= RailsCsvImporter
Define configuration in a hash and then import Ruby on Rails model data from CSV with one method call.
Both Rails 2 and 3 are supported.
== Usage
- Add acts_as_rails_csv_importer to your model
- Call YourModel.get_csv_import_template to generate the CSV template.
- Call YourModel.import_from_csv in your controller to import data from a CSV file uploaded.
=== In a Rails Model
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
=== Generate CSV Template
Call Foo.get_csv_import_template(import_config). See below for details on the parameter.
=== Import From CSV
Call Foo.import_from_csv(import_config, content, options = {})
A hash that defines what data are imported and how.
[:mapping] A hash that defines the columns in the csv. Each hash key is the model attribute name for the column.
Each value is a hash defining how the column is processed:
[:name] The heading that identify the column in the csv.
If omitted, the heading will be the humanized form of the key.
There are four different ways to specify how the column is processed:
[:value_method] A lambda to convert the column value from csv into the attribute value in the model.
Class Acts::RailsCsvImporter::ValueMethods provides some pre-defined value methods.
[:record_method] A lambda to find the associated record if this attribue is a foreign key.
[:virtual] If set to true, the column is not mapped to a model attribute.
Usually the column will be used together with other columns.
[None of the above options present] The column value will be used without any conversion.
[:find_existing] A lambda to find the existing record to update for a row.
A new record is created if the lambda could not find an existing record and return nil.
The row is passed as a hash to the lambda.
If this parameter is omitted, a new record is created for each row.
A string that contains the csv content to import from.
A hash of options for the import. (Optional)
[:partial_save] If true, any valid rows in the csv will be saved even if there are some invalid rows.
Otherwise, data will be imported only when all rows are valid.
Exception +Acts::RailsCsvImporter::RailsCsvImportError+ is thrown when there are errors duing the importing.
== Example
class Material < ActiveRecord::Base
class MaterialsController < ApplicationController
:mapping => {
'name' => {},
'fragile' => {
:name => "Fragile?",
:value_method => Acts::RailsCsvImporter::ValueMethods.boolean_value_method
'category_id' => {:record_method => lambda { |v, row, mapping| Category.find_by_name(v) } },
:find_existing => lambda { |row| Material.find_by_name(row['name']) }
def download_template
headers["Content-Type"] = 'text/csv'
headers["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="template.csv"'
render :text => Material.get_import_template(IMPORT_CONFIG)
def import
num_imported = Material.import_from_csv(IMPORT_CONFIG, params[:file_upload])
flash[:notice] = num_imported.to_s + " records imported successfully."
rescue Acts::RailsCsvImporter::RailsCsvImportError => ex
@err_message = ex.errors.map { |err, row| err.is_a?(String) ? err : err.full_messages }.join(';')
render :template => :error
For more examples, refer to +test/rails_csv_importer_test.rb+
== Download and installation
The latest version of RailsCsvImporter can be installed with RubyGems:
% [sudo] gem install rails_csv_importer
Source code can be downloaded on GitHub
== License
RailsCsvImporter is released under the MIT license: