Billabear::CheckoutApi | create_checkout | POST /checkout | Create Checkout |
Billabear::CustomersApi | add_seats_subscriptions | POST /subscription/{subscriptionId}/seats/add | Add Seats |
Billabear::CustomersApi | apply_voucher_to_customer | POST /customer/{customerId}/voucher | Apply voucher |
Billabear::CustomersApi | create_customer | POST /customer | Create |
Billabear::CustomersApi | create_customer_usage_limit | POST /customer/{customerId}/uasge-limit | Create Usage Limit |
Billabear::CustomersApi | customer_customer_id_uasge_limit_limit_id_delete | DELETE /customer/{customerId}/uasge-limit/{limitId} | Delete Usage Limit |
Billabear::CustomersApi | disable_customer | POST /customer/{customerId}/disable | Disable Customer |
Billabear::CustomersApi | enable_customer | POST /customer/{customerId}/enable | Enable Customer |
Billabear::CustomersApi | get_active_for_customer | GET /customer/{customerId}/subscription/active | List Customer Active Subscriptions |
Billabear::CustomersApi | get_all_customers | GET /customer | List |
Billabear::CustomersApi | get_customer_by_id | GET /customer/{customerId} | Detail |
Billabear::CustomersApi | get_customer_costs | GET /customer/{customerId}/costs | Usage Cost Estimate |
Billabear::CustomersApi | get_customer_limits_by_id | GET /customer/{customerId}/limits | Fetch Customer Limits |
Billabear::CustomersApi | get_customer_usage_limits_by_id | GET /customer/{customerId}/uasge-limit | Fetch Customer Usage Limits |
Billabear::CustomersApi | get_for_customer | GET /customer/{customerId}/subscription | List Customer Subscriptions |
Billabear::CustomersApi | get_invoices_for_customer | GET /customer/{customerId}/invoices | List Customer Invoices |
Billabear::CustomersApi | get_payments_for_customer | GET /customer/{customerId}/payment | List Customer Payments |
Billabear::CustomersApi | get_refunds_for_customer | GET /customer/{customerId}/refund | List Customer Refunds |
Billabear::CustomersApi | list_payment_details | GET /customer/{customerId}/payment-methods | List Customer's Payment Details |
Billabear::CustomersApi | remove_seats_subscriptions | POST /subscription/{subscriptionId}/seats/remove | Remove Seats |
Billabear::CustomersApi | update_customer | PUT /customer/{customerId} | Update |
Billabear::InvoicesApi | charge_invoice | POST /invoice/{invoiceId}/charge | Charge Invoice |
Billabear::InvoicesApi | download_invoice | GET /invoice/{invoiceId}/download | Download Invoice |
Billabear::InvoicesApi | get_invoices_for_customer | GET /customer/{customerId}/invoices | List Customer Invoices |
Billabear::PaymentDetailsApi | complete_frontend_payment_details | POST /customer/{customerId}/payment-methods/frontend-payment-token | Complete Frontend Detail Collection |
Billabear::PaymentDetailsApi | delete_payment_details | DELETE /payment-methods/{paymentDetailsId} | Delete |
Billabear::PaymentDetailsApi | delete_payment_details_customer | DELETE /customer/{customerId}/payment-methods/{paymentDetailsId} | Delete With Customer |
Billabear::PaymentDetailsApi | get_payment_details | GET /payment-methods/{paymentDetailsId} | Fetch |
Billabear::PaymentDetailsApi | list_payment_details | GET /customer/{customerId}/payment-methods | List Customer's Payment Details |
Billabear::PaymentDetailsApi | make_default_payment_details | POST /payment-methods/{paymentDetailsId}/default | Make Default |
Billabear::PaymentDetailsApi | make_default_payment_details_customer | POST /customer/{customerId}/payment-methods/{paymentDetailsId}/default | Make Default With Customer |
Billabear::PaymentDetailsApi | start_frontend_payment_details | GET /customer/{customerId}/payment-methods/frontend-payment-token | Start Frontend Detail Collection |
