= HDetEcKey
HDetEcKey is a Ruby implement of https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Deterministic_Wallet[Hierachical Deterministic wallets] according to the specification https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki[BIP0032].
== What is use for ?
== How to get it !
[source, bash]
Or in a neer future:
[source, bash]
gem install hdet-ec-key
=== Prerequistes
- Ruby 2.5.0
- Openssl (ruby included)
Support of other version of Ruby should be possible.
== Usage
For more details about how Herarchical Deterministic Wallet works, please see the https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki[BIP0032] specifications.
=== Generate master key
First you need to generate the first key.
The point where all keys starts.
The BIP32 standard specify simple method with HMAC512
The default key is Bitcoin seed and the seed is choosen by the user.
To generate a master key:
[source, ruby]
seed = ["000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f"].pack("H*")
master_key = HDetEc::Key.generate_master_key(seed)
No convertion of the given string is operated, the seed
is used as is.
The key
can be change by setting the second parameter:
[source, ruby]
master_key = HDetEc::Key.generate_master_key(seed, "my special key")
=== Public key, private and public derivation
To get the public key from the a key:
[source, ruby]
pub = master_key.public_key
or a more verbose version
pub = master.public_key_from_private
Then you can derive, ether public or private key:
[source, ruby]
pub.derive([0, 1, 2000])
master_key.derive(0, 1.h, 2000)
The derivation path is determined by an array of index.
the #h function for interger means harderned index, only available for private key derivation.
=== Serialization
Each keys can be serialized in BIP32 specified form:
pub.serialize # xpub.....
master_key.serialize # xprv.....