Get weather information about a city easily with Maju.
Maju is a rubygem package, and it can be installed via gem install command
gem install maju
or you can add to your Gemfile
gem maju
and then run
bundle install
After instalation and before usage, you need to create a account onOpen Weather Site and gerenate a API key. To create an API key, follow the steps in this tutorial
After get your API KEY, you need to start a maju client.
client = 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE', lang: 'pt_BR', unit: 'celsius')
Now you will use the instance 'client' to call all public method
To get today information about weather.
You need to pass city name with params 'city'
client.current(city: 'Monte Santo de Minas')
or to pass a lat and long cordinates
client.current(lat: '-21.2049202', long: '-47.0943532')
If you don't know lat and long from city, use geocode method.
if you need to find out lat and long of some city you can use geocode method
client.geocode(city: 'Monte Santo de Minas')
it will returns the array.
NOTE: if the return contains only one object, that is, only one city was found, it will return a direct object. If there is more than one city, an array containing objects will be returned, in the same structure.
"name": "Mococa",
"lat": -21.464731,
"lon": -47.002405,
"country": "BR",
"state": "São Paulo"
To get forecast for the days ahead, you can use the forecast method. If you don't know lat and long informations, use the geocode method.
client.forecast(lat: '-21.2049202', long: '-47.0943532')
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