Billabear::PaymentsApi | charge_invoice | POST /invoice/{invoiceId}/charge | Charge Invoice |
Billabear::PaymentsApi | download_invoice | GET /invoice/{invoiceId}/download | Download Invoice |
Billabear::PaymentsApi | download_receipt | GET /receipt/{receiptId}/download | Download Receipt |
Billabear::PaymentsApi | get_invoices_for_customer | GET /customer/{customerId}/invoices | List Customer Invoices |
Billabear::PaymentsApi | get_payments_for_customer | GET /customer/{customerId}/payment | List Customer Payments |
Billabear::PaymentsApi | list_payment | GET /payment | List |
Billabear::PaymentsApi | refund_payment | POST /payment/{paymentId}/refund | Refund Payment |
Billabear::PricesApi | create_price | POST /product/{productId}/price | Create |
Billabear::PricesApi | list_price | GET /product/{productId}/price | List |
Billabear::ProductsApi | create_product | POST /product | Create |
Billabear::ProductsApi | list_product | GET /product | List |
Billabear::ProductsApi | show_product_by_id | GET /product/{productId} | Detail |
Billabear::ProductsApi | update_product | PUT /product/{productId} | Update |
Billabear::ReceiptApi | download_receipt | GET /receipt/{receiptId}/download | Download Receipt |
Billabear::RefundsApi | get_refunds_for_customer | GET /customer/{customerId}/refund | List Customer Refunds |
Billabear::RefundsApi | list_refund | GET /refund | List |
Billabear::RefundsApi | show_refund_by_id | GET /refund/{refundId} | Detail |
Billabear::SubscriptionsApi | add_seats_subscriptions | POST /subscription/{subscriptionId}/seats/add | Add Seats |
Billabear::SubscriptionsApi | cancel_subscription | POST /subscription/{subscriptionId}/cancel | Cancel Subscription |
Billabear::SubscriptionsApi | change_subscription_price | POST /subscription/{subscriptionId}/price | Change Price |
Billabear::SubscriptionsApi | create_subscription | POST /customer/{customerId}/subscription/start | Create Subscription |
Billabear::SubscriptionsApi | customer_change_subscription_plan | POST /subscription/{subscriptionId}/plan | Change Subscription Plan |
Billabear::SubscriptionsApi | extend_trial | POST /subscription/{subscriptionId}/extend | Extend Trial Subscription |
Billabear::SubscriptionsApi | get_active_for_customer | GET /customer/{customerId}/subscription/active | List Customer Active Subscriptions |
Billabear::SubscriptionsApi | get_for_customer | GET /customer/{customerId}/subscription | List Customer Subscriptions |
Billabear::SubscriptionsApi | list_subscription_plans | GET /subscription/plans | List Subscription Plans |
Billabear::SubscriptionsApi | list_subscriptions | GET /subscription | List |
Billabear::SubscriptionsApi | remove_seats_subscriptions | POST /subscription/{subscriptionId}/seats/remove | Remove Seats |
Billabear::SubscriptionsApi | show_subscription_by_id | GET /subscription/{subscriptionId} | Detail |
Billabear::SubscriptionsApi | start_trial | POST /customer/{customerId}/subscription/trial | Start Trial Subscription For Customer |
Billabear::UsageApi | create_customer_usage_limit | POST /customer/{customerId}/uasge-limit | Create Usage Limit |
Billabear::UsageApi | create_event | POST /events | Create Event |
Billabear::UsageApi | customer_customer_id_uasge_limit_limit_id_delete | DELETE /customer/{customerId}/uasge-limit/{limitId} | Delete Usage Limit |
Billabear::UsageApi | get_customer_costs | GET /customer/{customerId}/costs | Usage Cost Estimate |
Billabear::UsageApi | get_customer_usage_limits_by_id | GET /customer/{customerId}/uasge-limit | Fetch Customer Usage Limits |