Currency models currencies, monetary values, foreign exchanges rates. Pulls live and historical rates from,, Can store/retrieve historical rate data from database using ActiveRecord. Can store/retrieve Money values using ActiveRecord. For more details, see:
GoogleCurrency extends Money::Bank::Base and gives you access to the current Google Currency exchange rates.
A Ruby Library for dealing with money and currency conversion.
A complete open source e-commerce solution with multi-store, multi-currency and multi-language capabilities
ISO country code and currency library
If you are tracking any kind of assets the currencies gem is for you. It contains every currency in the ISO 4217 standard and allows you to add your own as well. So if you decide to take sparkly buttons as a form of payment you can use currencies to display the shiny button unicode symbol ☼ (disclaimer: ☼ may not look like a shiny button to everyone.) when used with something like the money gem. Speaking of the money gem, currencies gives you an ExchangeBank that the money gem can use to convert from one currency to another. There are plans to have ExchangeRate provider plugin system. Right now the rates are either set manually or pulled from Yahoo Finance.
Currency select plugin for Rails
Rails 3 helper number_to_currency_in_words that displays a currency amount in words (eg. 'one hundred dollars')
In the last few years digital currencies have successfully demonstrated their ability to become an alternative financial instrument in many different markets. Most of the technologies available at the moment are based on the principles of Blockchain architecture, including dominating currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Despite its popularity, Blockchain is not the best possible solution for all scenarios. One such example is for fast micro-payments. Zold is an experimental alternative that enables distributed transactions between anonymous users, making micro-payments financially feasible. It borrows the proof-of-work principle from Bitcoin, and suggests a different architecture for digital wallet maintenance.
Provides utility classes to support common patterns in concurrent programming.
A gem that calculates the exchange rate using published rates from and Compatible with the money gem.
Ruby SDK for the Currency Cloud API -
Ruby library for Open Exchange Rates API - free / open source hourly-updated currency data for everybody
You can write `its(:currency, :us) { should == 'US dollars' }`
autoNumeric.js library automatically formats currency and numbers. With an ujs flavor it is now directly usable in a rails project. All credits for autoNumeric.js library its-self go to its creator BobKnothe
A simple module to assist in formatting unambiguous prices and price ranges in international currencies in a Roman Script context.
Simple Money handling for your ruby app – ISO4217-compatible Currency instantiation, conversion, string formatting and more via an intuitive DSL:
Manage ISO 3166 Country Names and Codes, ISO 639 Languages, and ISO 4217 Currencies.
Ruby Gem for currency conversion using Google Finance
A really simple currency converter using XavierMedia API. It's Ruby 1.8, 1.9 and JRuby compatible, and it also takes advantage of Rails cache when available.
Simple native Ruby Library to browse ISO data related to countries, currencies, languages, etc.
RussianCentralBank extends Money::Bank::VariableExchange and gives you access to the Central Bank of Russia currency exchange rates.
Convert currencies using exchange rates from
Store your currency.
A tiny JavaScript library for number, money and currency formatting with Rails asset pipeline
NMoneys is an implementation of the Money Value Object to support representing moneys in the currencies defined in the ISO 4217 standard
A simple module that holds currencies and prices from the Apple's iOS App Store.
This gem extends Money::Bank::VariableExchange with Money::Bank::Currencylayer and gives you access to the current exchange rates on
Stick is an comprehensive science library including a units system providing both SI units and web-updated currency units, via a very easy to use method-based interface. It also include a large set of real world contants, provided in "m kg s" and "cm kg s" measures. More science libs are to come.
A lightweight gem for foreign exchange and currency conversion.
Fetches exchange rates from various sources and does the conversion
Information about currencies.
Generates a classes (or class like things) that can translate currency values in a specific currency to a number of other currencies. Other currency sources and new formats can be added.
Lightweight money and currency handler for working with financial calculations.
A Money.gem compatible currency exchange rate implementation for Nordea Bank
Currency Plugin based on a static currency table.
number_to_indian_currency helper converts given number to the indian currency format (also displays Rupees symbol)
ruby-iso4217 is a library for converting between code, currency name, and symbol.
