoad_notifier.
The gem contains various implementations of known and uknown data structures and algorithms. /Currently the gem contains: #stack, #queue, #deque, #binary_heap, #priority_queue, #linked_list, #double_linked_list/
Ruby developers have, for as long as I can remember, had a disheveled heap of scientific and mathematical libraries - many of which operate in pure ruby code. Given a problem we either kludge together some cobbled mess or turn to Python/R/etc. And to this I say no more! rb_maxima allows a ruby developer to directly leverage the unbridled power of the open source, lisp powered, computer algebra system that is Maxima!
Calculates algorithms and data structures for sorting and searching. Selects best one to use for particular data set. Currently supports: Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort, Stack, Queue, Linked List, Binary Search Tree
A standard binary heap implementation in ruby. Internally, it uses an array as data store and a mutex to keep insert and eject opeations thread-safe (both on CRuby and JRuby).
Visualise a Ruby heap dump output from ObjectSpace.dump_all