Rails Turbo Flash
Automatic flash message injection for Ruby on Rails Turbo Stream responses.
Add rails_turbo_flash
to your Gemfile, or:
$ bundle add rails_turbo_flash
Getting Started
Include the controller helper:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include RailsTurboFlash::Callbacks
Use the view helper to render a turbo stream target into your top-level layouts. For example, in app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
<%= turbo_flash_tag %>
<%# Or with some additional attributes: %>
<%= turbo_flash_tag class: 'fixed flex gap-8 justify-center top-0 right-0 z-50' %>
Add flash messages in your controller actions with flash.now
That's it!
To customize Rails Turbo Flash, create a file config/initializers/rails_turbo_flash.rb
The default values are shown below:
RailsTurboFlash.configure do |config|
config.action = :prepend
To make Rails Turbo Flash look like your app, override the bundled views by adding them to your app. You can manually copy the specific views that you need to app/views/turbo_flash
, or copy them to your application with the included generator:
$ rails generate rails_turbo_flash:views
See the bundled views.
Why and How
Unable to find an authoritative solution from the Turbo Rails team or Rails community for adding flash messages to turbo stream responses, I hacked this gem together. It aims to be DRY, simple, and unobtrusive. This solution was tailored specifically to my needs and works for me; I make no guarantees it's good for everyone.
Basically, it checks for a turbo_stream
request format and appends a turbo stream to the response body via an after_action
callback. The entire implementation is only a few lines of code.
Here are a few ways you can help:
Open source under the terms of the MIT License.