= Data Bank
Ever want to save data for later, but don't want the overhead of a database, or parsing large files into objects? With the data bank you can store an object in the same file as the defined class. Data Bank is just a little hack I tried out to learn how to marshal data.
== Install
gem install Adkron-data_bank --source http://gems.github.com
== Example
require 'rubygems'
require 'data_bank'
class MyObject
attr_accessor :data
def initialize(data)
@data = data
db = DataBank.new ".", "data_bank.data"
my_object = db.withdraw || MyObject.new(1)
my_object.data += 1
puts my_object.data
db.deposit my_object
Copyright (c) 2008 Amos L. King, released under the MIT license