(Gem-based) front cover jekyll theme
A working example demonstrates that the new jekyll remote theme functionally efficiently separates content from presentation and enables you to keep in your repository only the custom assets, e.g., images, configuration.
In this way, you will receive future updates without pulling and resolving conflicts from the upstream. Moreover, it becomes easier to switch to other similar themes.
Add the following to your site's configuration file remote_theme: epidrome/front-cover
Forking the current repository is only necessary if you want to submit a pull-request for a bug or an improvement.
Why choose this jekyll theme for your front page?
- You don't have to modify any HTML, everything can be modified in config.yml.
- Very lightweight. No Javascript, No Bootstrap etc..
- MIT licensed.
This gem-based theme is a modification of the original [https://dashingcode.github.io/front-cover/](front cover)
The background image that was used as an example comes from Tom Hall.
You can find it on https://flic.kr/p/pqEPBb.
It's licensed under Creative-Commons.
This theme makes use of the amazing [http://fontawesome.io/](Font Awesome) icons.