Value Value is a library for defining immutable value objects in Ruby. A value object is an object whose equality to other objects is determined by its value, not its identity, think dates and amounts of money. A value object should also be immutable, as you don’t want the date “2013-04-22” itself to change but the current date to change from “2013-04-22” to “2013-04-23”. That is, you don’t want entries in a calendar for 2013-04-22 to move to 2013-04-23 simply because the current date changes from 2013-04-22 to 2013-04-23. A value object consists of one or more attributes stored in instance variables. Value sets up an #initialize method for you that let’s you set these attributes, as, value objects being immutable, this’ll be your only chance to do so. Value also adds equality checks ‹#==› and ‹#eql?› (which are themselves equivalent), a ‹#hash› method, a nice ‹#inspect› method, and a protected attribute reader for each attribute. You may of course add any additional methods that your value object will benefit from. That’s basically all there’s too it. Let’s now look at using the Value library. § Usage You create value object class by invoking ‹#Value› inside the class (module) you wish to make into a value object class. Let’s create a class that represent points on a plane: class Point Value :x, :y end A ‹Point› is thus a value object consisting of two sub-values ‹x› and ‹y› (the coordinates). Just from invoking ‹#Value›, a ‹Point› object will have a constructor that takes two arguments to set instance variables ‹@x› and ‹@y›, equality checks ‹#==› and ‹#eql?› (which are the same), a ‹#hash› method, a nice ‹#inspect› method, and two protected attribute readers ‹#x› and ‹#y›. We can thus already creat ‹Point›s: origo =, 0) The default of making the attribute readers protected is often good practice, but for a ‹Point› it probably makes sense to be able to access its coordinates: class Point public(*attributes) end This’ll make all attributes of ‹Point› public. You can of course choose to only make certain attributes public: class Point public :x end Note that this public is standard Ruby functionality. Adding a method to ‹Point› is of course also possible and very much Rubyish: class Point def distance(other) Math.sqrt((other.x - x)**2 + (other.y - y)**2) end end For some value object classes you might want to support optional attributes. This is done by providing a default value for the attribute, like so: class Money Value :amount, [:currency, :USD] end Here, the ‹currency› attribute will default to ‹:USD›. You can create ‹Money› via dollars = but also kronor =, :SEK) All required attributes must come before any optional attributes. Splat attributes are also supported: class List Value :'*elements' end empty = suits =, :hearts, :diamonds, :clubs) Splat attributes are optional. Finally, block attributes are also available: class Block Value :'&block' end block ={ |e| e * 2 } Block attributes are optional. Comparison beyond ‹#==› is possible by specifingy the ‹:comparable› option to ‹#Value›, listing one or more attributes that should be included in the comparison: class Vector Value :a, :b, :comparable => :a end Note that equality (‹#==› and ‹#eql?›) is always defined based on all attributes, regardless of arguments to ‹:comparable›. Here we say that comparisons between ‹Vector›s should be made between the values of the ‹a› attribute only. We can also make comparisons between all attributes of a value object: class Vector Value :a, :b, :comparable => true end To sum things up, let’s use all possible arguments to ‹#Value› at once: class Method Value :file, :line, [:name, 'unnamed'], :'*args', :'&block', :comparable => [:file, :line] end A ‹Method› consists of file and line information, a possible name, some arguments, possibly a block, and is comparable on the file and line on which they appear. Check out the {full API documentation}¹ for a more explicit description, should you need it or should you want to extend it. ¹ See § Financing Currently, most of my time is spent at my day job and in my rather busy private life. Please motivate me to spend time on this piece of software by donating some of your money to this project. Yeah, I realize that requesting money to develop software is a bit, well, capitalistic of me. But please realize that I live in a capitalistic society and I need money to have other people give me the things that I need to continue living under the rules of said society. So, if you feel that this piece of software has helped you out enough to warrant a reward, please PayPal a donation to now@disu.se¹. Thanks! Your support won’t go unnoticed! ¹ Send a donation: § Reporting Bugs Please report any bugs that you encounter to the {issue tracker}¹. ¹ See § Authors Nikolai Weibull wrote the code, the tests, the manual pages, and this README. § Licensing Value is free software: you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the {GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3}¹ or later², as published by the {Free Software Foundation}³. ¹ See ² See ³ See
BigDecimal backed amount of money in a particular currency.
Money and currency exchange support library.
Get daily and monthly currency rates from Czech National Bank.
Gem for finding and listing ISO codes for countries, currencies and languages
ISO country code and currency library
Acts as a dependency for the currency_layer and vat_layer gems. See for more details.
Pipedrive gem support for activites, activity-types, deals, deal fields,organizations, organization fields, persons, pipelines, recents, search, users, and a bonus addition a currency exchange calculator.
Manage currencies with Active Record
Common locale data for Rails i18n of Big Cartel's supported currencies.
Simple Ruby API to get exchange rates from currencies using Yahoo finance currency converter and XE currency converter. You can convert currencies directly through this library.