= Simple command-line todo list manager
Really want to get things done? Don't want to juggle with web based todo lists?
Get your things done with command-line. No hassle, no distraction - Try out todo ruby gem.
- Uses human readable YAML to store the todo lists (You could edit the todo list manually)
- Supportss project specific todo lists. (Just run 'todo create' in your project directory)
- Supports tagging.
== Install
First make sure you install the dependency gems.
sudo gem install main
sudo gem install highline
sudo gem install todo (should work)
You can also install from git
git clone git://github.com/laktek/todo.git
cd todo
rake install_gem
== Example:
Here is a small sample on how to use todo gem
#visit your project folder
cd projects/newapp
#create a new todo list for the project
todo create
#add a new task
todo add "write the specs"
- add tags : important, due:24/08/2008
#listing all tasks
todo list --all
#listing tasks tagged 'important'
todo list --tag important
#removing a task by name
todo remove "write the specs"
#removing a task by index
todo remove -i 1
== Issues/Improvements
Todo is still its infant days and have very minimum functionality. If you come across any issues or like to suggest any improvements, please feel free to contact me : lakshan [at] web2media [dot] net