Configurable Rails Engine for proxying API requests to the Gorilla API.
Add it to the Gemfile using Gorilla's private gem source:
source 'https://TdrhpteD4VdUEx8DzQgt@gem.fury.io/gorilla/' do
gem 'gorilla_proxy'
Then mount it in the client Rails application:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
mount GorillaProxy::Engine => '/'
Setup Application Keys
By default, the proxy will look for the following environment variables:
- The application's keyGORILLA_APP_SECRET
- The application's secret
You should probably just put those values in the ENV
, but, if you have to do
it manually, you can do so in an initializer:
GorillaProxy.configure do |c|
c.app_key = 'app-key-which-not-stored-in-the-repo'
c.app_secret = 'app-secret-which-not-stored-in-the-repo'
CSRF Protection
One of the benefits of proxying the API is the added advantage of CSRF
protection natively with Rails. Mainting CSRF protected connections is really
easy, and there are only a few steps you need to follow.
Initialization - When the user visits the page and we load the client
layout, make sure the CSRF token is stored in the typical meta
attribute in the head
<%= csrf_meta_tags %>
AJAX Requests and X-CSRF-Token
- Take the value of that tag and
send it along with any AJAX requests in the X-CSRF-Token
header. Rails
will handle validating the token.
Caching the new token - Your AJAX request handler should also look for
a X-CSRF-Token
in the response. Store that new token so it can be re-used
in step #2.
Here's an example:
window.csrfToken = $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content');
$.ajaxPrefilter(function(options, originalOptions, xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', window.csrfToken);
$(document).ajaxComplete(function(event, xhr, settings) {
var newToken = xhr.getResponseHeader('X-CSRF-Token');
if (newToken) { window.csrfToken = newToken; }
Routes and Proxying
Proxying is handled by directly processing relative endpoints. For example, a
call to the app's backend like so:
PUT /api/forms/1
Host: app.gorilla.io
{"name": 'New form name'}
Get's translated into:
PUT /forms/1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/vnd.gorilla.v1+json
Host: api.gorilla.io
{"name": 'New form name'}
The response from the call to the app's backend will mirror the response from
Gorilla API exactly.
List of Routes
Proxy Route | App Route | Authentication |
/api/apps/:path | api.gorilla.io/apps/:path | Application Signature |
/api/:path | api.gorilla.io/:path | Bearer Token |
/auth/login | api.gorilla.io/apps/tokens/authorize | Application Signature |
/auth/logout | api.gorilla.io/apps/tokens/revoke | Application Signature |
/auth/refresh | api.gorilla.io/apps/tokens/refresh | Application Signature |