This gem was developed to facilitate the creation and management processes in rails projects.
From Gemfile
gem 'fcl_rails_daemon'
Then run:
$ bundle
Or only install:
$ gem install fcl_rails_daemon
After installation you need to create the directories and configuration files for this run
$ fcld --configure
Will be created:
- config/fcld_rails_daemon.rb (File where the commands are recorded)
- tmp/pids/fcld.yml (Pids file where the commands are recorded)
- lib/fcl_rails_daemon/command_sample.rb (A command template)
How to use?
[--create] Create a new command
$ fcld --create my_first_command
- Add the command file in lib/fcl_rails_daemon
- Records the command in config/fcl_rails_daemon.rb
[--destroy] Destroy a command
$ fcld --destroy my_first_command
- Remove the command file in lib/fcl_rails_daemon
- Remove record of the command in config/fcl_rails_daemon.rb
[--help] Displays the manual for commands and options
$ fcld --help
[--pids] Displays the pids of the commands registered
$ fcld --pids
[--logs] Displays the logs files for each registered command
$ fcld --logs
[start|stop|restart|status] Performs action for all registered commands
$ fcld start
[--env] Sets the environment for Rails application
$ fcld --env production start
[--command] Individual action to run a registered command
$ fcld --command my_first_command start
[--process_name] Sets a name to be assigned to the process (by default the name is the name of the command)
$ fcld --command my_first_command --process_name foo_my_first_command start