Lishogi::AccountApi | account | GET /api/account/preferences | Get my preferences |
Lishogi::AccountApi | account_email | GET /api/account/email | Get my email address |
Lishogi::AccountApi | account_kid | GET /api/account/kid | Get my kid mode status |
Lishogi::AccountApi | account_kid_post | POST /api/account/kid | Set my kid mode status |
Lishogi::AccountApi | account_me | GET /api/account | Get my profile |
Lishogi::AnalysisApi | api_cloud_eval | GET /api/cloud-eval | Get cloud evaluation of a position. |
Lishogi::ArenaTournamentsApi | api_team_arena | GET /api/team/{teamId}/arena | Get team Arena tournaments |
Lishogi::ArenaTournamentsApi | api_tournament | GET /api/tournament | Get current tournaments |
Lishogi::ArenaTournamentsApi | api_tournament_post | POST /api/tournament | Create a new Arena tournament |
Lishogi::ArenaTournamentsApi | api_user_name_tournament_created | GET /api/user/{username}/tournament/created | Get tournaments created by a user |
Lishogi::ArenaTournamentsApi | games_by_tournament | GET /api/tournament/{id}/games | Export games of an Arena tournament |
Lishogi::ArenaTournamentsApi | results_by_tournament | GET /api/tournament/{id}/results | Get results of an Arena tournament |
Lishogi::ArenaTournamentsApi | teams_by_tournament | GET /api/tournament/{id}/teams | Get team standing of a team battle |
Lishogi::ArenaTournamentsApi | tournament | GET /api/tournament/{id} | Get info about an Arena tournament |
Lishogi::BoardApi | api_board_seek | POST /api/board/seek | Create a seek |
Lishogi::BoardApi | api_stream_event | GET /api/stream/event | Stream incoming events |
Lishogi::BoardApi | board_game_abort | POST /api/board/game/{gameId}/abort | Abort a game |
Lishogi::BoardApi | board_game_chat_get | GET /api/board/game/{gameId}/chat | Fetch the game chat |
Lishogi::BoardApi | board_game_chat_post | POST /api/board/game/{gameId}/chat | Write in the chat |
Lishogi::BoardApi | board_game_move | POST /api/board/game/{gameId}/move/{move} | Make a Board move |
Lishogi::BoardApi | board_game_resign | POST /api/board/game/{gameId}/resign | Resign a game |
Lishogi::BoardApi | board_game_stream | GET /api/board/game/stream/{gameId} | Stream Board game state |
Lishogi::BoardApi | board_game_takeback | POST /api/board/game/{gameId}/takeback/{accept} | Handle takeback offers |
Lishogi::BotApi | api_bot_online | GET /api/bot/online | Get online bots |
Lishogi::BotApi | api_stream_event | GET /api/stream/event | Stream incoming events |
Lishogi::BotApi | bot_account_upgrade | POST /api/bot/account/upgrade | Upgrade to Bot account |
Lishogi::BotApi | bot_game_abort | POST /api/bot/game/{gameId}/abort | Abort a game |
Lishogi::BotApi | bot_game_chat | POST /api/bot/game/{gameId}/chat | Write in the chat |
Lishogi::BotApi | bot_game_chat_get | GET /api/bot/game/{gameId}/chat | Fetch the game chat |
Lishogi::BotApi | bot_game_move | POST /api/bot/game/{gameId}/move/{move} | Make a Bot move |
Lishogi::BotApi | bot_game_resign | POST /api/bot/game/{gameId}/resign | Resign a game |
Lishogi::BotApi | bot_game_stream | GET /api/bot/game/stream/{gameId} | Stream Bot game state |
Lishogi::ChallengesApi | challenge_accept | POST /api/challenge/{challengeId}/accept | Accept a challenge |
Lishogi::ChallengesApi | challenge_ai | POST /api/challenge/ai | Challenge the AI |
Lishogi::ChallengesApi | challenge_create | POST /api/challenge/{username} | Create a challenge |
