A command line tool that converts Campfire transcripts to an IRC log format. Allows you to run pisg (Perl IRC Statistics Generator) on your Campfire conversations.
gem install duraflame
duraflame [arguments]
-c, --company=COMPANY As in http://{company}.campfirenow.com
-t, --token=TOKEN Authentication token
-r, --room=ROOM Room ID
-o, --output-dir=DIRECTORY Directory where log files will be written
-s, --start-date=DATE Start date, defaults to today
-e, --end-date=DATE End date, defaults to today
All arguments are required except for start and end dates, which default to today's date.
For example:
duraflame -c your_company -t your_auth_token96be2812d5367c97f2c87e545 -r 1234 -o campfire_logs --start-date 2012-05-25
This command will download transcripts from May 25, 2012 through today.
Then run pisg:
pisg -ch 'Room 1' -d campfire_logs -f irssi
- Improve performance (fetch transcripts concurrently, operate on streams)
- Fetch transcripts for multiple rooms