iLovePDF Api - Ruby Library

A library in ruby for iLovePDF Api
You can sign up for a iLovePDF account at
Develop and automate PDF processing tasks like:
- Compress PDF
- Merge PDF
- Split PDF
- Convert Office to PDF
- PDF to JPG
- Images to PDF
- Add Page Numbers
- Rotate PDF
- Unlock PDF
- Protect PDF
- Stamp a Watermark
- Repair PDF
- PDF to PDF/A
- Validate PDF/A
- Extract
- Sign PDF
Each one with several settings to get your desired results.
Ruby 2.6 or greater
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'ilovepdf'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install ilovepdf
Getting started
The quickest way to get started is to first get a set of API keys here
and run the following code snippet:
public_key = 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY'
private_key = 'YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY'
ilovepdf =, private_key)
task = ilovepdf.new_task :compress
file1 = task.add_file 'my_disk/my_example1.pdf'
file2 = task.add_file 'my_disk/my_example2.pdf'
file3 = task.add_file_from_url 'http://URL_TO_PDF'
That's it!
For a more in-depth usage, refer to the sample codes in this repository.
Signature Tool
The usage of this tool is different than the other tools, the following example shows how to create a signature using the iLovePDF API:
my_task =, priv_key)
file = my_task.add_file '/path/to/file/sample.pdf'
signer =,'name','')
signature_element =
signature_element.set_position(x: 20, y: -20)
signature_element.pages = "1"
signature_element.size = 40
signer << signature_element
body = my_task.send_to_sign.body
For a more in-depth usage, refer to all of the signature examples on the sample codes in this repository.
All PDF tools have the following methods that contact with the iLovePDF API:
Method | Description | Notes |
add_file(file) | Uploads a file to iLovepdf servers | Returns boolean |
add_file_from_url(url) | Uploads a file to iLovepdf servers using a URL | Returns boolean |
delete_file(file) | Deletes a file from ilovepdf | Returns boolean |
download(filepath) | Downloads the processed file | Returns boolean; No need to specify a filepath |
status | Retrieves the current status of the task being processed | Returns Ilovepdf::Response |
execute | Sends a request to Ilovepdf to begin processing the PDFs | Returns Ilovepdf::Response |
delete! | Deletes the task | Returns Ilovepdf::Response |
imagepdf_task =, secret_key)
http_response = imagepdf_task.execute
puts http_response.body
puts "Your file was downloaded successfully!"
Methods common to all tools
Method | Description | Notes |
enable_file_encryption(boolean, key) | The key will be used to decrypt the files before processing and re-encrypt them after processing | If no key provided, a random key is assigned (default: false) |
assign_meta_value(key, value) | More info | |
ignore_errors | More info | (default: true) |
ignore_password | More info | (default: true) |
try_pdf_repair | When a PDF to process fails we try to repair it automatically | (default: true) |
packaged_filename | This allows you to specify the filename of the compressed file in case there is more than 1 file to be downloaded | |
output_filename | The final name of the processed file | |
Methods to query after performing the execute API method:
- result: It has stored the last Ilovepdf::Response
Methods to query after performing the download API method:
- download_info: Returns a struct with the following info
- :output_filename
- :output_file
- :output_filetype
Tool attributes
All tools have specific attributes you can access and modify.
If you need want to know which params are available for a specific tool via the code, you can by looking at the API_PARAMS of that particular tool.
For example for the Image to PDF tool:
puts Ilovepdf::Tool::Imagepdf::API_PARAMS
To instantiate a Compress tool task directly do:
compress_task =, secret_key)
Handling errors
Whenever there is an API Error in one of the endpoints, you can try to capture it the following way:
compress_task =, secret_key)
rescue Ilovepdf::ApiError => e
puts e.http_response.body
For a more complete example of error handling check samples/try_catch_errors.rb
Please see for up-to-date documentation.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.