Lishogi::ChallengesApi | challenge_decline | POST /api/challenge/{challengeId}/decline | Decline a challenge |
Lishogi::ChallengesApi | challenge_open | POST /api/challenge/open | Open-ended challenge |
Lishogi::GamesApi | api_account_playing | GET /api/account/playing | Get my ongoing games |
Lishogi::GamesApi | api_games_user | GET /api/games/user/{username} | Export games of a user |
Lishogi::GamesApi | api_user_current_game | GET /api/user/{username}/current-game | Export ongoing game of a user |
Lishogi::GamesApi | game_kif | GET /game/export/{gameId} | Export one game |
Lishogi::GamesApi | games_by_users | POST /api/stream/games-by-users | Stream games of users |
Lishogi::GamesApi | stream_game | GET /api/stream/game/{id} | Stream moves of a game |
Lishogi::MessagingApi | inbox_username | POST /inbox/{username} | Send a private message |
Lishogi::PuzzlesApi | api_puzzle_activity | GET /api/puzzle/activity | Get your puzzle activity |
Lishogi::PuzzlesApi | api_puzzle_daily | GET /api/puzzle/daily | Get the daily puzzle |
Lishogi::PuzzlesApi | api_puzzle_dashboard | GET /api/puzzle/dashboard/{days} | Get your puzzle dashboard |
Lishogi::SimulsApi | api_simul | GET /api/simul | Get current simuls |
Lishogi::StudiesApi | study_all_chapters_kif | GET /api/study/{studyId}.kif | Export all chapters |
Lishogi::StudiesApi | study_chapter_kif | GET /study/{studyId}/{chapterId}.kif | Export one study chapter |
Lishogi::StudiesApi | study_export_all_kif | GET /study/by/{username}/export.kif | Export all studies of a user |
Lishogi::TVApi | tv_channel_games | GET /api/tv/{channel} | Get best ongoing games of a TV channel |
Lishogi::TVApi | tv_channels | GET /api/tv/channels | Get current TV games |
Lishogi::TVApi | tv_feed | GET /api/tv/feed | Stream current TV game |
Lishogi::TeamsApi | api_team_arena | GET /api/team/{teamId}/arena | Get team Arena tournaments |
Lishogi::TeamsApi | team_all | GET /api/team/all | Get popular teams |
Lishogi::TeamsApi | team_id_join | POST /team/{teamId}/join | Join a team |
Lishogi::TeamsApi | team_id_kick_user_id | POST /team/{teamId}/kick/{userId} | Kick a user from your team |
Lishogi::TeamsApi | team_id_pm_all | POST /team/{teamId}/pm-all | Message all members |
Lishogi::TeamsApi | team_id_quit | POST /team/{teamId}/quit | Leave a team |
Lishogi::TeamsApi | team_id_users | GET /api/team/{teamId}/users | Get members of a team |
Lishogi::TeamsApi | team_of_username | GET /api/team/of/{username} | Teams of a player |
Lishogi::TeamsApi | team_search | GET /api/team/search | Search teams |
Lishogi::TeamsApi | team_show | GET /api/team/{teamId} | Get a single team |
Lishogi::UsersApi | api_crosstable | GET /api/crosstable/{user1}/{user2} | Get crosstable |
Lishogi::UsersApi | api_user | GET /api/user/{username} | Get user public data |
Lishogi::UsersApi | api_user_activity | GET /api/user/{username}/activity | Get user activity |
Lishogi::UsersApi | api_user_rating_history | GET /api/user/{username}/rating-history | Get rating history of a user |
Lishogi::UsersApi | api_users | POST /api/users | Get users by ID |
Lishogi::UsersApi | api_users_status | GET /api/users/status | Get real-time users status |
Lishogi::UsersApi | player | GET /player | Get all top 10 |
Lishogi::UsersApi | player_top_nb_perf_type | GET /player/top/{nb}/{perfType} | Get one leaderboard |
Lishogi::UsersApi | streamer_live | GET /streamer/live | Get live streamers |
Lishogi::UsersApi | team_id_users | GET /api/team/{teamId}/users | Get members of a team |