The Jasmine Gem

The Jasmine Ruby Gem is a package of helper code for developing Jasmine projects for Ruby-based web projects (Rails, Sinatra, etc.) or for JavaScript projects where Ruby is a welcome partner. It serves up a project's Jasmine suite in a browser so you can focus on your code instead of manually editing script tags in the Jasmine runner HTML file.
Webpacker support is provided via the
NPM package, not this gem. jasmine-browser-runner
can also be used to test
JavaScript in Rails applications that use the Asset Pipeline.
The jasmine
and jasmine-core
Ruby gems are deprecated. There will be no
further releases after the end of the Jasmine 3.x series. We recommend that most
users migrate to the jasmine-browser-runner
npm package, which is the direct replacement for the jasmine
If jasmine-browser-runner
doesn't meet your needs, one of these might:
- The jasmine npm package to run
specs in Node.js.
- The standalone distribution
to run specs in browsers with no additional tools.
- The jasmine-core npm package if all
you need is the Jasmine assets. This is the direct equivalent of the
Ruby gem.
This gem contains:
- A small server that builds and executes a Jasmine suite for a project
- A script that sets up a project to use the Jasmine gem's server
- Generators for Ruby on Rails projects (Rails 4 and 5)
You can get all of this by: gem install jasmine
or by adding Jasmine to your Gemfile
group :development, :test do
gem 'jasmine'
Init A Project
To initialize a rails project for Jasmine
rails generate jasmine:install
rails generate jasmine:examples
For any other project (Sinatra, Merb, or something we don't yet know about) use
jasmine init
jasmine examples
Start the Jasmine server:
rake jasmine
Point your browser to localhost:8888
. The suite will run every time this page is re-loaded.
For Continuous Integration environments, add this task to the project build steps:
rake jasmine:ci
This uses PhantomJS to load and run the Jasmine suite.
Please note that PhantomJS will be auto-installed by the phantomjs-gem at the first rake jasmine:ci
run. If you have a matching PhantomJS version somewhere on your path, it won't install. You can disable automatic installation altogether (and use the PhantomJS on your path) via the config helper in your jasmine_helper.rb:
Jasmine.configure do |config|
config.prevent_phantom_js_auto_install = true
Customize spec/javascripts/support/jasmine.yml
to enumerate the source files, stylesheets, and spec files you would like the Jasmine runner to include.
You may use dir glob strings.
Alternatively, you may specify the path to your jasmine.yml
by setting an environment variable:
rake jasmine:ci JASMINE_CONFIG_PATH=relative/path/to/your/jasmine.yml
In addition, the spec_helper
key in your jasmine.yml specifies the path to a ruby file that can do programmatic configuration.
After running jasmine init
or rails generate jasmine:install
it will point to spec/javascripts/support/jasmine_helper.rb
which you can modify to fit your needs.
Running Jasmine on a different port
The ports that rake jasmine
(or rake jasmine:server
) and rake jasmine:ci
run on are configured independently, so they can both run at the same time.
To change the port that rake jasmine
In your jasmine_helper.rb:
Jasmine.configure do |config|
config.server_port = 5555
By default rake jasmine:ci
will attempt to find a random open port, to set the port that rake jasmine:ci
In your jasmine_helper.rb:
Jasmine.configure do |config|
config.ci_port = 1234
By default rake jasmine:ci
will print results in color, to change this configuration:
In your jasmine_helper.rb:
Jasmine.configure do |config|
config.color = false
Using headless Chrome
- Add
as a dependency - In your jasmine_helper.rb:
Jasmine.configure do |config|
config.runner_browser = :chromeheadless
Additional configuration options
- to customize which binary to executeconfig.chrome_cli_options
- if you know what you're doing you can customize the CLIconfig.chrome_startup_timeout
- change the amount of time to wait for chrome to start
On Travis-CI
Add this to your .travis.yml
chrome: stable
Jasmine Mailing list:
Twitter: @jasminebdd
Please file issues here at Github
Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pivotal Labs. This software is licensed under the MIT License.